Has building re-started at OCC?

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Oasis Thabernax Country Club forum threads
The Comments
15 Dec 2009 1:54 PM by jackb Star rating. 201 forum posts Send private message

To Brian Rowlands Bsc overseas sales agent,    survayor  and all round expert.

your advise is totally wrong you fall for any crap Huma give you,  no building has restarted they will tell you next the restart is after the easter bunnies have been,  then after the summer break, then next year after sant has been,   you will the relay the bull and some poor people are taken in.............admit it you have been conned just as I have been conned and we have all been conned 

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15 Dec 2009 2:15 PM by diverdan Star rating in Scotland / Greenock .... 119 forum posts Send private message


Not wanting to put the dampener on things but all of you should be aware that thsi was the way that acc went for a considerable time. Lies about the start dates Lies about contractors etc.

Nothing ever came of Huma promises.

Please do not let anyone else be taken in with their promises.

If you want a house in Spain there are thousands - all at cheap prices and you can pick where you want to stay.




Looking forward to a long retirement in the sun..........

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15 Dec 2009 4:04 PM by jackb Star rating. 201 forum posts Send private message

I agreed Dan,    but Huma are holding 40 to 100k off most buyers,  so we cant buy elsewere, we need our money back

Huma cant be waiting for the market to return,  it will take 10 years, buyers wont pay 120k to be on mcc/acc or occ they can buy frontline sea views , all facilities for that,  in the current market,  so  it can only be a matter of time before Huma are bankrupt.


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16 Dec 2009 9:14 AM by diverdan Star rating in Scotland / Greenock .... 119 forum posts Send private message


Huma survive on selling people their dream only they don't deliver.

I believe that Huma have all our money stashed away somewhere and eventually a day of reckoning will arrive.

I also believe that Huma will make a mistake sometime and cross one of the gentlemen no-one show mess with and Huma then will get their comeupance in a big way.

Until that day most peole will try the legal route but have not been very successful so far.



Looking forward to a long retirement in the sun..........

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17 Dec 2009 5:02 PM by Ken-n-Pat Star rating in Telford Midlands. 26 forum posts Send private message

Just had a Christmas card of HUMA - funny the last time a miracle happened a star appeared in the East.


Happy Christmas HUMA - ba humbug.

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22 Dec 2009 11:18 AM by jackb Star rating. 201 forum posts Send private message

Saw rolands Bsc with hons, in the rust nail bar in mojacar,  on Humas xmas night out!!!  like president Nixon the man is a crook.

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22 Dec 2009 2:10 PM by marjy Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

we live in spain just 40¨from sorbas. went last week and nothing has changed. we saw photos of trucks and machines who had apparently had been there a few days previously but had been removed from site  for long week end bank holiday. for security we were told.  should have been back the day we visited. believe its a con to make people think it has started. why bother showing taking pictures and showing them to everyone!!!!

has anyone got pedro valera ruiz phone no. he used to work for aldea and i believe is working on his own representing some of the buyers. my friends have lost 60,000€, are pensioners and now can´t buy any property at all so now they are living in a caravan. where is the justice in this? a lifes savings gone down the drain. half of the money was guzzled up by aldea - financial advisers in torrevieja and huma has the other half. 

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23 Dec 2009 9:39 AM by diverdan Star rating in Scotland / Greenock .... 119 forum posts Send private message


If what you have said is true then Rowlands owes these threads an explanation to clear up any misgivings or you are correct in your statement.


You should post your sight on the other sites to warn people if that is the case.



Looking forward to a long retirement in the sun..........

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23 Dec 2009 1:04 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Jack b is not correct


I do of course appreciate that many people involved with ACC have very good grounds to hate Huma Med  and any company associated with them


And sometimes these threads give them, like Jack b, an opportunity to release their pent up feelings


And why not


Most people would not post a lie, but if Jack b wants to then OK, it damages him more than me


I chose to change to OTCC to protect my money [54.000 €]-my own personal pragmatic decision


Jack b has clearly gone down the court route and good luck to you and others making the same decision


The OTCC development is now back on track but will not I expect really get moving until January 2010


If you do not believe it is, then again that is your decision and anyone is entitled to believe what they want


I didn’t have time to visit the site when I was in Spain last week, I suppose because to me it has re started and I have no concerns

And now Marjy has stated that there are photos of work going on, so this is an independent confirmation


To suggest that they have put machines on site as part of the ‘ so called con ‘ is a ‘touch’ silly and again everyone can believe what they want!


My new contract with OTCC is now out of time and my lawyer has suggested that I could go the legal route if I want to but it will take at least a year and it is not clear cut due to the affect of the banking crisis

And as I am on Manzana 1 Plot 11 with a part built Tarifa the odds are that it will be complete well before I get to court, and the court may not then rule in my favour


Again my decision to stay with OTCC and everyone can make their own decision according to their own feelings and situation


Except for my comments about Jack b I have said everything else before and there is really not very much more for me to add just now


Just looking forward to the Tarifa being ready in 2010           






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23 Dec 2009 5:04 PM by Truff Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message

All who are interested in OTCC - I had a recent mail from Carmen informing me that recent activity was confined to collection of old materials and tiles to allow the new builder to move in and start Jan 2010. She also sent an attachment of photos allegedly of work mentioned  above which I was unable to open on my PC. Like most I am sceptical of what Huma say but would trust Carmen above most.



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23 Dec 2009 6:18 PM by rob6578 Star rating. 103 forum posts Send private message

So, building didn't start on the 23rd November despite ALL the claims that it would.

The new date is now January 2010.

What makes any-one believe these people?

Also, what about the bank guarantees? Has anybody received their bg?

HUMA promised that they would be issued, so that's all OK, isn't it?

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24 Dec 2009 12:10 AM by Sparky Star rating in Somerset and Vera. 127 forum posts Send private message

Of course it's OK.  Haven't we all learnt over the last five or so years that everything Huma ever say is OK.

Just really want to wish everyone a good Christmas and may 2010 bring us all happiness where this whole sorry state is concerned.  For those awaiting a property on OCC or those of us trying to regain our money may this coming year bring us all some joy.

Kind regards and best wishes.





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24 Dec 2009 11:56 AM by AndyLynnW Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message


You did not answer the questions I have put to you on two posts,

Questions like:

You stated that there was an insurance policy in place to protect your investment at OCC.

This was as good as a Bank Guarantee ( in your own words. )

Why dont you cash that policy in, HUMA would have kept it up until OCC is completed wouldnt they?

Why didnt you go to the site?

I dont believe your explaination at all. HUMA said that building had re-started and you believed them just like that ?

What has happened in the past, the broken start dates, are they just wiped out  and forgotten about?

You just took it that building had started because they said so in an e-mail and didnt go to the site?.

What about your clients ?

Wouldn`t they want pictures from you and an update that building had started?

Wouldn`t they want you to confirm it in person ? 

Either you are a mug for not going....

......or you are taking me for a mug ( and everyone else on this site )


This message was last edited by AndyLynnW on 24/12/2009.

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03 Jan 2010 8:42 PM by flyingbolt Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

huma owes us 60000euros we have a house in spain and living here anyone else living here and would like to meet let us know we are near torrevieja we first bourght at acc

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06 Jan 2010 9:33 AM by diverdan Star rating in Scotland / Greenock .... 119 forum posts Send private message

I take it since no one has provided a positive answer that OCC has not started again.

Easter will be the next forecast start....................


Looking forward to a long retirement in the sun..........

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06 Jan 2010 9:45 AM by nigela Star rating. 415 forum posts Send private message

But you cant expect them to start with all this snow around! (oh but thats only the Uk - good excuse though perhaps HUMA can use that one).

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06 Jan 2010 11:50 AM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

you are all being very silly,

i have had the official start date from the horses mouth,that date being the 30thfeb,guaranteed,,subject to availability,terms and conditions apply.

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06 Jan 2010 1:53 PM by philevans Star rating in Axminster Devon & Sa.... 187 forum posts Send private message

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Not bothered now, apparently my cheques in the post, and the girl said she loved me


What you see is what you get 


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07 Jan 2010 12:12 AM by kat17d Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Happy New Year everyone. Sorry to be the be the bearer of potential  bad news but PLEASE everyone who is involved in purchasing a property on this site look at the site plans...............There are NO drains.  I have spoken to various companies who tell me that there are NO plans for the site to be conected to the main drains and there are NO provisions for bio-digesters on the site either. So tell me what is going to happen to all of the toilet waste 500+ homes will generate ? I think it will be a  very very smelly site in the heat of the summer.

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07 Jan 2010 12:18 AM by philevans Star rating in Axminster Devon & Sa.... 187 forum posts Send private message

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Perhaps Huma will pass the s**t  on to their next lot of 'customers' on their next project, like the load we got


What you see is what you get 


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