Hi Stef,
This will be a long post as it´s a recap of years just to remember people what happened, why it happened, what background it had and how I think our future should be.
To start off, no we won´t start a war against you, be assured, but a lot of your neighbours in phase II are not happy with the land grabbing we did at the expense of the communal garden of phase II next to the pool, nor the fact that we took the water pumping station which was intended for all three phases and has the capacity to serve all of them.
We just locked it up instead of going to the developer and negotiate with them as they had made an error in the original division lines between the communities. This has never been intentional by the promoter as it would have been a huge waste of their money to put a 500 household very sophisticated pumping station up only to end with the need to build new simple and noisy ones in phase II and III.
A mistake had been made by the developer in the concept of Don Juan. It has always been intended to be one complex with shared pools and facilities. However due to unforeseen economics it had to be built and completed at different times. So that neccesitated the need to split up the phases at the land registry.
This had to be done in such a way that the original building permit was fullfilled and as a lot of people dont know Carvajal is a special zone for the town hall. It´s intended to be the luxury area as they don´t space anywhere else to attract the better off people so the requirements differ greatly from the normal demands for a building license. The architecture needs to be too a much higher standard, the amount of greenery, the average size of the apartments, communal facilities etc all have to be better. This all in the expectation that the range of prices would also be lifted and attract a different public.
In view of this we have the problem that Arrohabitatge improvised some lines to file at the land registry. There needed to be enough greenery pool, communal area etc to do justice to the building permits. The unavoidable outcome was that a communal garden had to be allocated on paper to phase 1 while it was intended as a pool area, the other outcome was that the water pumping station had to be somewhere as there is no such thing as an ´no phase zone´.
Hence the decisions made and filed at the registry. A member of the committee from the start found out which was smart. However by that time president and vice-president of the first committee stepped down thinkiing they had done enough as the first year is always the most time consuming. Hernan and I are both active businessmen so we had reached our goals as set out in our first meeting and stepped down. Our successors didn´t do what we expected. Instead of negotiating with the developer which whom we had and have a lot issues, we just sealed "our property" off.
So all we did was lose ourselves because suddenly a war was started in which access to our communal garden was put behind a lock not accessible to phase II, we put up signs forbidding phase II owners to use our pools and they have responded with similar measures.
So there we are. A lot of phase II owners are aware of this and don´t like us at all for doing this. Personally I found it plain stupid as we grabbed property instead of negotiating with the developer. We finally had something to put on the table and we didn´t use it. In business that´s never a good strategy.
We have also been on the receiving end as owners of phase I are not allowed to enter the pool of phase II, we have a large part of oiur community, which already has more gates than the average prison camp, closed off by locks so you can only make an evening stroll with large bunch of keys and on top of it we now bear the maintenance and consumption costs of a large expensive waterpump station with only 200 household so we pay more than was needed and we have less.
Ever since phase II was constitued I have been in touch with owners there, explaining our actions and admitting that these were huge errors made by us at their costs. I have visited all meetings they had last year (at least five!) and was the only person from phase I. On the first meeting there was a warning that there was a phase I member attending so be aware! That´s not a sign of a good relation. Over the meetings I have tried to help them in all aspects of a start up community. I did have the experience and I was a large part of the fight to kick the developer out so I have advised them as good as I could on ways to achieve this.
Yesterday on the meeting the new president was chosen and immediately got my congratulations just like the vice president. I´m a regular face on their meetings, support the plans on behalf of the proxies I hold and continue to try to mend the division. Interestingly enough even yesterday night when at least one issue was on the agenda on which our committee claimed to have been in discussion about, this was denied. There had only been contact with our administrator and nothing really came out of it.
Most of all nobody of our committee was there to show we welcome our neighbours.