The Comments |
Forget bits of paper and signatures! I would advise anyone who has dealt with RR to change their locks immediately and have nothing more to do with them. Any contract is only valid if it's honoured by both parties and obviously this sham outfit has no morals in upholding their end of any agreement.
In the UK there is legislation to protect the consumer, outfits like this one know they can't get away with deception there so they come down to Spain where no protection exists and no one can touch them. Like so many scams before, there will always be another one.
Lydia is just another lying, deceiving person running a business that will never become successful and when she gets bored with making no money, will move on to something else.
Regarding trying to do something about being ripped off by RRP, the only thing I can think of doing, is getting everybody to join me in writing to Watchdog. If they get enough complaints, they'll investigate. Is anybody up for trying this?
Absolutely Rob! May come to nothing, but definitely worth a go. Set the dogs on them! Let me know what is needed.
Maybe all our RRP friends might be interested in our experiences with this 'company.' In short, we can echo all the previous problems that people have reported, unfulfilled promises, no reply to e-mails, unable to get through on phones etc. We had (allegedly) three bookings for this summer; despite several requests for information on fees receivable we were told nothing. The first booking was 1 - 8th June, after the client left we were eventually told we were to receive 192.50 euros net for the week. This after being told that our apartment was likely to rent out at between 130 - 180 euros PER NIGHT!! Also, we were told that the money would be paid 30 days after the client had vacated, contrary to the terms and conditions we had signed, which stated we were to be paid the day the client left.
We flew out to Malaga on Friday 12th June, collected all our keys (we think!) from Keylounges at the airport. We then called in to RRP's new offices in Fuengirola. This was a small 'call centre' set-up, with only two receptionists from RRP on the front desk. We were told nobody else was available to speak to us, but that they would phone us first thing Monday to arrange a meeting. Surprise, surprise, no call came. When we called their number on Tuesday it was permanently busy all day. Wednesday, it was ringing but went unanswered. Totally frustrated, we went back to their offices Wednesday afternoon, to be told by two other people who had apparently rented out the office space to RRP that they had vacated the offices the previous day!!
We are now going down the route of trying to get our money back from the credit card company, have cancelled the two bookings, and are changing the locks. We now can be pretty sure that this outfit is no longer trading, website inactive, phones unanswered etc. I guess it just remains to see how and where they spring up again, and with what new name! CAVEAT EMPTOR!!!
Incidentally, I was told the name of the MD of RRP by one of their receptionists a few months ago. This was the same person who is apparently the MD of keylounges! Although we have sent e-mails FAO this lady, we have never received a direct reply from her.
This message was last edited by tondeb on 25/06/2009.
Hi Tondeb. The contract says the booking will be credited to your account on the day of departure. Their argument to me some months ago was that that was added to your account (ie earmarked for you), but they had 30 days to pay it into your account. This was unwritten and didn't agree with the ambiguity of the contract, but was pretty much told to go whistle!
Only way I got money out of them was that when I got the explanation above, I wrote about them on EOS and blogged hard on a business networking site I belong to. Was well chuffed to see that when you put Ready Rental Property into Google my 2 blogs were 1 and 2 on page 1 of Google! Lovely jubbly! They went mental!! Job done!
Now they aren't around same can;t be done again. They will resurface amongst the other detritis as something else and start fleecing innocent people again! That's how this type of scum work and live. Sure someone must have a few friends with some skills learnt in H.M forces that could have a little hide and seek holiday that with a few beers chucked in, could put things right!!!
Hi All,
I have also been to their offices today and no sign of them, I have also tried calling them previously no answer. Also the website is no longer available. facts are people we have lost our hard earnt cash.
I feel sick!!
The same thing happened with their sister companies Furniture Direct Worldwide, Glovista Red and European Mediation, all vanished without a trace.
Key Lounges MD was involved with RR, I have also contacted them and asked for their comments, i will not hold my breath.
Picking up on Rob Mayo's post of earlier, maybe it would be good if we all wrote to Watchdog about this? We are both going to email them and see how it goes. Maybe of enough of us do it they will take up the story?
Have had a very peculiar contact from RRP ! Having written them off and arranging to have locks changed over this weekend we had a phone call from them on Wed (unfortunately I did not answer and they left a message) and an email reply to one of our unanswered emails from the week before.
'Emma' said she was having trouble with undelivered emails and knows that we are owed money which they are processinng into our account and she will confirm when payment is made. No reasons for the lack of contact.
I replied to the email (which did not bounce back as the previous attempt had done !) asking for confirmation of the bank account they were paying it into and saying I needed it transferred by Friday this week and requesting they make contact again. Needless to say we have heard nothing.
We are rather confused - why on earth would they contact us for that purpose ? We still intend to have the locks changed and pick up the spare keys from Key Lounges (mainly because the garage remote controls are expensive to replace and we can't change them anyway !) but are intrigued as to why they would bother to come back to us.
Watch this space !!!
We would also be keen on going to Watchdog - will email as well
Forgot to say .......
The telephone number they called from was a new one to us 952 171 676. We haven't had an opportunity to ring back on it but will do so tomorrow to see if we get any reply
Update - I have just phoned Key Lounges and asked the person who answered, if they still had an affiliation with RRP. To my surprise he said they did, but it was only the last few days that they haven't been able to contact them as their internet connection was down. He says they have a very good working relationship with them to which I replied, 'I'm sure you do, especially when you're getting free accommodation off mugs like us!"
in a different way and maybe its time to change for the better. I hope you feel the same and understand my frustrationsThe 952 number that is quoted is a number for Key Lounges, odd, and you get an answering machine which gives you their office hours but nobody is available
As already stated the MD of Key Lounges ins *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. ***, e-mail and I am sure that given their relationship with RRP that she will be happy to resolve any queries especially as this was a mail that I received from her sometome ago when I was critical of them on this forum
I have been in Spain for 22 years and been a consultant to government ministers and served on
several tourist boards. I really find the real estate industry and forums sniping unprofessional and unproductive and I think professional people should behave . I hope you feel the same and understand my frustrations.
Perhaps given her concerns and background a few people should drop her an e-mail for her view, especially if Key Lounges are receiving money for their services
Edited by TechNoApe - EOS TeamThis message was last edited by EOS Team on 01/07/2009.
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
I'm not sure of your point, but the point of us sniping at RRP is because it seems to be the only thing we can do after being ripped off by RRP. If you haven't been ripped off by them, then won't know what it is like. This is not sniping for the sake of it, we all have very good reason. Until now, I have never commented on a forum before for the sheer hell of it, and am only doing it now in the hope we can do something about this fraudulent outfit and prevent them from continuing their dishonest operation.
The point here is that there have been a lot of accusations here about the foundation of this company, their history, the details of their directors and any links between RRP and Key Loungers
People on thiks forum have claimed that they are the same company but certainly they have a close relationship
People have claimed that the money they have paid has gone into a Key Loungers account and that the erecent call, made to passify an owner was made from a 952 telephone numbet which happens to be answered Key Lounges
So perhaps by contacting the MD of Key Lounges, who claims to be nothing to do with RRP and who is interested in maintaining the image of Spain for home owners and tourists, and who currently hold most of your keys and issue them to renters on arrival, you may be able to get an answer to what´s really going on
If they are the same compnay then legally there is a lot more that you can do if you have been ripped off. especially if the calls are coming form Key Lounges offices are perhaps their staff are based there now
I am only trying to help
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
Thank you for your advise, but you have to understand our utter frustration here and I for one will be contacting them, i will also be asking where the hell my money is for my furniture package that I purchased through Furniture Direct Worldwide, this was another of the companies recommended by key Lounges and RRP!
I just want to add my 2 cents again.
I signed with RRP in February of this year but the money was paid via Paypal to Key Lounges!!!!
I then had a receipt for the amonut from RRP in an email.
I paid 2 amounts one for management and one for rental & marketing.
Neither of these packages have been delivered. The only thing that has been done is a local Rep. picked up the keys to my apartment no other instructions were given to her, she has had the key for 4 weeks now.
No listing has been made, there is a complex listing on holiday nights and they have 5 - 2 bed Apartments listed , mine is a one bed.
But if you try to book any of these apartments all of them say unavailable for any date you put in!!!!!!
In summary: key picked up, no listing made, no management arranged, money paid to KL. - Great for 4 months work.
I am passing all the info to watchdog as well.
Hi All
I have been following this thread for the last few weeks and just wanted to post my experience with Ready Rentals. I was approached around Feb 09 from a very articulate lady but decided not for me. I was then called back by Rory (Scot) who I believe is the sales manager who sold the whole concept hard, and indeed lying to induce me. I have an apartment in Portugal and I was told that the book was just to be closed and therefore unless i signed now I would lose the opportunity as they only have limited spaces. He also told be that the owned the "home from home" brand of the on-holiday group and sent me links of all their properties listed. He also informed me that they were setting up key lounges through Europe and that Portugal would be open in a few weeks I felt a little uneasy but very pressured into making a quick decision of lose a fantastic marketing opportunity!!! The contract came through ant there was a number of things I was unhappy about.
Once I had paid money all communication slowed down, the only person I could speak to was a girl called Maria from the reception and now all emails sent are being returned and no one is answering the phone. I paid through a credit card and I have reported this to the card company who are sending out a form and well be pursuing matter. The money was paid Global Exchange who are based in Boca Raton, South Florida.
On reading all the communications I feel sick that I could have been so stupid as to fall for this con. I too would be happy to report to Watch Dog and have emailed *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. *** at Key Lounges. It might also be worth talking to the on holiday group and see what there comments are.
Edited by TechNoApe - EOS Team This message was last edited by EOS Team on 01/07/2009.
Hi all ,,,,,,,,,, I was approched by R RENTAL Too They sounded like same as M R I. The same tacties. the books are full,
*** EDITED - See Forum Rules. *** was head of MRI Rental . So she is good at it coning people. In my case some other woman rang me. I know the name *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. *** ,,, meet her at my apartment from MRI ...... ot cut the story short I ask for reference names I can call to ask if other customers were happy on their books. The Lady hang up on me. Sineces then no more calls . That is how much busy they are.
good luck all
Edited by TechNoApe - EOS TeamThis message was last edited by EOS Team on 01/07/2009.
Yep, I will join the merry band of "ripoffees" had a weeks booking in May yet to have any money paid and like everyone else cant get hold of them. As such anyone who is up for reporting them to watchdog or going and burning them out (only kidding) can rely on my help. My problem is our apartment is in Portugal and I have not got a clue who has my keys, eek !
Just out of interest is this *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. *** woman on facebook ? Now I know little or nothing about this facebook thing but if she is it might be a way to contact her. Oh I am not suggesting anyone should go on there and have a pop at her company that would be terribly rude, would'nt it ? 
This message was last edited by magicinmoscow on 29/06/2009.
Edited by TechNoApe - EOS Team
This message was last edited by EOS Team on 01/07/2009.
*** EDITED - See Forum Rules. ***, Key Lounges, Ready Rental Property, and the On Holiday Group (who's website has disappeared)
Let's assume *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. *** is an honest business woman. She really ought to reply to these implications that her involvement with Key Lounges and Ready Rental Property is something to be ashamed of.
*** EDITED - See Forum Rules. ***claims to have dealt with important people during her time doing business in Spain. She really ought to know better than to be involved with Ready Rental Property.
Key Lounges I know little about, but having read the Ready Rental Property terms and conditions I knew that I could not hand over my keys to them. Key Lounges might be honourable, but they have been dealing with people who might just have ruined their reputation.
If *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. *** is genuinly not part of Ready Rental Property, then pehaps she will do her part to help us get back at these people, who have taken a lot of money from decent people, offering little (understatement) in return. I know I wouldn't want to be associated with them. We'd really appreciate a reply, *** EDITED - See Forum Rules. ***
Edited by TechNoApe - EOS Team This message was last edited by EOS Team on 01/07/2009.
If you google her you will find a lot. She does have a facebook account but she would have to accept you as a friend for you to get hold of her. Guess you could get hold of her friends on facebook and find out from them any info.
She is also on other networking sites
Good luck
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!