The Comments |
If it ends up a no deal BREXIT and the UK broke up would that be financial good for England?
_______________________ When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
Spanish courts or the Hacienda will not have any jurisdiction in a third nation state and vice versa in the event of a no deal exit. Spains laws will not apply in the UK.
European arrest warrants will end between the UK and Spain and both countries will have to rely on UN exradition treaties. In the past they proved difficult to execute. There is also the question of intelligence sharing between the UK and EU states regarding terrorism. In truth until it happens we just dont know what the full concequences will be. However you can understand perhaps why parliament and half the government are so against leaving without a deal.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
There's precious little intelligence left in the UK anyway, so not much to share 
Just going back to my previous post for a moment, am I right in thinking that non-resident property owners who only pay imputed income tax, i.e. do not rent out their property, can not claim mortgage, expenses or depreciation against their tax? (In which case, for most, the increase from 19% to 24% tax rate once Brexit happens, probably won't make a huge difference in real terms)
This message was last edited by Roberto on 03/04/2019.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I'm not qualified to answer that Roberto but reading the information again and using logic I would guess that your assessment is correct.
Renting properties now in Spain is heavily restricted by new laws relating to income declaration and survey certification. Every rental property needs also to be registered with the Guardia Civil and local tourist boards who then issue licences.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Micky that only concerning commercial lets of less than two months
longer term lets, or those to friends and families do not need to be registered with local authorities and Guadia or NATIONAL POLICE
Yes thanks John I should have clarified that. There are new laws related to long lets in Spain coming in after the elections. If the socialists win.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
I will not be affected by Brexit whatever the outcome, but if Pedro Sanchez really cared about the U.K. nationals already living here, he could grant then automatic Spanish nationality
And what about non UK nationalities. Should he offer Americans, Somalis, Arabs of any sort automatic nationality? Why should UK citizens be treated differently?
It's UK that is leaving the EU and not the EU kicking them out. I think the Spanish government, on advice from the EU, is doing extremely well in the way it is treating us. Or at least in the promises being made. Whether they come about will depend on many things but let's not play the victim card in this.
Maridav I appreciate you feel strongly about this but please note I need not to play any sort of card, I am not affected by whatever happens.
I mentioned Brits as of course they were the ones the PM was ‘playing to’ and they are the only ones (ignoring Gib) who would be affected by brexit, no other non EU nationals.
It was just a non biased thought by an outsider
This message was last edited by johnzx on 03/04/2019.
Pedro Sanchez and the Spanish government has done more to reassure British residents their rights will remain after Brexit of any type than the British and the French for that matter ever has. I sincerely hope he is re-elected. A right-wing populist government would destroy Spain. Thanks for posting that link Mariedav.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Thanks for the report, very interesting.
We already have experiential experience of the poor forecasting done before major changes - as mentioned in the report. For example pre ERM (that we later had to leave) and pre-Euro. There is a lot of information on here also well researched but if I may highlight page 13+ and the 12 points (non quantified) ..... and page 17+ the positive overall (and quantified) effect of a WTO-deal Brexit.
Also the fears we were advised of after the referendum havent happened. No recession, no punishment budget, no 500,000 loss of jobs in the financial sector, no increase in unemployment (the opposite in fact) etc. Etc.
Poor forecasting is one huge problem, but MISINFORMATION is a scary problem. When Nick Clegg was interviewed last year on the BBC and asked about his HUGE support of the UK entering the Eurozone and how he got it wrong .. He agreed that he had wrongly supported it, in hindsight, but laughed and brushed it off, and said that the EU (quote) 'fiddled' the information. This was a senior politician, influential, deeply involved with this on an EU level, admitting that be was lied to!! I wasn't laughing when I heard that.
Most people would agree that uncertainty is bad for business and the economy. This started when the Conservatives won in 2015, on a manifesto commitment for an in/out referendum. Then we were waiting for the date to be announced (in 2016... ) Then of course the referendum, the result and A50. Years of uncertainty in fact.
I suggest that this is far worse than 'normal uncertainty' . We have seen a vicious referendum campaign on both sides, families and friends split, political and constitutional crises, the country split, both sides losing respect for the political class, rising support for extreme right/left etc etc Uncertainty-times-100!
Yet we have not fallen into recession etc in this horrible time, over many years. Yesterdays vote was very disappointing to me potentially dragging this mess on ....and on .... And on! It won by ONE vote in 300+, a far smaller difference than the 52:48 for Brexit.
Obviously I am pro Brexit, with no satisfactory deal, I want a WTO-deal next week and bring this to an end. Then we can stop discussing about forecasts and fears, and get on with dealing with the ACTUAL problems that will probably arise. As we have somehow dealt with after years of extreme uncertainty.
With my personal circumstances I have also been affected financially and practically .. and I don't expect to recover soon. So before anyone makes a blanket accusation that I am self serving, understand that that is wrong.
Thanks again Ads for a great report.
This message was last edited by Jon on 04/04/2019.
This message was last edited by Jon on 04/04/2019.
This message was last edited by Jon on 04/04/2019.
The predictions of the UK falling into recession were intended to indicate how the Uk would fare trading under WTO rules and after Brexit had taken place. Neither event has yet taken place. However current UK & EU growth is getting fairly close to it so the prediction may still prove correct.
It's a mystery to me why anyone could arrive at the view that trading with the world as a single nation under WTO tariff rules is superior to being in a single free market of 260 millions and 39 free trade deals around the world. However I am willing to accept I may have missed the advantages somewhere if you will kindly point them out.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
I've been updated with this thread because I joined in half way through, but I'll make this my last contribution because I'm getting fed up with the content Mickyfinn is posting! If you are resident in another country and publicly announce you'll never return to the UK, why are you banging on with your opinions, and yes, they are just your opinions, on the disaster the UK faces due to Brexit? Really? You, like all the 'so-called' experts know nothing! Pure speculation and commentary, so stop interferring with the process by signing this and that to stop Brexit!
REMINDER. The result of the UK referrendum was to leave the EU ( a deal was not mentioned). The statement in the £9m booklet issued by Cameron and paid for by the taxpayer, said it was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity, leave means leave, and there will be no going back'! So what don't you understand about that? Poeple who voted to leave are not the ill informed idiots, as many try to make out. Most will have ignored the lies on both sides and will have had good reason why they voted out. All politicians lie, and they are still doing it, it's in their job description.
So all of you who are now resident in another country and have given up on the UK, I respectfully ask you to stop interferring in the Brexit process, go and sit in the sun and reflect on how well off you are in your EU country!
whilst agreeing with what you say it is usually helpful that we have a variety of opinions It is unfortunate that some people consider theirs is the only opinion
i did not have a vote in. Brexit, too long since I lived there. i have dual nationality so will not be affected; nevertheless, i still have an interest in balanced opinions on EOS.
So please don’t leave because of a few people over the toppers
This forum is called Eye on Spain. Its use is for everyone who has an interest in Spain including British people who live in Spain. The referendum result directly and negatively disrupted the lives and aspirations of British residents. It would be a strange thing indeed if people like myself did not try to do something about that. You don't give up your nationality when you choose to live in another place.
Brexit directly also negatively impacts Spain and the EU as Britain withdraws its financial contributions. If you don't want to read the thread don't click on it, it's very simple.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
You are welcome to your opinion and discuss it on any forum, but I really object to someone who is actively (paying into funds) to stop Brexit, who didn't actually vote and has no intention to return and live in the UK. You have what you have in Spain, and Spain has done very well out of UK contributions from the EU; tourism, and second home owners. I have property in a very beautiful part of Spain, and they can be congratulated as to how they spend that money. You decide where you live, don't try and upset where I choose to live! It's bad enough with that bunch of MP's who are doing that!
I welcome opinions and discussions on many forums I belong to, but I really object when people publicly announce they are try to sway results of a democratic process in which they took no part. Eye on Spain is an excellent forum as it covers all of Spain, not just local, so I'll continue to benefit from the experiences of other's and contribute where I can.
Object away as much as you wish and i will do the same on subjects that matter to me. Democracy means free speech, polite argument and rationale. Where you live or your nationality are irrelevant in my view.
Incidentally there is a bill going through the UK parliament that's received a scond reading to give all British nationals around the world the vote no matter how long they have lived elsewhere. It was a Tory manifesto pledge. That brings Britain into line with most other democratic counties.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
As I said I appreciate different views, however flogging a dead horse seems pointless and incidentially, has nothing to do with democracy.
When people write to English language newspapers, forums etc in Spain., complaining about things in their town which the town hall have failed to address, I point out that the people with influence at the town halls who could do something about the problem, do not read the English language press so instead of flogging their dead horse with likeminded people who cannot do anything about it, get in touch with the town hall. Then, the town hall would know the problem and things may be changed.
Opinions on Brexit, repeated by either side are a waste of the writers´ time and the readers. If the writers really want to influence events, and as far as Brexit was concerned that would have been before the referendum, they would do better to bend the ears of their, or any, MP in UK, not bore the readers of EOS etc., who cannot do other that agree or disagree, but no matter what, that will not affect the final decision.
Just my opinion, as a persion not affected by brexit.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 04/04/2019.
Not sure I'm trying to influence anything John. Just responding to questions asked and putting my halfpeneth forward. Folks are free to ignore it.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.