The constant sniping at the EU makes you wonder about the good points.
Part 1: What Europe can be proud of :
1. The EU has been keeping the peace for 70 years
2. We are Europe: We have Europe Day, a European flag and the Ode to Joy
3. Only together can Europe be a force in a globalised world
4. We argue and we rally round -- just like one big family
5. European values are in our genes: The EU inspires others in the world
6. The EU is a Europe of participation
7. Europe is the world’s most popular holiday region
Part 2: The EU strengthens the economy and fosters prosperity
8. Europe is not the Wild West, but a social market economy
9. The EU fosters growth, employment and prosperity
10. The EU supports economic growth through Regional and Structural Funds
11. The EU promotes fair trade with other parts of the world
12. The euro is a stable currency that offers many advantages
13. Europe stands by its farmers
Part 3: The EU ensures competition and keeps big companies in check
14. From screens to lorries: The EU takes action against cartels
15. Europe fights for fair taxation
16. The EU supervises the banks
Part 4: The European Union protects consumers
17. The EU secures the rights of passengers on journeys — by air and by rail
18. The EU reduces the number of road deaths
19. The EU helps consumers to exercise their rights
20. Europe makes buying online safer
21. The EU guarantees the rights of buyers if a product is defective
22. Europe protects the savings of its citizens
Part 5: The EU lowers the cost of living
23. The single market brings down prices
24. Europe cuts the cost of telephone calls
25. The EU gives you wings: airfares in free fall
26. The EU lowers bank charges and the cost of using credit cards
27. The EU monitors transparency in the market for medicines
Part 6: The EU is committed to ensuring healthy food and a clean environment
28. The EU makes sure we have healthy food
29. The EU prevents ‘food piracy’ and protects regional specialities
30. The EU ensures clean water for drinking and bathing
31. The EU ensures cleaner air and is a world leader in environmental protection
32. The EU ensures that electrical and electronic waste is recycled
7: The EU makes it easier to travel and work in Europe
33. The EU makes it possible to live and work in any EU Member State
34. Europe also gives you health insurance cover when you travel
35. Call if you are in an accident! Europe has a single emergency number: 112
36. Drivers in Europe do not have to worry about borders
37. The EU means travel without borders: The Schengen area
Part 8: Promoting education, research and culture
38. The EU sends young people abroad to study
39. The EU’s new voluntary service: the European Solidarity Corps
40. The EU provides work for young people
41. Researchers receive billions from the European ‘Horizon 2020’ programme
42. The EU creates a European Science Cloud
43. The EU is connecting Europe — free Wi-Fi in towns and villages
44. The EU promotes a Europe of cultures
45. The EU preserves cultural diversity and designates European Capitals of Culture
Part 9: The EU creates internal security
46. The EU combats terrorism
47. The EU takes action against organised crime
48. The EU protects women and children from trafficking and abuse
Part 10: The EU plays its part on the world stage
49. The EU is the world’s leading development aid donor
50. The EU provides assistance in the Syria crisis
51. The EU supports its neighbours
52. The EU is the world’s largest donor of humanitarian aid
Part 11: The EU is helping with the global refugee crisis
53. The EU is saving lives
54. The EU is protecting its borders
55. The EU is fighting traffickers
56. The EU is fighting the root causes of migration
57. The EU is committed to common asylum standards in Europe
Part 12: The EU is cutting red tape
58. It is big on big things but small and modest on smaller things
59. The EU is no bureaucratic monster — Europe costs less than we think
60. The EU pays off.