The Comments |
About a month ago I asked at the tax office about next year.
They said, as from the return for 2011, which has to be made in 2012, it will only be possible to make the return ON LINE, but they did not have any info.
I asked of it would be possible to pay the tax on-line, say by credit card. They said that info would not be available until about March.
So if that was correct. I suggest everyone sits back until say the end of March (or even April 1st -- as of course any new system might be a bit of a joke).
But also remember, The new government PP, may change things anyway.
It was announced at the beginning of last year that changes were being made to the modelo 210 non resident tax form and that as from the 2011 return it will only be available online - paper versions are no longer available to buy from the tax office. You can pay from UK bank as well now, but if using this option most UK banks will charge you so be careful.
Hi Leswill and all,
I found this website ( which I cannot post here because my account has not been approved for posting links) from a firm of spanish lawyers about paying Renta for 2011. From what I understand, correct me if wrong, we can use the same form as last year ( same old format as previous years) until April 1st, and then on that date the format changes? Of course the form is only available on-line, not at the tax office, just like last year: you fill it on-line, print, go the bank to pay, put in special envelope and get it to the tax office. In that website there are 2 forms available, one for paying on-line and one for paying in person at the bank.
The return for the year 2010, had to be made before 31.12.11. If you have not paid there will be a penalty.
The tax for year 2011, must be paid before 31 Dec 2012. The forms will not be available anywhere, including the tax office, and thus the return will have to be made on line.
When I asked at the tax office how one will be able to make the tax payment, I was told it would not be known until about March or April this year.
Hi Johnzx,
I was refering to 2011 Renta tax ( I paid 2010 taxes in march 2011). The info I got from the website can be found if you google " changes to tax form 210", it is one of the top google results, they provide 2 links and one of them is the old form!! So I am quite confused.
Hi again Johzx and all,
I'm sorry, the website article is outdated, I reviewed it carefully, I think it was posted last year, since it is about april 1st, 2011 and not april 1st ,2012. Sorry if I created confusion. I certainly wish La Renta tax was as easy as IBI to pay.
OK, It's time for me to be a bit thick.
We just received a demand for the last three years. We pay the IBI and I knew there was another tax or other to pay and that it was something to do with Income Tax. We rent the apartment long term and I have declared the income in the UK and paid tax on it. My accountant said that I did not need to do anything else as there is a recipricol agreement in place with the UK. I don't wish to pay tax twice on my rental income and wonder if anyone can shed any light.
My questions are:-
1) Do I need to pay the Renta tax as well as the income tax I paid in the UK?
2) Am I getting this tax mixed up with Income Tax?
Any light shed would be appreciated.
La Renta for non-residents tax is paid even if you do not rent your property, it is based on the valor catastral, just like IBI, except that instead of being paid to the town, it is paid to the government. But since the government subsidizes the towns, some of the money goes back to the town, so it is somewhat like IBI in disguise. Why not increase IBI and drop La renta? Maybe a thick question, any answers out there....??
If you rent your property for profit, you have to pay income tax to Spain, then ( as I understand it) ,you also declare the rental income in your country and due to the reciprocal tax agreements, you can deduct what you paid to Spain off what you would have had to pay in your country. If the taxation rate in your country is higher than in Spain, then you have to pay the difference to your country.
Hope that helps.
Thanks william02
What your saying seems to make sense, I will pass this on to my accountant and get her to check it out.
Thanks again.
I have read through this forum and just need one question answering as I am confused. For the last 3 years I have completed my 210 Form on line, printed it off, attached my stickers and paid with no problems at my bank.
Can i do this again this year for my 2011 return?
Thank You
Glen I said below
The tax for year 2011, must be paid before 31 Dec 2012. The forms will not be available anywhere, including the tax office, and thus the return will have to be made on line.
When I asked at the tax office how one will be able to make the tax payment, I was told it would not be known until about March or April this year.
I am hoping to do our tax returns online this year and wondered if the apartment is in both names do you need two digital certificates to do the returns or will the one do for the property?
I know the online website is not up and running yet but want to get on the ball as soon as it is.
ps we don't seem to have a copy of our IBI bill for last year - we pay by DD, is it possible to get a copy at the tax office in Manilva?
I was a late payer of my non-resdients tax and am now to pay a fine. The tax office sent me a letter with the web address and said that I would be able to access the details.
However, I cannot access the details without a digital certificate dni ???
Can anyone help me by telling me in simple language how I get this digital certificate and download it on to my computer.
Are people aware that the new modelo 210 is now on the Agencia Tributaria web site and it is in ENGLISH ,also to accompany it there is a copy of the instructions for filling the form In ENGLISH?Although the instructions don`t exactly match the form, which appears to have had several revisions,it explains how to complete the form and where and how to pay.You can access all of this information through google after entering Agencia Tributaria, the pop up suggestions by Google include Agencia Tributaria ENGLISH a click on this will take you directly to the ENGLISH A. T website.
You can complete the form on line, print it out and pay at the bank just as before.The stickers are now redundant and having presented your form and paid your tax at the bank there is now no need to post a copy off to A.T
You can apply for an electronic certificate on line, allowing you to submit on line,but having submittted on a particular computer then that is the only computer you can then use thereafter for this purpose.After applying on line they will send you a code ,electronically,which you must present together with your ID paperwork to a local desiganted office who will verify your code with your paperwork and produce another code which will activate your computer link.
There are no hard copies of the new form available and you must access them through the web site where you can fill them on line ,just as before, but in ENGLISH,using the ENGLISH instructions as a guide which include examples of the neccessary caculation.the forms automatically expand as you progress through them.The form now requires a lot more personal information anf I think its been designed to verify your NON RESIDENT status
johnwm > Interesting post but would be sooo much more helpful if you could include actual links/URL's. Your advice: " You can access all of this information through google after entering Agencia Tributaria, the pop up suggestions by Google include Agencia Tributaria ENGLISH a click on this will take you directly to the ENGLISH A. T website."
That sounds straight forward but does not work. Don't know what you mean by "pop up suggestions" as when I do a Google search I certainly do not get any pop up windows (nor would I expect to with Google) but there are results in the list linking to the AT English section of the site, but even then I have been going around in circles trying to find either the new form, or the instructions for filling it in. Can you provide actual URLs please?
Hi all,
I was able to find the form 210 by following Johnwm instructions plus some extra searching, however when I tried to download the final PDF form, it did not work, the error code 0115 appeared, for the Spanish or the English form.
To find the form in "English-Agencia Tributaria" go to "Important Formalities" and click on "Download forms". You will see "Modelos y formularios" and "Declaraciones", then click on "Impuesto sobre la renta de no-residentes". Scroll down to 210 and click on it. Click on "formulario" or "form for filing". Then click on " validar y generar PDF" below.
Do you also get the error code 0115?
William02 ( Note: I cannot post URLs because the EOS website does not allow it in my case, as probably is the case for Johnwm)
This message was last edited by william02 on 12/02/2012. This message was last edited by william02 on 12/02/2012.
This is the link you require, but yes you will get error code 0115..........
Someone earlier advised it may be best to wait until after April, maybe it will be straightforward then.
Thanks Alecd, so you get error code 0115 also, therefore the site must not be ready. I will check it out beginning of April.
Thanks for the further advice william02 and alecd . I just tried repaeting the URL quoted below in my own posting and right enough the forum returns error "ERROR! You cannot include web or email links until your account has been approved. Please remove the web or email address and then submit this message again". So can a forum moderator/admin please confirm how we can get accounts approved, so we can include URLs?"
Anyway, I have tried the link quoted below by alecd and I do NOT get that error code 0115 you speak of, but it did pop up a couple of warnings (First saying "The java plugin needs your premission to run", and second was saying "Security certificate is invalid - do you want to trust this site?"). However, once I OK'd both of these the form opens OK (I'm using Google Chrome browser). Certainly is not good that their security certificate is invalid and would assume they'll sort that out soon.
Guitareth.......... when you finally opened the form, I suspect it is last years and not the new one.
Best wait till after April