Who should be next UK PM?

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10 Jul 2019 2:11 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

All wishful thinking ads in a fantasy world of morals before greed. However in the real world the politicians, regulators and public abusers (banks etc) are all part of the same club.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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10 Jul 2019 2:14 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

But this depends upon voting for leaders who remain willing to recognise the benefits from such essential compliance mechanisms to control abuse and build upon better ways for citizens to communicate with politicians as an ongoing process

All very well ads saying we should vote for people like who you say above, everyone we vote for tells us what they are going to do and then don't do it.

Many people seem to think the two runners now will change the UK when they get the job, I think not.



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10 Jul 2019 5:24 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Round and round we go with the same old negative arguments that sadly lack self belief....

All very well to use rhetoric to suggest there’s nothing that can be done about it in the one breath, but do nothing themselves in the next breath to recognise how it depends upon each and every one to ensure corrective mechanisms ARE put in place.

To consistently whistle blow on realities and educate of the realities is key, and not let those who through their own inactivity and lack of self belief, inadvertently perpetuate corruption and greed....or those with hidden self interests who try to manipulate and consistently try to undermine those with good intent and realistic intellectual reasoning, try to undermine those who are willing to find ways to improve a system that would finally make the self interested far more accountable! It’s not rocket science to see how the self interested in society prefer to deny realities or  try and infer fake news, or try and suggest everyone is impotent to gain reform.

Nothing would ever get done in the fanciful world of bemoaning and remain apathetic and unwilling to push for greater accountability and positive reform. Such apathy and negativity plays into the hands of those in whose interests it is to retain the status quo.

Thankfully there were many in the UK who have seen through the realities and decided they want out of a system bedevilled by corruption and self interest, by refusal to listen to citizens genuine concerns over which they have been denied control. At least in the UK we have that ability to deselect those who fail to listen, via our own democratic system that is far closer to people than the EU will ever be, given the status quo.

Only time will tell if the new leader is effective in gaining an orderly Brexit and mutually beneficial trading arrangements with the EU going forward, but then it will be up to the people thereafter to decide who they want to lead them beyond the next election, to maximise our potential as a nation but ensure we retain a caring society in that process.


This message was last edited by ads on 10/07/2019.

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10 Jul 2019 6:03 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Whats negative when you know the truth as to what will happen, like I said whoever gets in does it on fanciful promises that never get implemented, rarely anyway.

How can anything be done when most of the time, well 99.9% of the time anyway, you have no say in the matter, if we had a say in any matters who would have voted Gordon Brown in as PM when Blair left? How many said no to Iraq but we went.

Corruption and greed comes with the job, who on earth can ever repair that, it's a years old system that is almost the norm, and fact is like it or not why does anyone want to go into politics if not for the money perks, sorry but a fool might believe who they elected doesn't have the finger in the pie one way or the other.

Yes, there are very many who have seen through the realities of the EU, but I say again if ever their was another referendum my bet is the vote would be stay in.

I have quite a few friends in business who have felt the impact of leaving the EU already, and we are supposedly still in it, they all have said it could get a whole lot worse yet, these people are open minded small business people who over the years have built up a decent image with the EU and have admitted even they never knew the full consequences of trying to leave and or what will happen when we leave.

One or two wrote stern letters to their MP's about this and did get answers back....Full of crap.

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10 Jul 2019 8:32 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

And in the real world those who fail to be sufficiently proactive and defeatist in mindset allow those in whose interests it is to remain with the status quo to continue unaccountable for their questionable actions.

Positive self belief, persistence and determination to expose the realities and educate voters of the facts and highlight possible solutions stressing the need for pro activity will eventually make headway, just as it did for those who suggested wrongly that the Banks would NEVER be made accountable in the Bank Guarantee fight for justice and awareness.

Never say never.



This message was last edited by ads on 10/07/2019.

This message was last edited by ads on 10/07/2019.

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10 Jul 2019 8:46 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

The only way to make headway in the battle of wills when faced with intransigence and negotiating ploys intended to threaten and bully into submission, is to stand up and realistically evaluate the facts relating to BOTH sides of negotiations, NOT JUST ONE SIDE, and highlight how BOTH are losers in this game of oneupmanship and in so doing force both into finding mutually beneficial agreements that benefit citizens who are being scapegoated in the process.

Dont let them divide and rule!

p.s. you should never normalise corruption and let it become a cancer on society.


This message was last edited by ads on 10/07/2019.

This message was last edited by ads on 10/07/2019.

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10 Jul 2019 10:33 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Ads do you carry your words into the correct quarters, like telling your MP's, and the many who could change the systems.

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10 Jul 2019 11:51 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

You really do wish someone with Ads drive, honesty and real optimism would put themselves forward for public office.

He is though quite correct, too many people don’t want to take any responsibility in our politics whether it be local or National.

Generally Brits are rather apathetic, leaving it to others to sort it for them, we don’t get as passionate as the French or more recently the youth in Hong Kong in making a stance.

People power, preferably peaceful, will overcome in a world of corruption and inefficiency.

The problem, however is to get enough like minded, good intentioned individuals to work together in well organised groups, to see through the changes that are necessary.

Believe me, as an individual, you are often hung out to dry by the traditional political elite or whatever you prefer to call those reluctant to change.


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11 Jul 2019 3:00 AM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

I don’t profess to be an expert ( nor do I seek public office Hugh man, but thank you for your kind words!) and although I have communicated with my own MP and many MEPs over the years and no doubt will continue to do so, my own experience has led me to conclude that we are in dire need of greater trusted regulatory / monitoring / reporting structures to better protect from selfish and greedy human traits, that if not adequately controlled, result in a downward spiral of corruption that benefit only a few, but at great expense to all too many. 

But we ALL need to be more proactive and never be fearful to ask questions or feedback concerns to those in whom we have placed our trust. (http://www.writetothem.com) But to do so wherever possible in a respectful and constructive manner. 

It’s ironic however that those who frequently try to undermine genuine intent to become better informed by retaining an open mind and willingness to research widely in an attempt to rationalise and find solutions, often fail to appreciate that not everyone have personal agendas linked to political allegiances! Sad but true.

Best we leave it there for now.

P.s. In educative mode, here’s another program on BBC iPlayer worth seeing, titled “The Bank that almost broke Britain”...     https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bmbhzb

So many lessons still to be learned.


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11 Jul 2019 11:58 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Ads has your own MP and many MEPs over the years ever taken any action from your communication? If so please inform us all exactly what.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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11 Jul 2019 2:16 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Maybe I could ask who have you discussed this with to reach the conclusions that you have angel eyes?

Perhaps you also have concerns that you would like to address, in a constructive educative manner? Perhaps you would like to demonstrate your own proactivity which would provide a detailed educative balance to this debate?

The details of my private correspondence with my own MP are just that, private,  but the general aspects that have been  addressed from my correspondences to date are:

1). the power and accountability of banks ( venture funds and impact on citizens) I.e. European directive on secondary market for loans ( awaiting response by Jesse Norman MP Financial Secretary to the Treasury), 

2). Capturing detail re the lack of regulatory controls and reporting mechanisms in place to protect, as debated on EOS forums to date where legal posters have provided details of who they are corresponding with, with regard to complaint procedures ( and how effective/ ineffective they have been). Ongoing educative exercise on which I have asked many questions to date from which others may be mindful to address when corresponding with their legal teams representing them and bring to the attention of their own MPs, MEPs.

3). detail relating to future healthcare arrangements (Stephen Hammond MP Minister of State at the Department of Health and Social Care). Country specific advice can be found in the NHS website at www.nhs.uk. Further information can be found at www.gov.uk by searching for “advice for British nationals travelling and living in Europe”.

4). Bank guarantee abuse... detail contained in Keith Rules petition detail www.bankguaranteesinspain.com and Maria’s   educative blogs and responses to my many ongoing queries, to act as comprehension of some complex detail, for which I might add I remain very grateful for her commitment to continue to educate and respond. Far too many responses from MEPs to cover here, but suffice to say, they led to one conclusion, that the EU have little intention of placing infringements on Spain in protection of citizens, and effectively have washed their hands on the rule of law aspect, where delays have resulted in delays so significant that they contravene the rule of law. 

5). Concerns re EU exit economic analyses. Rt Hon Stephen Barclay MP, Secretary of State for exiting the EU. And Robin Walker MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the dept for exiting the European Union. 

“The results are presented as ranges and should be interpreted with caution as directional impacts, relative to how the economy may anyway grow.

The analysis shows that the spectrum of outcomes for the future UK-EU relationship would deliver significantly higher economic output than the nodeal scenario. Every sector, nation and region would be better off than a no deal scenario

The analysis uses standard tools and is transparent in its assumptions, methodology, and uncertainties. But economic modelling is inherently uncertain exercise and no modelling can completely capture the complexities of leaving the EU.

We were clear that the analysis does not consider the other factors that determine growth ( for example global trade trends, technological developments and productivity trends) - neither does it  make judgements about any future UK Govt policy.

Since 2010 we have worked hard to build a stronger fairer economy - dealing with the deficit, helping people into work, and cutting taxes for people, families and businesses. The UK economy is resilient. It has grown continuously for the past nine years and is expected to grow across the OBRs forecast, in spite of a weakening global economy and uncertainty around EU exit.......by bringing back control over our money, borders and laws we can construct a brighter future for our country and society as a whole. No matter what approach we take, the UK economy will continue to be strong and grow into the future.” 

And so much more detail from research already covered by my questions  on EOS threads...

Perhaps you would like to research them for yourself or perhaps be equally proactive in your endeavours to assist EOS readers to understand the detail in order to gain a more balanced overview?



This message was last edited by ads on 11/07/2019.

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11 Jul 2019 3:25 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

So the answer is zero.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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11 Jul 2019 3:35 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Rubbish....yet another false interpretation on your part I’m afraid angel eyes.

MP and MEPs responded, yes, but obviously not to your liking. MEPs responses identified the lack of ability to protect citizens. Some never even replied. MP responded and forwarded on detailed responses from the relevant departments. 

By the way do you have any answer to my question re your own proactive endeavours Angeleyes?

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11 Jul 2019 3:57 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

I have no proactive endeavours. I live in a democratic society of one person one vote and believe that is the only power we have. I will leave the rest to the bored timewasters.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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11 Jul 2019 4:26 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

So the answer is zero then? ;) Somewhat defeatist, which is sad really.


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11 Jul 2019 6:14 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Very sad.

So people who try to ask questions, hold those in power to account and won’t accept everything we are being told, are bored time wasters are they?

Pathetic really.

No one has the right to complain IF they are not prepared to make things better.

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11 Jul 2019 8:07 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Perhaps the sad complainer could inform us what injustice he or she has ever encountered.

This thread is who should be next UK PM. Like so many threads on EOS it has been distorted by the same boring fanatic who goes on and on and on repeating themselves.


This message was last edited by angeleyes1 on 11/07/2019.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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11 Jul 2019 10:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Perhaps you could try and be respectful and once again stop the repetitive personalising nonsense.

As per usual 

Note the tactic to undermine with little alternative detail. Why you might ask? For what purpose when the intent to gain detail  relating to decision making and accountability is not politically orientated?

Plus the attempt to ask questions and proceed to complain when answers are provided. 

Enough of this nonsense which in the future will be ignored and recognised for what is, i.e. inciteful and unnecessary.

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11 Jul 2019 10:43 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Here’s what the next PM will have to take into account, and interesting to note how the BOE suggested in their recent report to the financial stability committee that the UK Banks are prepared, should a disorderly no deal exit occur, in the event that the EU fail to renegotiate.


It would be interesting to know who the next PM will have as their chancellor of the Exchequer. Likewise who will replace Mark Carney.

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12 Jul 2019 7:43 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Another interview this time with Andrew Neil, between BJ and JH tonight on BBC1, 7 pm (UK time).


This message was last edited by ads on 12/07/2019.

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