Certificate of habitation

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08 Oct 2008 7:06 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

danseex´s avatar
Thanks Kevin & Elaine, I'm just a bit wary of transfering all that money to someones account I have never met albeit a solicitor.

Are we meeting for that drink by the way?


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08 Oct 2008 7:35 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Yes to the drink at lunchtime - when do you go ? We get there on the night of 20th...

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08 Oct 2008 8:31 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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we dont fly back until late on the tues 21st so plenty of time!

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09 Oct 2008 12:11 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Dan

Like you we're a bit pissed off at the moment.  Initially told completion in December, then moved to Oct at PW's request only to now find out we can't complete as the hab cert isn't ready.  Wouldn't have been too bothered other than the fact I changed sterling to Euro's about 3 weeks ago at just about rock bottom.

We were also going to get a bankers draft the day before we were due at the notaries, but after speaking to our solicitor we are now doing like Kev & Elaine, and transferring the money to his account for him to arrange payment via Power of Attorney.  We've met our solicitor once, but am still a bit wary about moving over 90,000 euros into his account, but I suppose we've got to trust him.

We are out all of next week, as it's the Scottish half term, so will miss you, & Kev & Elaine, but once we've all completed hopefully we'll catch up for a beer or 2, then.




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09 Oct 2008 8:50 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

We also have just been told no cert of hab 2 weeks before completion. Leaving our rented home on 23rd when all our furniture is collected for delivery on 29th. Sold cars, booked flight so will be completing no matter what!

If we rented in Spain and stored furniture it is more cost and no doubt something we need will be in storage.

If it was a holiday home we could cope but not when it is our only home.

So will go ahead and hope PW contribute - perhaps pay notary fees as the have caused us to complete without cert. If we changed date they would have to pay notary, POA, difference in flight costs etc.

Not happy

Barry & Sue



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09 Oct 2008 1:05 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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After ignoring my emails I have managed to speak to the completion department, they have said the COH should be through any time now and they are hopeful of having it in time for when I complete, if there was any delay it would be only by a few days which is no big deal for us.

Although I would prefer to not have to complete via POA, so it appears the delays are with the penthouses, maybe the ongoing work on the golf course in close proximity of them is holding it up?

Chins up...


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09 Oct 2008 5:08 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All - Our second attempt at completing should have been today, but no surprise that it wasn't - Have now been told end of October, but that sort of coincides with the original dates that the penthouses had? I think Dan may be right about them being held up because of construction on the golf course, also when we were out there, even though all the apartments looked ready, there was still a lot of work being carried out on the villas which are just behind us - We think any construction going on near to properties would hold up hab certs - Hopefully our snagging was still carried out today - Barry & Sue, are you in an apartment or penthouse? Good luck with it all, hope it's evertyhing you hoped for

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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09 Oct 2008 5:22 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Martyn & June,

You've now really confused me(very easy to do) you say you never completed on a penthouse today but on your private profile you say you are on jardine 7.  Are the penthouses not overlooking the golf course andthe apartments in the jardines,or have I got it round the wrong way?



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09 Oct 2008 5:56 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ali - Sorry if I confused you, I honestly can't see where I did - We are in the apartments, Los Naranjos Jardin 7 - The penthouses do overlook the golf course on one side and the apartment on the other - The apartments are between the penthouses and the villas - So, I think the fact that it's still a bit scrappy around the villas, with road tidying up and outside work, like pergolas being constructed and the villas gardens, is maybe the reason our apartments keep being put on hold for HCs, but it may be all the work going on, on the golf course at the moment that is delaying the penthouses, there are a lot of big trucks about - If you look at those last photos we posted you can see how unfinished some of the roads look and in the one with the villas, there is a crane - The town hall won't issue HCs with that sort of construction traffic near habitation - Sorry if I confused you even more now, I do ramble on a bit when I'm trying to explain something, much prefer talking - June

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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09 Oct 2008 6:36 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi June

Sorry your completion failed again, I have been emailing PW to try and get a new date but they just don’t bother responding. I have asked my solicitor to chase them up but she is no better at responding. Its very frustrating, especially when I have my final payment sat in a Spanish bank and with the world financial situation I am not happy about just leaving it their, as I don’t know anything about the compensation scheme in Spain if a Spanish Bank fails (UK 50K). Cant opt for completion without HC due to Mortgage provider wont but wouldn’t want to anyway.


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09 Oct 2008 8:06 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Phil - Frustrating is a bit of an understatement - Know what you mean by the money, ours, I hope is safe in the account of our solicitor? - I have tried to look at the blog that Maria Casto posted about Spanish Deposit Guarantee, but I can't make head or tails of it - Have also seen article in English/Spanish today that states that they have 30 billion euros to help finances, which could rise to 50 billion, but again, I'm not sure what that means for the normal Joe Public - I tend to blank off anything about money that isn't in a shop window or thereabouts, don't mean to, it just happens -----PW haven't replied to any of my emails either - Had emails from our solicitor yesterday, first one said they had been told by PW that they expect to get HCs for the week commencing 20th Oct --Next email, same day, she says, in reply to us saying we don't want to carry on without HC, but we are getting a bit concerned, because we have booked to go out again in November, PW told her that as they expect to obtain the HC by the end of October, if we come over as planned on the 17th, everything will be fine having completed on your behalf before such day --- So, we are now looking at any day between Mon 20th Oct and Fri 31st ---Watch this space

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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10 Oct 2008 1:02 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

I have already said we are completing on October 29th COH or not - we have nowhere to live!

But what's the difference? There is no doubt that PW will be given the certs when the town hall is good and ready, and as far as I can see the only effect of not having one is that you can't register for water and electricity supplies and will be on builders supply.

When you do have the cert and complete you will still be on builders supply  for 60 days so it just means I will be getting free utilities for a month longer than those who wait.

Or is that too simplistic? 

Barry & Sue




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10 Oct 2008 2:53 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Barry & Sue

Firstly good luck with your completion, hope all goes well with it and your new life in Spain.

The Certificate of Habitation (COH) is called (Licencia de Primera Ocupación) or loosely translated First Occupation Licence. (FOL)

I would say in the case of PW and the fact that COH or FOL have already been issues to other gardens, it shouldn’t be a problem and in you situation I would probably do the same as you and complete.

That said most solicitors would recommend you don’t complete without one as the issuing of this licence represents that a number of other requirements have been met: Planning consent, structure is satisfactory, utilities can be provided and so on. Again most if not all mortgage providers will not release funds unless the licence has been issued so I would suggest unless like Barry & Sue you have too don’t complete without it.


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22 Oct 2008 9:14 PM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

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has anyone seen one yet for los naranjos


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22 Oct 2008 9:47 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ace - Not as far as we know - The third date we were given was Monday (20th) but realistically we were looking at the end of the month - Have been looking on other forums and it seems to be the same story - Over on the main Condado forum, Peter ( Redcloak) said his date was November 7th but it doesn't look as if they will have them for that date - So don't know what's going on, we have been told it's nothing more sinister than, the town hall hasn't finished inspecting the area yet, on another forum someone says there is only one inspector for the whole site, so he has a bit of a back log - So not much help I'm afraid

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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23 Oct 2008 2:24 PM by snorkychopper Star rating in England / Spain. 226 forum posts Send private message

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My mortage broker tells me that for our block (16) of the penthouses - the builidng works wont be signed off until 19th November and only then can the Certs of Habitation be issued by the town hall
He is now estimating end Decmber before we can complete - its a bit rich when Polaris have been hassling and chasing me, for the date THEY gave as  20th October for our completion !


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23 Oct 2008 2:48 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

We are due to complete on the 12th, the COH is not available yet but PW are still hopeful that it will be ready by then.
Flights, parking, accomdation, car hire etc is all booked and paid for so we are going over for the week and hoping, if not then they will have to pay for POA. Not ideal as we want to start arranging furniture/lighting etc but ha-ho.





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23 Oct 2008 5:19 PM by Rustad Star rating in Kent. 89 forum posts Send private message

I am beginning to think my latest date from PW of 16 December may be a little optimistic at this rate. But if it has to be the New Year, then so be it. Alan

Alan R www.condado4rent.com rentals@condado4rent.com alanrustad@gmail.com

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23 Oct 2008 10:49 PM by redcloak Star rating in Stonehaven and Jardi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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As noted below - I've been told that COH on 7/11/08 might not happen but my solicitor is checking it out right now. When he gets back to me I'll update you all. There's a chance we'll get the certificate but reading everyone else's plight, I'm not too confident.
We're feeling as hacked off as the rest of you - having booked flights, accommodation, car hire etc and now possibly not being able to get into the apartment and to start  furnishing it when we're over.
Keep your chin up - I find gin helps enormously.......in fact it's a wonder I can type this well under the influence.
Keep the faith, we'll all get there eventually (and look back at all this and  laugh, I hope!!)


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24 Oct 2008 7:17 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,

Just for info'

After much consideration, communication with my Spanish solicitor & PW..........we have decided to take Ali, Simon & Barry's lead and will complete as originally scheduled (Nov 7th) - without the COH.    Like many of you I suspect -  we had plans set in place around this date - Currency transfer, AC installation, Furniture sourcing, Binds fitting etc.   That in itself was not too serious - they can all be re-scheduled, but I then started to consider about the COH itself......What it is, what does it mean, how critical is it to me etc..........I guess if you are taking a Spanish Morgtgage it would be critical or if we did not have the use of the builders Utilities - again critical.    In my case that does not have an impact on us & after discussing the leagl aspect with the solicitor (who confirmed that it is basically Town Hall bureacracy - delayed only by the general back log.  Of course  from a legal viewpoint he did not advise us to complete, but based on his experience with PW gave me enough assurance that the risk is negligible.

The benefit's of completion during our planned visit far outweigh the risks in my opinion.  I can do a number of jobs in the Apartment now, install the AC, organise & confirm furniture deliveries etc etc......thus ensuring our next visit (after this one) will be much more enjoyable........by which time I fully expect to have the HC cert anyway. 


Each to is own of course......I fully respect every case is different.  This is by no means advise.....just my feedback for this particular thread

If PW could have been more specific about the revised COH then



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