Certificate of habitation

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04 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by tribeca737 Star rating in Blackpool. 28 forum posts Send private message

I've read that you cannot complete (or Polaris cannot force you to complete) without a COH which is issued by the Town Council.
I presume these haven't been issued due to the fact that the residences are being completed so early without the promised infrastructure.

They relate to the supply of utilities. Has anyone had problems in this regard?


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05 Oct 2008 9:07 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

danseex´s avatar
promised infrastructure.? the infrastructure is complete or do you mean facilites?

If so then Town hall will still issue the COH as they only sign off the dwelling, sometimes there can be a couple of weeks delay on them coming through because of the large amount they are having to issue in one go.

You cant apply for utility connections without a COH and I believe the early completors should be starting to be connected about now.

Personally I  never expected everything promised from day one as that was unrealistic for them to do in such a short space of time, the fact that the work has started on the new town centre shows enough comitment for me.

Regards Dan

This message was last edited by danseex on 10/5/2008.

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05 Oct 2008 5:18 PM by tribeca737 Star rating in Blackpool. 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dan,
That may be so, but legally Polaris cannot force you to complete without a COH. If you choose to complete without one then you risk having no utilities.
I'm worried about the lack of a golf course until mid 2009 earliest and feel it is wrong for Polaris to be pressuring people to complete so early.



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05 Oct 2008 6:04 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Hi , Ken, Im completing in a couple of weeks time and wouldn't dream of completing without one as your find with the majority of people on here who haven't completed until they are avaliable.

I have had my  concerns over the last few months but have decided to go with it, there are people who wait years over there agreed completion date so I suppose we they can't win.

As for the golf course I would of thought they needed to get a bit of money from the project before they started it, it seems to be coming on very well so I

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05 Oct 2008 6:08 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

danseex´s avatar
Hi , Ken, Im completing in a couple of weeks time and wouldn't dream of completing without a COH as your find with the majority of people on here who haven't completed until they are avaliable.

My solicitor said that if the COH wasnt ready on the day then PW would pay for POA for him to complete when its issued a week or so later.

I have had my  concerns over the last few months but have decided to go with it, there are people who wait years over there agreed completion date so I suppose they can't win.

As for the golf course I would of thought they needed to get a bit of money from the project before they started it, it seems to be coming on very well so I'm reasonably happy with that.


Ignore post below. keyboard gremlins!!!

This message was last edited by danseex on 10/5/2008.

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05 Oct 2008 6:32 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ken - We should have completed on Friday but due to no COH, didn't complete, so are now waiting for it to be issued - As Dan says you will find most people on this forum have waited until they have the COH before completion, and PW haven't pressurised anyone to complete without it, because they know they can't - Everyone that has completed so far has had access to builders water and electric without charge, while waiting to be connected to a permanent supply

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06 Oct 2008 6:28 PM by tribeca737 Star rating in Blackpool. 28 forum posts Send private message

Ok Thanks for the info, just need my bank guarantee for second stage payment and coh before i can start thinking about completing.



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07 Oct 2008 6:38 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar
Hi Ken,

Like you I haven't had a BG for the second payment.  But unlike the COH that's not a reason not to complete.  The BG's are only valid upto completion at which point they have to be returned anyway.  PW are currently using this as an excuse for not issuing , "there's only five weeks to competion so its not a problem" dispite my solicitor pointing out they are legally required to produce them.  





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07 Oct 2008 12:20 PM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

Hi all
polaris rang less than 2 weeks ago pushing me for a completion date, so we agreed on november 13th, I went ahead and booked flights and sorted accomadation only to get another call yesterday pushing the completion back to december because the COH would not be ready, what a waste, the only good that has come out of it is that they agreed to let me snag the property while im over so if there is any problems they should be sorted by completion, I am in penthouse block 2

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07 Oct 2008 1:16 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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We were due to complete in Penthouse Block 10 next Wednesday.  To be honest we didn't really expect to complete on this date given everybody else's experiences of lack of Certificates of Habitation, and lo and behold the e-mail arrived from my solictor yesterday saying that it is highly unlikely the Certificate will be their for next week.  So looks like it's Power of Attorney for us.

Still looking at the bright side, hopefully more time to look at furniture shops (yipee!!)



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07 Oct 2008 2:47 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Alison & Simon & Maverick - Sorry about the news, I suppose it's a good guess that ours won't be through again this week - Won't know till tomorrow cos just had email from solicitor saying PW offices are closed today because of a local bank holiday :( ...... Had to take a double take there Simon, thought it was Ali jumping for joy cos of more shopping lol................Got to keep smiling

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07 Oct 2008 7:58 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Alison & Simon,

sorry to hear about the Habitation Cert news........I just was begining to think that we would have problems with this & now I think your news has just about confirmed things.  We will also complete by POA if this happens & will still go out as planned.  As you say, a bit more time for other things!!  I hope we can keep the appointment for the NIE numbers though?




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07 Oct 2008 8:00 PM by hendert Star rating in Dumfries. 56 forum posts Send private message

We have today been notified by our solicitor that the inhabitancy licence will not be available for our handover on the 23rd, Polaris are unable to confirm the date that it will be available.

The week we are over will not be wasted as we will spend time looking at furniture and hopefully relaxing in the sun.

We will grant Power of Attorney to our solicitor at Polaris expense, on the good side we don’t need to spend all day at the notary.
Tom and Jane Henderson

Tom and Jane Penthouses, Block 11 www.hendersonsinspain.talktalk.net

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08 Oct 2008 3:14 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Just heard from PW that the completion of our penthouse delyed due to lack of Habitation Licence (due to complete on 22nd). Not expected until DECEMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still we're in no particular hurry at the moment - we'll hang onto the Euros !

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08 Oct 2008 4:16 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Bloody hell what are they playing at they shock everyone by ringing them up to complete early and then piss us around!

BTW is just the penthouses or have other people in the Los Naranjos Jardins been getting calls?

The hassle & planning I have gone through so my parents can look after our kids while we go out there, I had to plan a 3 day trip out to Spain to complete 4 days before we go on holiday to Mexico because they told me that was the latest date!

Moan over...............


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08 Oct 2008 4:27 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

Skell´s avatar
Quite agree Danseex,

Although I have not had confirmation of a no show ofr the HC.....I am expecting it anyday.  I too have arranged for kids cover etc, Secured Euros at a rate which is now deemed low, Flights booked, Holidays from work etc etc in anticipation of a completion - brought forward at PW's request.

Normally sh*t like this doesn't really bother me.....just deal with it & move on, but on top of all the other Global nonsense it is a bit much.

Tying to stay half-full, but will need several pints of Strong Lager tonight to keep it full!!

Still .......it could be worse.......I could be a Spurs supporter as well........that really would finish me off right now!!




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08 Oct 2008 4:29 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I agree. I can accept the licences as they are under the Town Halls control (although given their track record perhaps PW should have factored this in). However, they have also said we will still be able to snag PROVIDED the building work is finished !!! I've told them in no uncertain terms I now want the Bank Guarantee for my second payment - I'd gone along with not having this on the basis of completing sopon but I now require it...
Still going out in October though and will have more time to do other things so will meet up for a drink.

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08 Oct 2008 5:36 PM by OOCH Star rating in Cheshire and Jardins.... 69 forum posts Send private message

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Polaris agree in your contract to complete your apartment within 18 months of building work commencing. The exact definintion of 'building work commencing' is open to interpretation as it could mean condado, the section your apartment is on, or the apartment itself. Anyway, if they run over the 18 months, they are in breach of contract and you are supposedly entitled to a refund of your deposit. With the current credit crunch a lot of people will be looking for a way out of the contract. I think Polaris are getting people to commit to an early completion date even if the habitacion cert isn't ready so that everybody is on board within the 18 months and is therefore unlikely to pull out. Our solicitors told us that if we agreed a completion date, not to book flights until a week before as the habitacion certs are usually late. We've decided just to wait until the cert is done and then agree a completion date. Polaris said you have 20 days after the cert arrives or the legal department will be in touch.

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08 Oct 2008 5:41 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

danseex´s avatar
Thanks for reminding me again Nick, Spurs league psoition has probably got something to do with me having the raving hump the last few weeks.

Right back to business.... I need a bankers draft in order for me to pay to complete, I was going to get one the day before I go to the notary, now If the COH is not ready I will sign POA to solicitor, but how long will my bankers draft be valid for? or is there another way of paying Im not seeing here?

Im completing Oct 21st and if it is put back until say december then will my banks draft still be valid then?

Cheers Dan

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08 Oct 2008 6:42 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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We're transferring all funds to our solicitor who is paying Polaris, Notary, etc. Doesn't seem to be charging for this and it has removed the dilemma of the draft.

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