Certificate of habitation

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27 Oct 2008 5:02 PM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Hi Nick and Deb,

Yes I guess we will be.

It will be great to meet up with all the neighbours and have a drink to celebrate when we get the keys.  Not that I need an excuse to to open a bottle though!

Have you been out there recently and seen the construction progress?




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27 Oct 2008 5:54 PM by redcloak Star rating in Stonehaven and Jardi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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Ha! soccer is it, by God? A game for softies.
I'll have you "converted" to the one and only real football game -Rugby Union - by the time I get you all to the Club House - believe me!! There's ateam in Murcia - I've checked (honest!)
Viva Rugby Murcia,

Pedro (see - I'm  already converted)

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27 Oct 2008 5:57 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all

Back to the point of the thread we should have completed on Naranjos Jardin 8 in September so we are now awaiting COH so solicitor can complete using POA in the past its usually been a week or two for the late COH’s to be issued, I’ve tried emailing PW to ask for update on when it will be issued, but yes you gust it they haven’t bothered replying. I asked my solicitor to try to find something out but she just responded by saying its in PW’s interest to obtain COH, ASAP so they can get the money for the property so they will obtained it as soon as they can. Has anyone had any proper information on COH’s being issued?


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27 Oct 2008 6:02 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Nick & Deb

Welcome to the forum, you will find a vast amount of information here on evey subject you can think of. The folks are great and you feel you know eveyone even though you haven't met them.

We are also in Jardin 7 N616 & N615 so we are also neighbours. We should have completed on 3rd October then 9th, then 20th. All dates have come and gone with no sign of Hab Certs but we are not too worried. We have informed our solicitors that we want to complete by POA whether or not the Hab Certs have been issued. We are out 17th Nov for a week of furnishing, air con etc and want to get it all done before we are out again for New Year. 

We were out in Sept and the whole place is looking fantastic so you shouldn't worry about your purchase, just look forward to the happy days enjoying what you've bought.

Hope to see you soon

Martyn & June

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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27 Oct 2008 6:45 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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I think you meant to welcome Kelly V to the site, as the newcomer.......as we have been around a while, as you know........however I accept your welcome again!! 

Just miss you this time, as we are next week to try & get sorted.  Hope to meet up in the future






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27 Oct 2008 7:54 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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My husband is an idiot.  lol  See this is what happens when I let him post.   He meant to welcome Kelly,  so the sentiment was there. So once again, welcome Kelly and ditto everything the idiot said.

Shame about missing you this time, Nick and Deb,  we will be over again at New Year.

Peter, agree about the rugby,  Martyn says there is also a team in Cartegena, don't know what level they are cos they are always advertising for players.

Phil, have emailed our solicitor again about info on habitation certificates, before deciding wether to complete on Thursday but, at this stage  we shall probably  go ahead regardless

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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27 Oct 2008 8:14 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kelly & Simon,

Welcome to the forum, Jardine 7 Los narajos is looking good and I think fully completed, but not many people have moved in yet, obviously waiting for their COH, we completed without ours but fortunately enough we don't have a mortgage and our solicitor advised that it was just bureacracy and he didn't see any reason for us not to complete.  We are with Skell on the subject of facilities being postponed, rescheduled.


Don't be too hard on the idiot, they are unable to do two things at the same time.  The two things being typing and looking at the screen. .



 Always look on the bright side of life  

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27 Oct 2008 8:15 PM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message


Thank you for the welcome, everyone is so friendly!!

I tried to call the Town Hall today for an update, but they don't speak a word of english.

My solicitor is now on the case, so if I get to know the reason for the delay then I will let everyone know.




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28 Oct 2008 9:04 AM by sharonw Star rating in Coin, Malaga. 281 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kelly,

I have a couple of clients on this development and of course in the same situation, waiting for the First Occupation licence.  It is absolutely true to say that the majority of lenders are now offering to a maximum of 60% LTV, some 60% of purchsae price, whichever comes in lower, but there are still a couple still at 70% LTV and any mortgage offer you can secure normally is valid for 3 months and should be honored if the lender changed their criteria.    Valuations are valid for a period of 6 months, after which the process starts again!








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28 Oct 2008 11:46 AM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

Ace you were right Bancaja will not complete without the license, even though Nuria had said they would.  Never mind, will have to wait I suppose :-(




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28 Oct 2008 4:54 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

cuz´s avatar
Hi all,

Following us asking our solicitor for more information before deciding whether to go ahead with completion without Habitation Certificate, thought you may like to see what we received:

I understand your frustration with the delay, but unfortunately the only reason that Polaris is getting from the Town Hall is that they have a workload and it is not possible to issue all the Habitation Certificates at the same time. I have been trying to contact the Town Hall during last two days but it has been impossible to speak with the person in charge of Habitation Certificates.


I take the opportunity to provide you with a brief explanation about the documents that are required in order to be able to sign your deeds, whether you are taking out a Spanish mortgage for the final payment or paying in cash, so that you can understand the current situation of your property:


-       Escritura de Obra Nueva y División Horizontal (New Building Declaration Deed): this document is signed in front of a Notary Public by the builder and it contains the description of all the properties of a complex, as well as the sizes and boundaries. Once it is registered, the Land Registry Office put a square/stamp next to the description of each property with the corresponding registry details (plot number, etc.). This is the first document that banks normally need in order to be able to proceed with the valuation of a property, as with the registry details they can ask for a “nota simple” of the property to the Land Registry Office. THE BUILDER HAS GOT IT.


-       Certificado de Fin de Obra del Arquitecto (Certificate of End of Works from the architect): This document is issued and signed by the corresponding architect(s) in charge of the building project and it confirms that the properties have been properly finished in their construction. THE BUILDER HAS GOT IT.


-       Seguro decenal (Ten Years Building Insurance): By this policy, the builder guarantees clients the repair of structural damage caused by building defects and faults for a period of ten years. It is issued by the corresponding insurance company appointed by the builder. It is compulsory that new buildings have this sort of insurance. THE BUILDER HAS GOT IT.


-       Acta fin de obra (End of Works Deed): This document is signed in front of a Notary Public by the builder and it contains the certificate of end of works from the architect and the ten years building insurance policy. Banks normally require this document to be duly registered at the Land Registry Office before signing any mortgage, as if it is not registered, the nota simple of the property will appear “under construction” and property surveyors from some banks could value the property below its real price, which means that they would give a lower mortgage to clients. In order to sign this deed, now it is also required the Libro del Edificio (Construction Book), which contains identification details of agents who have intervened in the build, minutes of the reception of the construction works, final building project and information on the use and upkeep of the building. THE BUILDER HAS GOT IT.


-       Cédula de Habitabilidad o Licencia de Primera Ocupación (Habitation Certificate or Licence of First Occupancy): When the Town Hall grants this certificate, it means that the property has  passed all the municipal inspections and it has been considered eligible to be inhabited. This   document is also necessary in order to make the water, electricity and gas individual contracts for every property. The builder has to compile several documents from the utility companies in order to present all the paperwork at the corresponding Town Hall and apply for the Habitation Certificate. Once it has been applied for, it could take several months until the certificate is finally issued. It depends on how busy is each Town Hall.  Normally banks accept signing just with the application but it is always advisable to confirm this directly with the lender bank. THE BUILDER HAS NOT GOT IT YET.


I am sorry but this is the only information I can provide you with at this moment. I do not think that the issuing will take much longer but I am not able to assure you any realistic date.

As we don't have a mortgage on our apartments we have taken the decision to go ahead with completion as soon as our solicitor can arrange the appointment with the notary.       The sooner the better, the Cava bottle getting ice crystals on it, it's been in the fridge that long

This message was last edited by cuz on 10/28/2008.

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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28 Oct 2008 11:01 PM by redcloak Star rating in Stonehaven and Jardi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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Martyn & June - thanks for this. I'll have it up my sleeve when I see our solicitor next week.
Enjoy the cava - better late than never,


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29 Oct 2008 9:27 PM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

I told Nuria at PW, what i told you that Bancaja had said NO we could not complete without the habitation license.

She then called me and confirmed again that it was possible and that she would contact the bank directly.

She did and spoke to the bank manager and provided them with all the documents and proof that PW had submitted to the town hall.

The bank contacted me today and said that they were happy for the completion to take place on Monday 3rd Nov as planned.  So I guess my thoughts were, if the bank (who lets not forget legally own the property  until I make the final payment) are okay with this then it must be just a technicality?

So we have decided to plough on.  Now I know that there has been some communication in the Spanish Insight about some solicitors being in property developers pockers and pushing completion no matter what BUT my solicitor had delayed the last completion date because this license had not been received not telling me that it was possible to complete without this, so I trust that he is acting in my best interest.

So guys and gals we are completing on 3rd Nov and I am SO EXCITED!!!!!  I am armed with the kids PS2 and singstars and bottle of MOET, so if anyone of our neighbours are out there at this time it will be nice to meet up.




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30 Oct 2008 10:31 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kelly

This would confirm the information we received from our solicitor.  After reading the info she sent us (As posted below)  we can see that PW have gone as far as they can regarding licences needed and that it is just the town hall holding things up.

Our solicitor also couldn't advise us to complete without the HC but after reading the info she sent we have decided to go ahead. I realise that that this is our own personal choice and that other people have to decide on their own merits, but at as I've said before, at the moment we have no money and no apartments, PW and our solicitor have it all, so by gaining all the relevant information and completing, we will at least have some reality, and closure as far as we are concerned.

Many congratulations on your completing, we were supposed to be completing today, but because we were holding back for more info, have lost our slot at the notary, and because of the bank holiday, again, we are now completing on the 4th ( So we can have fireworks as well as iced Cava )

We are not out now till the 17th so miss you this time, but look forward to meeting you in the future.

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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30 Oct 2008 10:38 AM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Hi Cuz,

Thats great, you will have to defrost the ice crystals!

Our appointment is at Torre Pacheco (I think that is how you spell it), as this notary is open on 3rd Nov.  I just want the keys now!!

Do you know when the community fees will begin?

Do we need a license out there before we can use a TV like in the UK?

Its all surreal now!




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30 Oct 2008 11:03 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kelly

No one knows about the community fees yet.  I guess it will wait until at least utilities are connected and then we need committees to be set up.  I have never heard anyone mention tv licences, so  would say no, they are not needed.

Just a thought, as Phil ( PGM ) mentioned in another thread, there is another forum on EOS for the whole of Condado. You will find lots of info on there. A lot of people post on this one and that one, but the majority go on there.  A lot of them have already completed because they are in the Jardines and have gone through all the trials and tribulations of completing, so are a great help.

If you go to the log on page, >forums>off plan developments  scroll down and you will see " add another development"  Type in Condado de Alhama and you will go to that page. You can then look at everything that is happening on that forum and the Los Naranjos one.

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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31 Oct 2008 7:47 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Our solicitor advised us today that Polaris have our habitation certficate so the town hall is obviously moving.

Looking at completing through POA around 25 November as our snagging uncovered - or walked straight into - a damp problem that Polaris have advised will be resolved within 20 days.



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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01 Nov 2008 12:25 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Gary & Angela, that's good news. That's the first sign of HCs that we have seen on Los Naranjos,  so as you say things are moving. 

Hope everything goes well with your "Leak".  We are hoping, fingers crossed very tightly, that this isn't a problem for us.  On the day we had our snagging done, it was raining very heavy and nothing was noted.  Now hoping that it isn't a seeping leak that doesn't show up till later.  Our first task, after we complete on Tuesday, is to ask Carol to go and have a look, prior to light fittings,  white goods delivery etc

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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01 Nov 2008 5:49 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Hope all is OK for you. We're not out until January so will be relying on Carol as well once we've completed to let us know if there is a niff in the air! Still nearly there...........



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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03 Nov 2008 9:14 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Hi folks, hope all is well, just got back from a sunny Mexico and have an email from Polaris saying COH is through and they have booked an apointment with my solicitor to complete next Monday 11th.

Looks like its all go......with that & Harry Redknapp's houdini act I'm a happy bunny.


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