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How do we get a digital signature?
Don't know for sure, but I researched it once and decided not to bother.
Ok thanks, I guess there is a rigmaroll involved?

The way I feel just now,
I have spent a couple of days trying to get my computer to accept the 210.
Each time I go to 'validate', it says there is an error and when I go back to the 'original page' it’s the blank, so I would say, GO TO A GESTORIA !
If I get the job done ( I have 4 returns to do for my son and daughter-in-law) I will let you know, Don't hold your breath
I got mine to validate eventually. When you submit info and it is returned when you click into 210 form again, my computer told me there was a copy already stored. So I went back into that form and corrected what needed to be done!! I had given up since Oct and went at it again last night and managed to submit. My problem now is getting it paid!!
Keep trying, make sure you have NIE number in each section on the form...

Tricia, I had no problems when I forgotten a box, I could go back. It was when all was complete that I tried to validate it but was unable to, and was also unable to go back.
I think it is a problem of not being able to download cacticex. Cab on my PC.
On my laptop I was able, I think to get that sorted and even found a Hacienda shortcut (after I had done it manually) to fix the problem. But my PC has a Spanish operating system, so it’s that much harder to follow the 'poor instructions. And I cannot remember everything I did on the laptop.
Managed to complete the form, but when I tried to pay at the bank, their system would not accept it. Went to the Hacienda in La Laguna where they told me to stick the etiquetas on the form. Back to the bank which still could not get the system to work. It really is a disgrace! I have ended up sending the forms with a cheque to the Agencia Tributaria. I have come to the conclusion that the Spanish Government neither needs nor wants our money.
I shall now be complaining to the Defensor del Pueblo.
Lets hope it all gets easier, couldn't do this every year!!! While I gave out about the forms and stickers it was straight forward once you had them!!
Thanks for replies and advise.
Good luck!!

Now antother problem in paying our non resident tax!!!
I emailed the bank for a second time yesterday to ask if we physcially posted the forms to them would they make the payment from our bank account. Our most unhelpful rep from the bank said 'no this is not possible'. Apparantly somebody must physcially bring the forms to the bank!!! 
Now really what is the point in that?? It is the same form arriving by post or being delivered by a someone we know!!
He asked could we not get our solicitor to do it....that would defeat the whole purpose of doing it myself, and then still have to pay a solicitor probably twice as much as the cost of the tax!!
I did say that I had been told that other banks were assisting their customers by accepting the signed orginal forms by post...but apparantly they are all doing it wrong!!
Friends of ours are travelling to Spain for xmas and have kindly agreed to drop these forms into our bank while they are there, so will post them to the UK tomorrow, to be transported to Spain in a suitcase and presented to the bank by a person!! I am sure at this stage this will not be the end of it, there is bound to be another problem. 

How do you get an NIE or some form of ''electronic certificate'' that you can use as ID on the web with any Spain authority.
I use Sun lawyer in Le zenia they charge 50e each plus the tax, they then help me over the year with advice foc, so I use them for the last !8 years
Is the tax % gone up from 24% up to 24.75% when paying ur non resident tax and also 1.1% up to 2.0%
This message was last edited by sandiemac on 17/01/2017.
Is the tax % gone up from 24% up to 24.75% when paying ur non resident tax and also 1.1% up to 2.0%
It was 24.75% in 2013/14 but I thought they'd reduced it to 24% for 2015 and even 19% if you are a EU citizen.
Also the % used to calculate (x cadastral value) is 2% but reduced to 1.1% if your property has been revalued since a certain year. Not sure which year but it was some time ago.
Good Evening
I own a Polaris World apartment in Murcia which was built in 2010 and I do not rent it out. Please can someone confirm my non-residents tax liability for 2016 which is due for payment this year. The valor castoral is 51,507.00 and has never changed.
Thanks in advance.
2% of the cadastral value and then 19% of that tax base.
Why not just have your Asesoría do submit the 210 for you? I don't think you can submit it by post, and I don't think your bank will submit it for you either.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
What is a ‘’ digital certificate’’ and how do I get one? How many hoops and queues?
_______________________ Get an ambulance
Forget digital certificate, it's old hat now. Get a cl@ve:
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Imputed tax form 210.
Sanchez, I have been completing this return for many years for my son and some friends.
It is completed on line. It can then be paid online, as explained, or one can take the 3 copies of the form to a bank and pay it either from your account or over the counter.
It is a very simple form, taking a few minutes to complete. There are even instructions on the internet in English.I have previously posted the links in EOS. I do not have time just now to add them again but they can be found by searching EOS