6th March

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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
06 Mar 2010 12:00 AM by victheviking Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 57 forum posts Send private message

victheviking´s avatar

Well here we go again, 6th March is here and don't know about anyone else, but we have still heard NOTHING for HdT.

No suprise there then!!!!

Anyone else on here still not heard OFFICIALLY from HdT?

Vic & Mark


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06 Mar 2010 10:27 AM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message

Hi Vic and Mark.

You should have heard from your legal rep by now with the options available to you, i suggest you contact them first thing Mon.

Hope this helps


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06 Mar 2010 12:52 PM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message


It's very quite on here where has everybody gone i would have thought it would be red hot discussing our options etc.


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06 Mar 2010 2:52 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Hi, We haven`t received anything either. So much for Tony saying all the address labels etc. were ready! If truthful I wasn`t really expecting anything to arrive from HdT. I`m  afraid it`s just more of the same old bull we have come to expect from them. Just more delaying tactics to keep them afloat for a bit longer. Don`t hold your breath for seeing your cash in 4-5 years time! Cheers Joanniemac

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06 Mar 2010 4:06 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Hi MM, Have tried to PM you, unable to send! Don`t want you to think I`m ignoring you. Cheers Joanniemac

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06 Mar 2010 5:43 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Ken, the reason its so quiet on here is that many have been banned. Not very helpful at this stage in the game. We should be able to  have meaningful debates without resorting to playground tactics of I`m telling on you! I for one will miss the valueable information that some of those that have been banned have posted in the past. I joined SARC in the beginning, as we were  grasping at straws and looking for any help out of this mess. However as time has passed, I have found it unbelieveable that Tony etc. have continued to have faith in HdT or anything they say. If you need any proof of HdT`s commitment to us where is the report? They have had ample time to send the proposal.What chance have we got of ever getting our money back in the 4-5 year timescale when they can`t send out a proposal in time? Very generous of them to offer  us 65% of MY MONEY back!  Just for the record I dont have a BG. Cheers Joanniemac

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06 Mar 2010 9:15 PM by alantracey Star rating. 156 forum posts Send private message

Our legal rep has received the proposal.

If you want your money back, they are offering just 65% - 10% in 4 years time and the rest the following year.  There is no guarantee that they might not still go bankrupt further down the line - having disposed of more assets and having even less in the pot.  Or you could opt to continue with your purchase - paying peak prices in a spiralling market!  No mention of Bank Guarantees.  If they then go bankrupt further down the line then you will be back to square one in your legal fight and with properties probably mortgaged to the hilt!

By voting to allow HdT to continue you disolve them of any previous liabilities.  HdT seem to be under the impression that they have enough current purchasers eager to continue and can even sell a couple of hundred more properties before completion!

It has been sadly quiet on here - I really hope there have been no more bannings

Good luck everyone


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06 Mar 2010 10:13 PM by malc Star rating. 143 forum posts Send private message

Not sure who has been banned but im not :-)

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06 Mar 2010 11:06 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone advise if 65% of nothing is better than100% of nothing? Time to put this bunch of crooks into liquidation now! Cheers Joanniemac

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06 Mar 2010 11:25 PM by Laird Dave of Lochaber Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 180 forum posts Send private message

I'm amazed that SARC have not posted to say that the information you have all received is completely wrong, because that's not what Almundena has told them.

Its exactly what my solicitor told me three weeks ago. Send them down and stop this company from conning any other unsuspecting purchasers.




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07 Mar 2010 9:38 AM by victheviking Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 57 forum posts Send private message

victheviking´s avatar

OK i am probably being dim here, but for sake of clarity......

What happens if i personally decide that i am not willing to accept this offer of 65% in 5  years time.

I also do not wish to continue with the purchase.

But for arguements sake, HdT somehow manage to trade on and continue with the site(yeah and pigs might fly!!!)

Considering that my contract  has been breached by over 18 months (completion date given for June 2008), what would stop me from being able to take HdT to court for breach of contract and get all my money back (theoretically)?

As far as i have been led to beleive by my legal team, the only reason we have so far been unable to go down this route, is that the Administration is preventing us from actually cancelling the contract and demanding our money back.

If Hdt were able to trade on, the Administrators would therefore no longer be able to protect HdT from an onslaught of cancellation of contracts due to the breach of completion date?

Or am i missing something.........?


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07 Mar 2010 10:02 AM by Recardo Star rating. 103 forum posts Send private message

my completion time was August 09. aso I want my money back.

My lawyer says I had a BG in force when signing contract BUT it was cancelled by the company shortley afterwards, whick she say is illeagle and criminal.  Something to take up at alater date.

When I saw that the 6th was on Saturday I expected nothing tried taking a bet with William Hills but they said NO WAY JOSE.

Lets sit and grow a bit older and hope the Spanish Legal system looks after us befor the Euro Is only worth 70p.

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07 Mar 2010 3:39 PM by alantracey Star rating. 156 forum posts Send private message

Vic  - as I understand (and I am happy to stand corrected as this is only my opinion!) - you can cancel your Contract now (this is what we have done). the only issue is that HdT do not have the money (they say) to give you a 100% refund.   If they trade on,they are offering you the 65%.  I don't think anyone has mentioned what they can give you if they are liquidated now (that's the gamble).  If all was fair, it should be 100% of your money back- but we all know we are not being treated fairly!

If you cancelled your contract and got money back (look out for those pigs!!) and Santa Ana WAS built - there is nothing to stop you purchasing at a later date   as a new purchaser.  I personally feel the prices would have to be quite high as the properties would be mortgaged to the hilt, so they would not be reducing the prices to reflect the local current climate.  That would mean even less purchasers, which means less money for HdT,which means more mortgages.........  which is why I feel this cannot be allowed to happen

If HdT are liquidated now, there is no guarantee what monies we would get back - but my personal opinion is that a line would be drawn under this mess. The Directors would not  have had the opportunity to dispose of any more assets and there is  no time for more unsuspecting people to get drawn into this mess.

As has been eloquently posted before, many 'purchasers' do not have time on their side to wait 5 more years.



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07 Mar 2010 4:06 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tracey, As far as I know, if they are put into liquidation you remain a creditor and its recognised as 100% of money owing.With the timescale they are proposing, IMHO, i can`t seeing it taking 4-5 years to wind them up, and prevents them spiriting any more money away. Hence my previous post 65% or 100% of nothing. We have no guarantees that further down the road they just jump back into administration. As you say, its a gamble, however I would prefer to stop them inflicting this fiasco on anyone else. I would rather know what chance I had of getting any money back through liquidation than this additional waiting game they want us to play.Cheers Joanniemac

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07 Mar 2010 5:27 PM by alantracey Star rating. 156 forum posts Send private message

Joanniemac - I agree entirely.  If anyone accepts the 65% payment or their house, there is NO GUARANTEES.  People could wait 2 or 3 years just to find themselves back where we are now - HdT can put  themselves into voluntary administration further down the line and the whole process starts again.  Call me an old cynic but I only believe in what I can see - and I want to see the colour of my money!!

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07 Mar 2010 6:37 PM by mattjo Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

 Hi all,

I haven’t posted for a while as I did not wish to participate in a slanging match, I don’t think that I need to expand on this. Recent posts on this thread have been more enlightening and I entirely agree with the consensus that there would be no guarantee that 65% would be forthcoming in five years time. Furthermore, the prices in our contracts do not reflect the substantial reduction in property values due to the downturn. When I paid my deposit the exchange rate was 1.48 to the pound therefore even a much reduced amonut, following liquidation, would be better than nothing given current exchange rates. I shall be voting no to the current offer, which reading between the lines, is what my barrister is advising 


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07 Mar 2010 7:27 PM by jillyg Star rating in Deepcut, Surrey. 57 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

We have not heard anything from our Lawyer regarding the proposal. We do not have a bank guarentee and we also cannot wait another five years for the build as our age is against us (not that we would be interested in buying anything from them).

I think the only route is liquidation and agree with joanniemac and see if we can get anything back  taking that route.

MM where are you? Miss your threads and all the advice you have given over the last 2 years. You say it as it is and we know where we stand, whether its good or bad, not through rose tinted glasses like some.

We were in Costa Del Sol last weekend and seen 3 different builds going on by San Jose SA, is this the same San Jose who has given me nightmares for the past 2 years? Does anybody know.

Kind regards to all


G S Gee

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07 Mar 2010 8:05 PM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message

Hi Gill.

As far as i can make out MM has been banned again. Apparantly it is wrong to get angry and speak the truth but is ok to constantly spout bo#£$&!s as long as you do it politely.


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08 Mar 2010 1:21 AM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Ken, you are right MM has been banned again, not sure of the details but allegedly due to complaints from SARC. If this is the case, and I repeat if this is the case, then one would have to question the reasons for such? MM has been a harsh critic of the cosy relationship of the SARC leadership and HdT and if she has saved just one person from making a wrong decision then she hasn`t failed! I totally agree with what MM has said all along about SJ/HdT, I think she was totally frustrated by the claptrap peddled by Alumdena & co. and some times impolite, but there is only so long you can bang your head  against the wall! Now we will never know how she managed to get her money back from HdT. I don`t think its in our interests to allow this shower of crooks  to continue trading, I will most definetely be voting NO.  They have a bloody cheek asking us to vote in favour of stealing 35% of our cash! Cheers Joanniemac


This message was last edited by joanniemac on 08/03/2010.

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08 Mar 2010 8:38 AM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message

Hi joannie.

As one of the few people to have got a fefund without a bg the help we could have recieved from MM was priceless. We have now been denied that help by allegedly SARC. The question is if they claim to want the best outcome for all why have they sensored potentially the best hope we may have. I also think it very narrow minded of Justin to bow to there wishes.


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Previous Threads

No offer of bank Guarantees (again) - 0 posts
La for info Verdad - 3 posts
SARC February Report. THEY DO NOT WANT MORE OF YOUR MONEY. - 5 posts
Trampolin Hills, first Spanish owner lodges complain in Brussels - 0 posts
"The Biggest Con of all Cons" - They Want More of Your Money - 60 posts
Banned - 11 posts
Banks involved so far... - 11 posts
News about Ambsun - 25th January - 15 posts
Banks responsibility as per law 57/68 - 14 posts
The luxury of having a bank guarantee ??? - 4 posts
7th February - 56 posts
A Law unto themselves - 0 posts
Inclement Weather - 7 posts
News Article RTN - 8 posts
Is it time to pull the plug ! - 8 posts
The Shepherd - 22 posts
Happy New Year - 1 posts
SARC LEADERS - 10 posts
Water for Santa Ana Del Monte Golf - NOT NOW!!! - 1 posts
Look what I got today - 20 posts
Merry Christmas - 6 posts
New photo, not of SADM, but of the potential view from SADM! - 2 posts
SARC December update report now available - 0 posts

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