I'm only guessing here, but I would think the Security guys and Paco by now are paranoid, and anybody coming on site, especially us poor genuine buyers, get short thrift.
Why this is I don't know - they have it nailed down tight but the orders are obviously coming down from Prienesur themselves.
You would indeed think that at this stage Prieneser would at least be "teeing" things up as far as possible, valuations, contracts, etc. but I ceased being mystified by what this crowd do a fair while ago.
I just hope Town Hall are nailing their skinny asses to the nearest bit of wood and extracting every last concession from them, since no-one, I think, are relishing completing this side of the C Word.
What I want to know is what's happening to our Club House which was on the site map ?
And I want lots of crickets in the gardens. Loud ones.