The Comments |
Hi All,
Just received the following from my solicitor, very interesting reading. the cheeky crooked b*****s want to get more money from you and they actually believe you are daft enough to give it to them!!! What says SARC to these proposals!!
"17, February 2010
Dear Clients,
Following on from our last email dated 13th January 2010, we would like
to inform you that we are in receipt of the official proposal of the
building company Herrada del Tollo S.L., which was received by the
courts just today 17th February 2010.
Please be aware that this type of document is very extensive, in which
case will require some time to study, your lawyer will be doing this
from today onwards and in the very near future we will be informing you
of the contents in more detail, as of now, we would like to take this
oppertunity to inform you of the general contents of this proposal:
Thier viability plan is to construct 1263 properties in Jumilla,
Residencial Santa Ana del Monte Golf, such construction taking around 2
years to deliver, and what their offer here is, is to commence
construction in the year 2011 providing a delivery date for 2013, the
situation is as follows; with respect to payment terms they request, for
the first year of construction each client whos contract is still
binding and not resolved, to make payment of 30% of the total pending
amount due, and on the second year of construction, the rest, being 70%,
the obvious part here is that in order for them to actually handle the
construcion would be to received funds upfront.
Please be informed that the above is basically the gist of the proposal,
although we are still due to inform you of the full contents in a lot
more detail.
We would like to inform you as our client to please bear with us some
short time and we will indeed proceed with contacting you with the
general email of the proposals in full.
With kind regards,"
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No wonder the crooks didn't want you to cancel your contracts
may well have got those who still have them by the short and curlies now me thinks
Great Auntie Linda
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Gob smacked ! Do they want something up front to construct the golf course and amenities as well ? This beggars belief ! They took such great care of our money first time around (NOT ) why would anyone hesitate in giving them more .Who do they think the are !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 17/02/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Having just got myself up from the floor,having fallen off my chair, the following thought occured:
If, having not been Sectioned, I agreed to this proposal - how do I get the money to give them? They want MORE money upfront, but I need a mortgage. Does anyone know a mortgage company who would lend me money on a property that does not yet exist?
One of the reasons that it was cheaper (supposedly) to buy off plan,was that we had to find our own deposit (even if that meant raising funds on UK/other property). So even if I wanted to carry on, I would have a hard time getting funds.
On a more realistic note, what the F@&! do SJ/HdT take us for? Answers on a postcard please!
I had spoken to my own lawyer a couple of weeks ago about what guarantees we would have that SJ/HdT would honour ANY offer they made. the answer? None.
I could rant for pages,but I think you get the gist!!
Thanks Linda and Dave for sharing this information
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I can not help but think that this mad offer has a lot to do with SARC misrepresenting purchasers and giving a false impression to HdT of just how desperate folk were to have SADM go ahead .I said many times SARC were out of their depth it would now appear that they were .They have done more harm than good .
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 17/02/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi how do we know this is actually from a solicitor as there seems to be alot of b..s..t going around at the moment. I thought it wasnt meant to be coming out till march.
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Hey malc, Dave the laird does not lie and is a respected member of this forum .If he said it came from his lawyer then it did Simples !!!!!
I think you will find that the March date is the date that your response to the offer (your vote ,wishes ,whatever ) must be returned . More likely than not Malc you will go for the super duper 30% now 70% 1 year before completion deal !!!!!! If I were you I would get in as many mortgage queues as possible ASAP it may be take some time to convince anyone to lend on a pipe dream . Ohhhhh just occurred to me that HdT are hoping most will walk away .Naaaa !!!!! they would not be so dishonest they love their customers honest !!!!!!! they do !!! Reeeeaaally ! This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 17/02/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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For the record I have the same as Dave.
This would be the biggest joke ever if it wasn't so sad, we'll all be f***in dead by the time this lot finish. What a f***in insult and I've only seen part of the proposal.
10% in four years time when they owe me interest compounded over four years. If this is what they are offering then it's getting closer to paying the cheeky sh*ts a visit.
What sort of legal f***in system do they have to allow or even think of putting this proposal forward.
And money up front...... do they think we all won a share in the f***in lottery... wow...
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mystic meg id prefer you dont commmunicate with me. Redman thats fine if you got the same. The problem im having at the mo is you all seem anti build, and as this is is a forum, we need to discuss things, If you look at Dave Laird post he said GIST seems a funny word to use. Makes me septical.
This message was last edited by malc on 17/02/2010.
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In answer to your previous question, the actual statement from the courts said "The offers are to be released no later than the limit date of 6th of March 2010 and must be issued in writing." The proposal was released today (before 6th) to the legal people of which there are in the region of 120 different lawyers involved representing different parties.
The only good thing about this proposal so far is that it makes my decision that much easier.
However to respect both sides of the argument Malc, give us information we might not have as to why we should choose to have our house built by Herrada del Tollo. Perhaps a good start would be to send out Guarantees to those who have already paid 50%, Now that would be a good start wouldn't it.
Regards to all, the fight starts here.
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Buyers paid between 35% and 50% deposit for their property in Jumilla, so effectively they've already made a down payment.
I guess you paid a deposit? What percentage did you pay when you purchased yours??
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Malc said " sorry for seeming to be thick lol." Malc I think you may have answered your own question .Things are usually just as they seem . A lot of time is now being wasted answering your silly questions ." GIST seems a funny word to use. Makes me septical"  Get real !!!!
Malc I would rather not communicate with you either but if you want to post total cr%p and suggest Dave is a liar because his post contained the word "gist " I feel I must respond . As for feeling most posts are anti build. On HdT's terms you bet your ass they are !!!!!!! Perhaps you should skulk back to SARC where your pathetic little questions will be answered with the replies you want to hear . Dohhhhh !
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 17/02/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi All
Malc, thanks for considering that I'm not telling the truth, however I posted a direct copy of the communication received today from my lawyer, who although Spanish has a very good grasp of the english language. "Gist" as in the collins english dictionary is substance, main point of remarks, etc.
I personally have nothing to gain or lose by the proposals put forward as I have cancelled my contract with San Jose, I just find it totally sick that San Jose really believe that the buyers would even consider such a proposal. I agree with Magic Meg in the belief that SARC have a lot to answer for in the way that they have persuaded San Jose that buyers wish their properties to be built at all costs.
Where is Tony and all the other SARC cohorts now? What have they got to say about this?? A lot can be read into the silence!!!
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Magic MeG i have nothing to say to you SO SHUT UP, U WASTE OF SPACE THOUGHT YOU WERE DISAPEARING. sad bitch i have no intrest in you what so ever, so i will ignore you GOODBYE
I would like to talk to others , ok Dave wasnt so long ago if you remember lots on here were having ago at you, Remember?????????
All im saying is why use that word. Im suspisious of alot on here now , im allowed to point out things as i see them, and and i am not out to cause a row, but obviously it seems alot of you are. Ok i would rather the propreties built, and yes ive been paid some monies but still owed alot., why is trhe ones who supposedly been paid out still come on here ranting about close the builders down I WONDER WHY.
ill tell you something this is hardly a forum more like a witch hunt. If you dont agree with the manority then b...ger off, would be nice to have some support but obviously the sensible ones have been frightened away by BIG MOUTH MAGIC MEG AND CO. This message was last edited by malc on 17/02/2010.
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Hi Dave agree 100% .
SARC always go off the radar when they have no answers . All of you would be in a much better position if SARC had listened years ago and realised they were way off the mark .The damage they have done is huge and obvious to any one with half a brain .I suspect they will remain silent and will be as sick as pigs now the true spectrum of HdT/SJ's colours are revealed
.I am out now but SJ/HdT 's treatment of many I consider friends makes me sick to the stomach .SARC have been instrumental in this and I along with many are blue in the face trying to expose the true facts
The words of wisdom Fin gave out on this forum for many years must now be acknowledged as true . I only wish more had listened .
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi Malc.
I have advocated building, as I too would loose all money invested being last in line of creditors. I would also have to sell my home here as we cannot survive here indefinatly. This is after 10 years renovating and building a house and a life respectively. We would have to pick up sticks, ten years older and start all over again. However, I have not seen (and as Anabel says the legals will have to study the document in detail,) the Proposal. On the face of this I would not go ahead as I would not give them my money before the house or the Golf course was built.
Does anyone know ( not a guess) if this is the document the Judge has approved. I presume it is and if so what are the terms of repayment in this proposal for those wanting there money back if the company get a yes vote and are not liquidated.
I must say this seems odd to me at the moment for a number of different reasons.
Redman for info my deposit was 30% not 35.
Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia
R4 308 For Rental
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Malc I am sorry for your despair .It is obvious from your agitated state that SARC has forsaken you, as well as the forum .
As for the use of the word "gist "not sure why it causes you so much pain , it is a perfectly ordinary word which many use every day .May I also draw your attention to the fact that it was Dave's lawyer who used the word not Dave .
Perhaps Malc you would like to furbish us with a list of similar words that offend you and cause you to question the integrity of posters as I am sure most of us could not begin to hazard a guess as to what words may offend .
Linda for one so in the know,and on the ground , attending SARC meetings etc you seem a little at sea with all of this , Perhaps you were also over taken with what you would have liked to be true .
All those meetings you went to with the SARC leaders may seem a little futile now .Were all those infamous meetings with Almu worth while or were you sucked in to the lies !!!!!! Your last post was a little short of pathetic Linda ?
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 18/02/2010.
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 18/02/2010. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 18/02/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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As MM pointed out the use of the word "gist" was by my solicitor not me. Not a word I would use however it is right in the context it was used.
Yes I remember the slagging I and my wife received, however the saying "water off a Ducks back or is it arse" comes to mind. I've never been one to hold grudges (much).
I would just like to point out to you that although I have cancelled my contract with San Jose I have as of today still not received a penny of the deposit paid, even with a bank guarantee you still are forced to fight all the way. How ever if you read my back posts you will see that I have always since day one advocated the liquidation of San Jose, the forced selling of all his assets, and ultimately his and all his co-directors jailing for a very long time as they are crooked. I have always maintained that Jumilla would never get built and the report by my solicitor backs up that conclusion. Having checked with her, the document only talks about building 1263 properties, thats the same number as have been reserved with deposits, no mention of Golf course or any amenties. so if this does go ahead it will just be a housing estate in the middle of nowhere, rental potential zilch!!!
Anyway best of luck to everyone what ever you decide to do I wish you well. I'm now off to Alicante to the bank to force the payment of my bank guarantee.
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