The Comments |
This is the error message :
Income Tax Non-Resident. Non-residents without permanent establishment.
Model 210
Wrong answer
Errors found:
To return to the data entry page click the Back button, Back, Back Browser or similar term.

( only IT issues )
Anyone any idea what this message means because I have tried loads of times and always it comes up with the same message 
Presumably you are using Internet Explorer as your web browser - it is possible that your browser is blocking the interactive process - were you asked to download and install an Active X control and if so did you okay it? What about your antivirus program - could it be blocking something? It is important also that your computer is up to date with MS updates and Adobe Reader updates.
I am using Internet Explorer 8. I have downloaded the current Active X control and I also always download the latest MS updates and am running on Adobe Reader X.
The only thing left would be the anti-virus but i don't see how this is stopping it. I am using AVG Version 10. Could that be stopping it ?
Yes it is possible that AVG is interfering with the process since it has a "Resident shield" & "online shield" in the current version at least.
I'm afraid the only way to be sure is to disable AVG entirely while carrying out this specific operation and see if is successful.
Unfortunately I cannot think of any other possibilities assuming that you have a reliable internet connection of course.
Don't forget to re-enable AVG afterwards.
How do I disable it, as I cannot see a button for this? Will I have to uninstall it ?
These are the instructions on the AVG website. I'm not sure what version they apply to. With some AV software if you right click on the small icon at bottom right of your screen a menu pops up with the option to disable listed. You may need to restart your computer to be sure it has taken effect. It is unlikely that you need to uninstall AVG but I have read somewhere that even when disabled some AV software packages continue to operate at a certain level.
Another thought occurred to me in relation to your browser cache - sometimes this causes problems and to eliminate this possibility you need to delete cookies, temporary internet files and history etc in IE. This option can be found under "Options" in IE.
The AVG software protects your computer on multiple levels. In case you need to disable all AVG components at once please follow the steps below:
- Open the AVG Program.
- On the Tools menu, click Advanced settings.
- Click Temporarily disable AVG protection in the menu on the left side.
- Select the Temporarily disable AVG protection check box, and then click OK.
- Choose how long you want the protection to be disabled and whether to disable the Firewall as well, and then click Disable real-time protection.
This message was last edited by gericom99 on 20/06/2012.
Thanks Gericom, I will give it a try and let you know how I get on.

Just to let you know, this did not work, it still came up with the error message that this operation could not be performed at this time and stating Error Code 0201.
Do you know what this code means ?
I am sorry to hear that none of my suggestions worked. I do not know what error code 0201 signifies - we do not know if it is being generated by the website itself or by the software on your own computer - you will appreciate that every computer is different in respect to the software loaded on to it and it is possible that use of a different computer would bring success - again the only way to check is to try with a different computer that is up to date with the updates previously mentioned. If it does appear to be a website problem then the technical help section of the Tax Agency would be the place to report it however trying to communicate and understand in Spanish will present too many problems I expect. I would expect many others to be reporting the same problem if the website was at fault.
Sorry I cannot be of further help.
I have already tried it on a computer at work which operates on Vista, I am using Windows 7 at home, and it didn't work there either.
I have spent far longer trying to sort out the problem than most people would have bothered with. I am going to leave it now and they will just have to wait until I sell the apartment.
It doesn't really surprise me that Spain is in a mess. In the UK you get tax taken out of your money before it hits your hand and in Spain they rely on people being honest and responsible. Bearing in mind the black market money in Spain, I find it highly funny that now they are finding themselves in a mess. I just wonder why they didn't go bust years ago (lol).
| only pay your tax directly to the tax man if you on PAYE!!!!! See the news re Jimmy Carr for opportunites for those (many many People) who are not on PAYE!!!
J White.
This tread is about paying NON RESIDENT TAX in Spain, I do not see how you can compare that with paying income tax in UK
My comment was an observation of how diffiult Spain makes it for people to pay their tax in Spain and the majority of my comments on this thread have been just about trying to pay my Non-Resident Tax in Spain. I was not comparing it to the UK only in as far as the system is different and the UK don't give people the choice of paying or not paying. I reside in both countries !!
As far as I was aware the last time I looked both Spain and the UK were free countries with freedom of speech.
As far as PAYE is concerned, not so when you are retired it is only after you realise they are taxing your pensions when perhaps they should't be and you then receive your Tax Coding at the beginning of the new year and find that you have been taxed incorrectly the previous year that you can get it amended and therefore all over taxation is corrected in arrears before you can get a refund, especially if you have several different incomes which vary from year to year which mine do.
I am resident in Spain, in 25 years I have not experienced any problem with my tax returns.
My son and daughter- in-law own property here. I have always done their tax returns as non-residents. Again never had any problems.
The same applies to my UK tax return both now, retired, and when I was employed.
Maybe you are unlucky
Not to sound too "glass half empty", but I am generally very, very, unlucky !
I have spent two weeks trying to make the Non-Res tax forms work on two different computers. Never had a problem last year or any other when they used stickers, but cannot get the new ones to work.
In the UK, the tax office completely cocked up both mine and my husband's tax codings during the first year of our retirement, personal allowances all over the place, wrong tax codes against the 3 different pensions due to using the lowest amount of pension as the primary employment for tax meant me and my husband was paying tax when we shouldn't have. Of course you don't get the tax back until you either start work or the end of the tax year.
I have been taking another look at my Tax Form 210 (people probably remember my problems getting it to generate correctly! ), anyway I decided perhaps I had inputted my NIE incorrectly so changed it from X ........ without the last letter to X..........A and when I tried to generate the form a new error box came up telling me I am inputted boxes 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30 & 31 incorrectly.
Can someone just give me an example of what should go in these boxes. I have put
21 - 24.00 (percentage of valor catastral)
22 - 17.53 (which is the 1.1% of 24% of the valor catastral) divided by 2 (as joint owners with hubby).
23 - 0
24 - 17.53
25 - 0
26 - 0
27 - 0
28 - 17.53
29 - 0
30 - 0
31 - 17.53
Am I going wrong somewhere ? 
This is the error message I am getting :
Errors found:
Page 01: Error on Sale. Fee includes [22] -. Incorrect field.
Page 01: Error on Sale. Fee Act IRNR (22) - (23) [24] -. Incorrect field.
Page 01: Error on Sale. Fee includes reduced (24) - (27) [28] -. Incorrect field.
Page 01: Error on Sale. Results of the reverse (28) - (29) more - (30) [31] -. Incorrect field.
Bearing in mind my entries (below), can anyone tell me how the contents of these boxes can be wrong ? 
I paid my non resident tax last Dec via a company called Spanish Tax Forms Ltd (who were great by the way).
I've now received an email from my solicitor stating that my IBI tax is due for the period 2012.
Can anyone tell me if the IBI tax is the same thing as the non resident tax ??
_______________________ My eyes have seen the glory.
The IBI tax (Rates) is payable to your local town hall, so it is not the same as the non-resident tax which is payable to the central tax authority Agencia Tributaria.
gericom99 - Thanks for your help.
Guess its just one more thing I've got to pay out for !

_______________________ My eyes have seen the glory.