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Almanzora Country Club forum threads
The Comments
28 Dec 2007 9:41 PM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

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everything has been on hold since 2004


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29 Dec 2007 9:01 AM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

Re post below. There may be a decision shortly (hopefully) but noone in the public domain knows what the decision will be from Junta or exactly when they will make the decision. If anyone knows otherwise please give us a tip off !

 It is not necessarily a restart decision either. Sorry to put a damper on things but too many false alarms have been given out over a 2 year period and nothing has ever materialised. That is the reason so many have and will pull out on breach of the contract as we go into 2008.

I'm sure Huma will desparately be seekng the decision in their favour as soon as possible. Unfortunately it is out of their hands.

Remember, it is not just ACC involved in the PGOU and the conclusions they reach !!

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29 Dec 2007 9:48 AM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

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seems as though that some-one on the viva web site seems to know, and say that the junta has to make a dissision by march!!!!

where do they get the info from ?


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29 Dec 2007 10:17 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Almost certainly when a local council submits a PGOU to the Regional Council there will be time limits set down in Spanish planning laws for decisions and if neccessary appeals

The PGOU covers the whole area and not just ACC but what is certain is that the local council  100% supports ACC

Almost certainly over the last 2 years there will have been negotations over the developments to be included in the PGOU  

Whilst politics will eventually determine the outcome I think the general feeling is that if ACC was not a part of the PGOU then the backlash would be very negative for the future development of this part of Spain

Overseas buyers and the resulting tourist and other expenditure are an important part of the economic structure of the Costas including this part of Spain

So in a slowing market the last thing the locals want is a 'disaster' which ACC not going ahead would be

That does not mean that it is an odds on certainty!......and perhaps being a buyer staying in I am a little optimistic

But I take the view that a decsion on the PGOU will be nearer Easter than Jan 8th....hope I am wrong!

At a meeting in Spain with a group of ACC buyers last September most seemed to be giving it to Jan 2008 and I'm sure that many will decide in the new year that they want a home in Spain now and are no longer prepared to wait

And why not as life is for living!

Also if you start the get out procedure in Jan and find a re sale you will be able to use your new home by Easter 2008........not late 2009

And with a slow market get a good buy!






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29 Dec 2007 11:54 AM by tboneted Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

hi brian

are you going to wait till april then to make a final decision one way or the other.

i really want acc to be built but even im starting to get peed with the wait.

if they would keep us informed a little bit more , it would not be as bad.

anyway wish everyone a happy new year and fingers crossed not burned for us all in early 08


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29 Dec 2007 2:11 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ted

I suppose it is one step at a time and if Easter comes without any more definate infrormation then I think everyone will be in that position

However looking back to last summer Xmas 2007 loomed as a deadline!!....so I have allowed my decision to slip!!!

But I am not in a hurry and perhaps taking an investors approach





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29 Dec 2007 4:55 PM by Sparky Star rating in Somerset and Vera. 127 forum posts Send private message

For the people waiting and hoping, these deadlines we all keep giving ourselves just keep moving.

If someone had told me this time last year that we would have no idea it approval would be given at this time I would have got out.  However, because we were told first, we would know in March, then September, then Dec/Jan this is how the year has gone.

It just seems the longer we have waited and the closer we get to approval the more reason to stay in.

At the end of the day it's down to individuals circumstances.  I'm in no particular hurry but I would love to be rid of the uncertainty.

Let's hope for news early in 2008.  Best wishes to all for next year.

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30 Dec 2007 10:26 AM by 1600E Star rating. 44 forum posts Send private message

As someone going through the process of trying to get their money back from another complex ,which has been completed but no habitation licence, those that have, did you go to court or was it 'freely' returned? Was there any costs? We are still looking but now for a re sale as, like yourselves, we have already been waiting for a number of years.

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30 Dec 2007 4:30 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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All depends on the circumstances

Also 2008 will be a good year to buy re sales as people wanting to sell are likely to accept sensible prices

There are some good ones out there waiting for you to find! 





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31 Dec 2007 2:12 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

1600E, ?

Unusual name to choose, is it because of the love for fords wonderfull cortina mk 11??

just curious and playing the long waiting game for the green light at acc.



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01 Jan 2008 10:55 PM by Les Star rating in Cork Ireland. 68 forum posts Send private message

Having made HUMA fully aware that we are pulling out, now that we are over three years into this mess, they wont give us our money back,.  it appears that we have to take them to court.     A big change from our very first day where we  were told by parador, no problems here, all perfect.  If HUMA are so sure that everything will be fins on the day, Why wont they give us our money back with interest for compensation.    The answere is simple.   it;s not going ahead....

Anybody got any feedback from UK Watchdog?



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02 Jan 2008 6:48 PM by AndyLynnW Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

The general rule seems to be ithat if you just want your deposits back then you will receive this in two cheques.One post dated the other dated here and now.If you want interest and compensation then you have to go to Court.

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04 Jan 2008 8:20 PM by trudge Star rating. 154 forum posts Send private message

We have been asking for our deposits back since end of August been promised our cheque twice ,and now  the solicitor says it looks like we have to go to court , that's without wanting compensation or interest . Well i hope Huma and his family had a lovely Christmas because we didn't, with all the tension its causing at home.but i'm not forgetting  the saying what goes around comes around . I have been thinking of going to watchdog, because this should not be aloud to happen to innocent people there must be some law to protect us, after all we  signed a contract and had to stick to it  like we have patiently done , and  that contract goes for Huma as well ,so whats happened to their part of the deal they seem to be a law of their own ,all I want is my hard earned money that is owed to me and to be able to sleep at night ,after all weve all been very patient waiting and hoping, and putting our trust in these people the least they can do is give us what is rightfully ours.

Happy new year to all.

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05 Jan 2008 12:18 PM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

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sent a pm to you


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08 Jan 2008 9:27 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Yet again there are conflicting reports of how people get out!

When a buyer does come out the commission has to be refunded by the selling agent and sometimes the lawyers have a cut!!!

Whilst everything is now getting tight for the lawyers for future buyers it seems to me that 'sometimes' it is not just Huma who are the problem

I suspect that before Huma want to give you the money back they want to be confident that your selling agent will refund them also.....and some of the selling agents may not co operate [they may say that it is not their problem!!]

If you have problems....go direct to Huma......ie...go to Spain to speak to them direc t   





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09 Jan 2008 11:04 AM by cathbogan Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

Trudge - we're in the same situation as yourself.  Developer signed an agreement with us last year to return our deposit - still waiting!!!  Just been advised by our solicitor that we have to threaten them now with court!!!  We've written off the deposit since HUMA have not acted honourably and we have no reason to suspect they will.....  Depressing isn't it?

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11 Jan 2008 10:50 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Happy New Year to all!!!


I hope this is the year things finally get sorted out - but the omens are not good.  One poster on viva-almeria now says March before the Junta decides (some people did warn that this could be the case on this site), and they are now knocking down houses around Vera.  While not related, it does indicate the draconian thinking going on on the part of the junta.




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11 Jan 2008 1:58 PM by Jasp Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

For all of those at are waiting for compensation from Huma, rather than just taking returned deposits (I know that is not straight forward either), wouldn't the low pound against the euro at the moment compensate for the loss of interest should you have chose to keep the money in the bank instead?

In 2004 when I transfered money over the exchange rate was 1.45 (I know everyone will have got different rates)

Say you paid £40K deposit at exchange rate of 1.45 euro/pound = Euro 58K

convert your E58K back at todays low of 1.32 euro/pound and you get  back £43,939.

A profit of almost £4k, almost like getting 10% interest in a bank account.

I know this doesn't excuse the way people are being treated by Huma et al, but at least it's a small silver lining...

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14 Jan 2008 11:52 PM by gazza1 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

We to have just been told that Huma will not accept any more voluntary cancellations via solicitors. Due to the high number of cancellations they have pulled this option and have told our solicitor to take them to court. They know that this can take a very long time in Spain( months and years) and presumably think this will put people off from cancelling.

Without a BG this is an expensive option

Does anybody else have any idea of court costs etc etc?

 see letter below


Ref: Almanzora Country Club


At the beginning of a new year and knowing of the frustration that many of you are experiencing with the long delay in recovering your monies in relation to your Contracts with Huma Mediterraneo, we hope that some explanation of the factors behind this delay may be of assistance.


Up until fairly recently Huma Mediterraneo had promised us that they would voluntarily annul Contracts and refund the full capital investment (excluding interest) to all clients who wished to withdraw from their purchase. We were able to obtain refunds for several clients on this basis and as such have until now been reluctant to proceed to litigation because it would incur considerable additional cost and would of course prejudice any chance of further voluntary refunds. Regrettably, Huma has now made it clear that no further voluntary refunds will be forthcoming and are now forcing us to take the claims to Court: this inevitably means that resolution of the matter will take several months but we will be able to claim legal interest for all our clients in addition to the full capital sum invested.


We do appreciate that for some clients the delay in recovering their monies may cause some financial hardship and will be frustrating for everyone, but we are now reliant on the somewhat cumbersome Court system in this country. We will of course keep each and every one of you informed as to progress with the litigation but cannot at this time predict how long it will be before we get a hearing

This message was last edited by gazza1 on 1/14/2008.

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15 Jan 2008 9:10 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Not good news and perhaps time to review our individual situation






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