Max stepped down from the last committee and withdrew himself and its not the case that he was 'not available' simple as.
In any case in his last response to my posting he states 'I thought there was a general consensus to let matters rest until the meeting.' yet here he is again can't let matters go and have to have the last say in everything on this forum, what's his problem?
The issue with the AGM in Jan 2008 and the matter of the court case against the developer highlights the importance of being 100% sure about who you give your proxies to and exactly how you expect this to be used. For anyone giving proxies you should be aware that you should make your thoughts known on any points in the agenda of any EGM or AGM and make sure you instruct the proxy holder to vote 'save' on any points which is not clear and needs further clarification.
The proxy holder has to then come back to you advise you of the situation you then decide how you wish to vote and then the proxy holder has to go back to the committee / administrator with your decision. Unfortunately most of us are not / were not fully aware of the rules and regulations of such things in Spain and this is a learning curve. Max states that I should take the matter up with David as he was my proxy holder (I have already spoken to him about this) but if I remember correctly I gave my proxy to Max at the time so what gives him the right to pass the proxy on to David?
With regards to the Jan 2008 AGM I think how the last committee, of which Max was the vice president, handle the matter of the court case against the developer was complete shambles. Although this matter is from a year or so ago it is important to understand what's happened and the implications thereof.
Firstly do you really need a lawyer to tell you that you need a technical architect's report for the matter to stand up in court? Personally I think it's not even a technical architect you need but a structural surveyor / engineer. Simple fact is any one with a bit of common sense can see that you need an official report in order to pursue the matter in court you don't need a lawyer to tell you that.
Secondly if that report is going to cost big bucks then this and only this should have been voted on at the AGM. Once the surveyor has compiled the report and all the owners had a chance to read through and understand the implication then another vote of owners should have taken place to agree if to take legal action and at what cost. If the report wasn't going to cost big bucks then the committee should have gone ahead and got the report done then given all the owners a chance to scrutinise it and then take the vote if to take the matter to court and at what cost.
The method used by the last committee makes absolutely no sense at all i.e. agree to instruct an architect obtain a report and if no response from the developer take legal action, without even allowing owners to see what exactly is in the report and give them a chance to decide weather it is appropriate to take action. Yet another cock up of the last committee. Incidentally where has that court case got us now?
As Dema stated what does Max really want from all this? He is spending way too much time and effort just simply to help a neighbour regain employment (at a cost to the community!) and don't forget a contract he wanted terminated himself only a few months ago when he was vice president.
The facts of the matter is when Toni's contract was terminated Max advised her to seek legal action against the community. He introduced her to His lawyer, He & Saskia advised her to take the matter further via an EGM, when the board refuse this, Max & Saskia went about accosting signatures to hold an EGM. Now that an EGM has been granted he is still causing trouble.
You have to ask yourself when someone spends more time on someone else affairs then their own business what do they possibly have to gain? Maybe in this case as Dema says to throw some members of the committee and appoint himself? and what would be the purpose of that? One has to question this!