The Comments |
I'm sorry I can@' put my finger on it. As I said, its of no benefit to me.
Well as john said, we are here to help people, and just throwing out a comment, which is contrary to what most people believe, without being able to show where the info can be confirmed, is not very helpful !!!
I have finally been contacted by the tax people requesting that I submit details for the years 2007 - 2010. I have never submitted a declaration so I guess it will take a bit of work to get me up to date.
I was thinking of contacting my local gestor to act on my behalf to get everything sorted out.
Can anyone advise me as to how much I will be charged for this service.
I accept that I was in the wrong, and will pay the tax due, but I am afraid of being ripped off by someone handling the business for me.
It's easy just do it yourself.
Fill in a modelo 214 for 2007 and for 2008 to 2010 a modelo 210 (old form). The reason for the 214 is that for 2007 you were also liable to wealth tax.
Print off a the forms and the foreign residents desk in Mijas Town Hall will help you fill them in and if you don't know your catastral value you can get it at the Town Hall.
The Mijas town hall used to hand out a guide for completing modelo 210 which told you exactly what to enter in each box.
If you need labels pop along to tax office in Torremolinos and they will give you some.
then pop along to your bank and pay.
Any questions just ask
Thanks Faro, it sounds easy but I have a feeling that, like most bureaucracy in Spain, it will be a bit tricky.
Is the catastral value the same for every year? or has it changed since 2007?
Also, if I do go ahead myself, how do I know how much to pay?
Do I submit the forms and then wait for them to tell me how much I should pay? Or do I calculate it myself?
If I calculate it myself, how do I do it?
How do I calculate wealth tax for 2007?
We have used Glyn the Lawyer he did advertise on EOS if you do a search he should come up (Glyn Moran), He has been very good and very reasonable.
To calculate the deemed income tax you need to know the catastral value.
Just look at your rececnt IBI demand or ask at the Town Hall.
You then multiply the catastral value by 1.1% and pay tax on that amount at 24%
If you know the catastral value for any year then you can calculate other years quite easily.
For Mijas the catastral value will have increased as follows:-
2008 +2% (on 2007)
2009 +2% (0n 2008)
2010 +1% (on 2009)
2011 +0% (on 2010)
For wealth tax you pay normally based on escritura value less outstanding mortgage @ 0.2%
Value as per escrituta EUR150,000
Outstanding mortgage EUR100,000
"wealth" = EUR50,000
taxable at 0.2% = EUR100
If you want to PM with your email address I will email you guides in English how to fill in modelo 214 & 210. I would upload them here but I don't think that is possible.
Just to say that thanks to Jimbofinn's helpful recommendation on this thread, I have just used the services of the company he recommended (see his post earlier in this thread for the website address - I'm not allowed to include URLs in my posts yet!) to complete the forms for myself and my wife on our property, and could not believe how quick and efficient they are.
I submitted the form on their website this morning with our basic info and had the Modelo 210 completed forms emailed back to me this afternoon - all for only £24.95 which covers both forms as we are joint owners of the same property. Excellent value and a fraction of the amount which two separate Spanish solicitors quoted to me for providing the same service, and also much cheaper than another web service referenced on this thread!
Faro, you are a diamond.......
I have to admit that, because of time constraints, I did get a gestor to do my tax thing, but the information you gave me was spot on and I was happy to deal with them because I was much more informed. In other words I was never going to get ripped off because of the info you gave me.
Keep up the good work all you EOS guys, it really is a great help when you know that there's always someone out there that can help.
Kenny G
Hi Faro
An abridged version of my recent PM for the benefit of others
I have been trying to master applying online at '...agenciatributaria....' (wouldn't let me paste full link) and based on my previous year's submission, I am certain that the form is completed correctly but I keep gettting error code 0115 when I try to validate and create a pdf at the bottom of the form. I am attempting to do this from the UK. Might there be a problem with the digital signature as I'm not in Spain. Also, how do I get the 'stickers' if I apply on line and can I simply e-mail the forms to my bank for payment (possibly by yearly direct debit)?
Many thanks.
To Buskshe
A digital certificate is only valid for one computer, so you need to use the one you downloaded it onto originally. Also it needs to be renewed after 2 years. With digital certification you should be able to print off the stickers. If you use the option for people without digital certification they will be sent to the fiscal address registered for you in Spain. You cannot pay by direct debit but some banks are happy to have the form sent to them and then make the payment. If you can sort out your digital certification you will be able to pay online. This is the last time stickers will be used if that is of any help to you.
Hi Leswill
Thanks for your reply.
I have been trying a few things with the tax office website whilst conducting more research. I have been tying to complete the electronic Form 210 on the tax office website. Although I downloaded the active X cab file onto one of my machines which is using windows 7 ultimate 64 bit, even using the 32 IE browser and Firefox (even worse) I can't save the file and I get error 0115 when I try to 'validate and generate a pdf'. I repeated the same on an older machine running windows XP after downloading the active X cab file. I am now able to save a file for me and another for my wife but now get errors when 'validating and generating a pdf' for not completing the form correctly. Accrual year and accrual date (filing for last year) perplex me. I have tried all combinations 2010, 2011 in 'accrual year' and todays date, 31/12/10 and 31/12/11 in 'accrual date' without success. Also, I get errors for boxes 21 to 31. As the box numbers coincide with the old paper form, I believe that box 21 should be the Euro value of 24% of box 04, which inturn is 1.1% of cadastral value. I have tried leaving boxes between 22 and 30 blank and also tried putting some logical figures in the boxes without sucess.
Also, the tax system seems to recognise my NIE (don't know how) as it has given me the option to send stickers to my Spanish? address. Hardly helpful as I'm in the UK! I have attempted to register my wife, but get to the point where the system sends an e-mail with a code for her to imput to complete the registration. I have repeated this process several times but each time, the e-mail simply has a title and nothing else. No body or embeded reference. I have viewd both through Outlook and webmail, incase Outlook filtered the content for some reason - all to no avail.
Any thoughts or help you could offer would be greatly appreciated as I now appear to have hit a brick wall.
Also, do you know of any tax office telephone numbers which are geographic (not premium 901) with English speakers that may offer some guidance?
In principle, it should be simple. Input detail on-line, obtain electronic 'stickers', e-mail to my spanish (or UK) bank for payment. Sorted, or maybe not!
Many thanks.
Hello Buckshe
If you obtained digital certification from the tax office it will only allow you to submit your own returns, you cannot do so on behalf of other people. I have not come across any tax office offering English speakers over the phone I am afraid. I wonder if you are using the correct form on the website - it is still the old form this year.
Hi Leswil
The Form 210 which I am using is given by the following link:
(Website will not let me post. will try to send as a PM)
Perhaps you could be so kind as to view the form and see if you can guide me on entry details for the boxes which I advised in my earlier post?
I'm not sure about the digital certification as I tried to register on the website (not sure whether this is same as digital sihnature) as myslef then also as my wife. I didn't receive anything from either to indicate that a digital signature had been given. The site just recognised my details when I attempted to obtain 'stickers', but didn't give me the option to have them e-mailed, and sent my wife an e-mail which should have contianed an electronic code/key to complte her registration, but contained nothing. If you input some details at the start of the form and click the link in spanish to the right of the NIE entry, it will come up with the page to register or it will confirm that you are already registered.
This process should be simple but I'm having great difficulty.
Any help that you or any other reader could give would be gretaly appreciated.
PS. You were right about the phone. No English. Do you have any e-mail address as I have found that an approach to a general e-mail address for water and electricity has resulted in some english speaker corresponding..
Many thanks.
From the details you just gave, you do not have digital certification. You would have gone through the process of going to the tax office to register, after having obtained a code from the FNMET. That is why the form is not working for you. You will need to use the other form on the tax office website which can be downloaded and completed without digital certification.
So I suppose there isnt a step by step guide for dummies to do this anywhere?????
_______________________ Just enjoy life!
This thread is titled:- Paying Non Resident Tax.
As is often the case we have drifted away from the question.
For those who need help to complete the form 210 this should help:-
One can complete form 210 at:- the below site.
There are two pages with copies (7 sheets in all). As you complete the first two pages the other copy pages are automatically completed. When you have complete the form, the seven pages can be printed, although no copy can be saved on your computer.
Unfortunately the average person cannot pay on line so the form needs to taken to a bank.
As from next year (if PP don't scrap it) the forms will ONLY be available on the web. The Hacienda could not tell me if we will be able to pay on line next year. They said they should know by March.
Can anyone please give me the link for filling in non resident tax return for year 2011.
I believe its a new style form?
Can I print it off and take to bank as previously (7 sheets)? or has all this changed as well?