Rough justice yet again!

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29 Aug 2009 4:51 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar

"Spain has a fab climate, lovely bars & restaurants etc, but it ain't cheap no more!."


I fail to see why people think "cheap" is something good.

Cheap implies poor value for money and poor quality. So I don't want Spain to be cheap. Bulgaria can happilly have that mantra.

I am surprised with Suzies petition. After all her hard work, only 900 names. She has excelled at the publicity and media side, yet we know, according to goodstich there are tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people with problems here in Spain. Goodstich says we scare them off the forums but why don't they sign Suzies petition anyway?

A few days ago whilst on a political forum in the European section, I mentioned the Spanish property debacle by citing the lacklustre judicial and legal systems in Spain, I mentioned the Priors case and the plight of the thousands who have been cheated out of their deposits. However, there was not a single poster with any sympathy, they were extremley hostile to the thoughts of anyone owning or buying a property abroad, there was a distinct attitude of "Tough" about their postings.

This goes to show the general attitude back in the UK, be it from the government or the public.

I am not surprised as there are many back there more worried about their family home and work to be the slightest bit interested in well-off people living it up in the sun with a second home.

When the UK media makes programmes like Paradise Lost, it isn't going to help gain support or sympathy, it's aimed at whipping up hostility towards the alleged wealthy Brits who have lost money trying to be a bit clever.

We are all perhaps a little guilty of announcing our property gains more vociferously than our losses. This is not really to do with the fear of bullying as goodstich says, it is more to do with the shame felt when we have made a bad decision or exposed ourselves to a conman. Couple that with the general lack of sympathy as mentioned on the political forum and general glee at wealthy people losing money in class envy UK and it's not surprising why there are on 900 names out of possible thousands on Suzies petition.



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29 Aug 2009 6:43 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

 " When the UK media makes programmes like Paradise Lost, it isn't going to help gain support or sympathy, it's aimed at whipping up hostility towards the alleged wealthy Brits who have lost money trying to be a bit clever.

We are all perhaps a little guilty of announcing our property gains more vociferously than our losses. This is not really to do with the fear of bullying as goodstich says, it is more to do with the shame felt when we have made a bad decision or exposed ourselves to a conman. Couple that with the general lack of sympathy as mentioned on the political forum and general glee at wealthy people losing money in class envy UK and it's not surprising why there are on 900 names out of possible thousands on Suzies petition."

I find your views quite warped. Do you honestly believe what you have written?

Not all who bought/buy property were/are wealthy.Some have sold their modest UK home in order to relocate or retire to Spain. Just because some posters can string a sentence together does not make them wealthy. They are just educated. I cannot see that any right-minded person would gleefully relish the losses incurred by those people. Also not all of the purchasers are  exactly 'living it up' on their modest UK pensions.  

 I may be quite wrong  but I get the impression that your target market has been the high-end wealthy property purchasers  for whom , from the tone of your post,  you seem to have developed a cynical disdain.

Regarding your sarcastic comments (I find them wounding) about the Spanish Property Scandal petition and the numbers that have signed it. Bear  in mind a proportion of those swindled will  have been younger people (young enough to recover their losses) and  will have accepted  the loss rather than suffer the stressful uncertainty of a  protracted court case . Therefore they will not wish to be involved with a petition. But if you care to do some research you will see that it has already had some impact  within the European Parliament, and as we all know every bird begins with an egg. Nine hundred signatures is no mean feat and  the numbers keep growing.

Finally, your deprecating tone is certainly not one I would expect from an experienced  professional especially in the circumstances that are at the core of this thread.  It's not big and it's not clever .

This message was last edited by sandra on 29/08/2009.







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29 Aug 2009 8:36 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

Yes, can't help but visit - possibly due to the fact I forgot to stop "watching" this thread!

One thing that immediately jumps out at people visiting this thread is that, so soon as someone expresses a view/relates a point that doesn't quite suit certain people, the debate ceases and the denigration begins!  Just because someone expresses an opinion that some people don't want to acknowledge, doesn't mean they don't support reform within the Spanish system - it merely means they are expressing an opinion, a view, that possibly others share or not.  But certain people immediately get on the "under the belt, not acceptable" bandwagon -  and get personal - and possibly wrongly, because when one writes, the reader cannot hear the tone in which it was written.

Just because people offer a different dimension to the debate doesn't make them against the cause and doesn't give anyone the right to start slating other forum members - Goodstich said "it's pretty clear who really supports those cheated on the thread."  Well, wrong!  It's not clear because you don't know that!  Period!

Stop making assumptions everyone and continue to enlighten people as to what is going on without the offensive retorts - because that's what it comes across as. 

No doubt there'll be someone who jumps on the "RJ" bandwagon after this post - but this time I am truly and once and for all out of here!


This message was last edited by Pitby on 29/08/2009.

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29 Aug 2009 10:07 PM by Suzie Star rating in England. 121 posts Send private message

Maria - I've received your PM but won't be answering it.  As it is mostly made up of comments about my lawyer I've passed it on to him to deal with as he sees fit.   My integrity seems also to be in question, which I take very seriously, & am extremely offended.  I can assure you that I have not spent over two & a half years working hard with this campaign & trying to help as many as possible in the same or similar mess to my own, not to be totally honest & trustworthy.  It's exhausting & brings me no personal rewards whatsoever, apart from the hope of a path to eventual justice for all concerned.  However, I do now seriously question the motives of some who have posted, especially on this thread. 

I'll post updates on our petition on the website.  The campaign will continue vigorously for as long as I can keep it going. 

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30 Aug 2009 8:23 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


I am very surprised with your reaction and want to reaffirm here I have never questioned your integrity (  If you want, you just need to chek my own comments about you and your petition in this same thread). If the private message I sent to you was misunderstood, I am very sorry, I never meant.

Well, as you have gone public and there must be people wondering what we are talking about, just for them to be able to have their own understanging and judgement,  specially as you assert I have offended you, and have questioned your integrity, trustworthy and honesty I am pasting here the message I sent to you.

I understand it not being offensive to you at all... and was just showing to you my surprise...I cannot understand why you did not answer it privately:

( the message):


Hope you are OK. Here too humid and hoot but ....surviving!

I am sure you know there are many clients who were represented by  ( lawyers name being erased************* )and that were not provided with a Bank Guarantee or whose cancellation rights have not been clearly offered in due time. They were recommended lawyers of  (****************** agents name being erased), as you may know too. I know thay are currently your lawyers but you are that committed with justice for all who were lied...

They are constantly in a battle against us, saying to clients that we offer misleading legal advise everytime a dissapointed client of them come to us. It is being so.... constant. A terrible actitude for a proffessional.

We have offered to him to come and sit down and talk in several occassions with no answer. What it surprises me more is how arrogant they attack us when they know we have more than enough tools to face a battle against them with much possibilities of success( many of their clients without Bank Guarantees have come to us)....they maybe surprised and blinded because we have not reacted against them yet... which does not mean we will never do it. I am not friend of unnecessary battles and try to follow a pacific approach always in life but when time comes to deffend myself.... I can organise a good set of resources.

I was very surprised that you were somehow promoted them in EOS when you may know thay have not acted correctly on behalf of many people. And took the freedom to write to you and expose to you my surprise.

Best regards,

Maria L. de Castro





Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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30 Aug 2009 10:17 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

just a word of caution, given that all humans are not blessed with natural sweetness and light, it is entirely conceivable that Gillespie is right in saying that us "investors" may not be viewed with sympathy by fellow Brits concerned with their own problems at home.

Even though the gov' jumped in quickly enough to bail out the Iceland investors.

However that does not explain why fellow "successful" investors choose to jump in on this thread to lambast us and swear at us.

Some say that ex-smokers are the worst kind, perhaps they don't hold a candle to ex-victims it seems.

What sort of bird is this Bobaol fellow and why does he swear at us?????

He posts of his love of Spain, his wonderful family holidays in his worthless holiday home there, all very wonderful and idyllic.

Given this idyll, why is he not secure in his happiness, why is he so insecure that he finds it necessary to spend time on this particular thread behaving badly???

Answers please.



N. Sands

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30 Aug 2009 11:37 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Norman, Bobaol is not the only person to post on this thread who has a property in Spain and is happy with his lot!!  I too wonder what their reason for bothering with this problem is.  But, it's a free society! 

At the risk of being lynched ( by some ) I happen to think Gillespie made a valid point. "Why would Gordon Brown want to help thousands of British people who have taken millions of pounds out of the UK economy to invest it in foreign property?" He's got far more pressing problems in the form of an almost bankrupt country and a looming election.True, they have bailed out investors in the Icelandic Bank, but many of those investors were government institutions.

As far as Maria's private post to Suzanne is concerned, I did not see anything offensive in it.  She speaks, I guess, as she finds.


This message was last edited by Tish on 30/08/2009.

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30 Aug 2009 1:30 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

This thread is an absolute mess and does nothing now except make us all look like a bunch of prattling idiots.

On one hand support from everyone is the aim and on the other hand query why anybody who has been successful in buying in Spain would be interested in this problem - and then there is the throwing of personal slurs when someone thinks someone else is being critical!!

Suzie's post referring to a PM sent by Maria - well, gobsmacked comes to mind.  Why refer to the PM at all?  Why not respond to Maria personally?

We have all somehow managed to rotate what was a serious subject into a pantomime!


This message was last edited by Pitby on 30/08/2009.

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30 Aug 2009 1:30 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

 I can understand  why Suzanne might have taken the decision to 'post' a reply rather tham use the PM facility if it arrived AFTER the post which I found so unnecessary and unhelpful. After reading and re-reading the message,  like Tish, I did not think Maria   meant to criticise or cause offence. I believe she was trying to help in the same way that she tries to help everyone. She saw something  which to her did not stack up. Rather than ignore it, which she could quite easily have done, she contacted Suzanne. 

As Pitby said in her last post, 'when one writes, the reader cannot hear the tone in which it was written'.

 'Some say that ex-smokers are the worst kind, perhaps they don't hold a candle to ex-victims it seems'

Now, now, Norman!!





This message was last edited by sandra on 30/08/2009.







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30 Aug 2009 2:03 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

If I understand this correctly are we not all trying to obtain four objectives here?

One, to clear up a legal system which has been, and still is open to abuse.

Two, to rid Spain of continuing developer abuse, lawyer malpractice, town hall "excessive powers" (as per the European Parliament's report dated 26/03/09) etc. see

Three, to provide adequate compensation to those who have been caught up in all of this abuse.

Four, to enable a swifter means of achieving legal justice and where relevant adequate compensation i.e. provide recourse for "outrageously slow" procedures and to ensure that cases are enforced to the victims of such abuse (quoted again from the European Parliament's report dated 26/03/09) as identified by Suzie in a recent thread.

Now, as individuals we can follow this through via a variety of methods.

One, find a good lawyer who will adequately represent and fight their case to achieve justice and fair remuneration (but in the interim recognise that this will take a long time given the existing circumstances).

Two, back all legal efforts via effective petitions, which presumably were genuinely instigated as a longer term means of cleansing a system that has obviously not worked in the main (otherwise the EU Parliament would not have reported back as they have done), whilst formulating a workable system of redress and compensation.

But alongside all of these ongoing practical measures, we continue to debate what appears to be very emotive issues. As such we have to understand that there are many sides to this debate. Each side has to ultimately look however to achieving what is best practice, given Spain is now within the EU, and as such has thankfully benefited greatly from the monies made available to them. But those monies are and should be ultimately accountable, and where malpractice has/is continuing they must be brought under the umbrella of a legal system that has been established over a period of time, as hopefully a “civilised” and relatively “fair” system.

So please try to keep this debate civilised and don’t lose sight of the fact that this is achievable if we all focus on a common end result that should benefit all in the longer term.

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30 Aug 2009 2:59 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Norman, now you are posting a load of garbage.  Where did I ever swear at you, or anyone else for that matter?

I think you need a reality check, mate.  You are accusing me of something I didn't do.  You come on saying I have no sympathy but look at previous posts where I had every sympathy.  I'm told I won't explain what happened to my first property but, if you have the time to post such rubbish you surely have the time to go back to previous posts of mine where it is all explained.

You insult me by calling my home worthless.  Well, let me tell you, it not worthless and you choose your words very, very unwisely.  it is worth lots and lots to me.  You have bought for an investment and I have bought for a lifestyle.  You then come on inferring that all those of us who are happy are stupid with worthless and unsaleable property.   I will not respond in kind as I could call you stupid for trying to make a quick buck out of the situation and then bemoaning your lot when it didn''t work out, but I won't.

And please don't quote me from other threads to justify your biased view of matters.  Look at previous posts of mine where I have tried to help people on buying property, how not to do things the way I did in the first place and on many other matters.  A Johnny-come-lately like you to this site has given no help or advice to anyone except to be negative in a, sometimes, grossly offensive manner.

This site has been one of the most helpful and readable sites of its kind.  Unfortunately, it is degenerating into an unjustified slagging match much to the detriment of its original purpose.  You have had advice from lawyers, normal people like me, and those who are involved in the property business both in Spain and UK.  You have mainly responded by ignoring them and sticking to your original agenda or by trying to denigrate their opinions just because it not what you want to hear.

Well, I have had enough.  Not only will I not be responding to any more of your egotistical drivel, I will also not acknowledge any of your posts nor pass on any more of my experiences as it appears to offend you so much.  I will still pop up on other subjects if anyone asks for some help which I think I may be able to help with but refuse to respond to anything which brings those helpful posters on this site into disrepute.  Those who want to know when Carrefour is open, where to buy lightbulbs or how to get a bus from Point A to Point B can rest assured I will still try and assist.  But I will not respond to any queries regarding buying property, how to obtain solicitors or which builder to choose as Norman obviously thinks I am too selfish, stupid or rude to pass any opinion whatsover.  You need to talk directly to Norman as he is, obviously, the greatest expert on all things pertaining to property matters in Spain.  And I hope you enjoy the rest of your lives in UK as you will never, ever be tempted to move to Spain if you believe the things he comes out with. 

Now, please excuse me but I have more important things to do on a Sunday.  England v Australi 20-20 is on in 10 minutes.


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30 Aug 2009 3:40 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

'Cmon guys, emotive as it may be, please focus on the issues and stop people bashing. It achieves little to personalise this debate.

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30 Aug 2009 5:46 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

 Geogia has clearly pointed out that many more may just offer support if ?

1  . Snide remarks stop

2   Do not slate Spain and its people with suggestions that all is wrong in that Country. Thats the way to lose support.

3   Because someone has an opinion,let them have their say and try not make a big issue if it does come accross as I am all right Jack..  We are not fighting them .They are not fighting us .

For us to get more support we need to listen and then someone may listen to us and offer support.


I despair and unfortunately rest my have Goodstich jumping on threads where people are generally interested in Spain and shooting them down with his doom and gloom and Norman who seems to attack anyone who disagrees with his ideals.......i think you are very lucky to have 900 signatures...


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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30 Aug 2009 6:46 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Can you not see a pattern here where those who are trying to forewarn potential buyers to the realities of abuse as they  exist now, in their attempts to rid the system of abuse and apply pressure to ensure that justice prevails through the might of the EU (as identified in their report) are deemed doom and gloom mongerers. And then we have those who on the other hand are wanting to understandably espouse the lifestyle benefits of Spain are in danger of equally becoming doom and gloom mongerers by their remarks such as the previous suggestion that those working hard behind the scenes to accomplish change are "lucky to have 900 signatures". The tone of each argument, as it is communicated, is only aggrevating the other. So how about each side sticks to the facts and leaves out the snide comments, inuendos, counter attacks, etc and work together to achieve a good result for everyone.

Move on guys please....... this is not a competition it's supposed to be a thread to address the issues associated with rough justice.


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30 Aug 2009 9:56 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

is this the same Bobaol???

"you miserable sods"

as posted by Bobaol

"Norman, now you are posting a load of garbage.  Where did I ever swear at you, or anyone else for that matter?"

as posted by Bobaol......

How confused can you get????

Surely in your confusion dear Bobaol you must recognise that it is the market and the market alone which has made your Spanish property unsaleable and worthless, not me, or any of the victims on this thread.

In fact if it is for sale cheap enough to suit what the criminals have left of my life savings I might be tempted, please pm me the details.

I suggest you face the facts without blaming me or any of us on this thread, apart from the traders, we are just pawns in the game and at the whim of the market, even the traders may not have a lot of control to exercise.

I wonder if you were a bit kinder and understanding when you was a victim too????




N. Sands

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30 Aug 2009 11:43 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I wanted to say... you may all know already:

This fight of you for a better, more efficient, quicker... justice is  a great  good you make to us  all ( all under Spain´s jurisdiction). And the request for higher standards of justice and proffesionality of justice coming from the civil society ( no political parties involved ) is generally genuine and precious so... thanks to you all.

And as a Sunday gift, this song by AnaBelén

And its lyrics:

Sólo le pido a Dios 
que el dolor no me sea indiferente 
que la resaca muerte no me encuentre 
vacía y sola sin haber hecho lo suficiente. 

Sólo le pido a Dios 
que lo injusto no me sea indiferente 
que no me abofetee la otra mejilla 
después de que una garra me arañó esta suerte. 

Sólo le pido a Dios 
que la guerra no me sea indiferente, 
es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte 
toda la pobre inocencia de la gente. 
Es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte 
toda la pobre inocencia de la gente. 

Sólo le pido a Dios 
que lo injusto no me sea indiferente 
si un traidor puede más que unos cuantos 
que esos cuantos no lo olviden fácilmente. 

Sólo le pido a Dios 
que el futuro no me sea indiferente 
desauciado está el que tiene que marcharse 
a vivir una cultura diferente. 

Sólo le pido a Dios 
que la guerra no me sea indiferente, 
es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte 
toda la pobre inocencia de la gente. 
Es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte 
toda la pobre inocencia de la gente.



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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31 Aug 2009 11:32 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

Good morning all

well i'd just like to say how sorry I am to see Suzie and Maria having bad words. I know they are both doing a fantastic job in working for, and supporting those wronged. I hope any misunderstandings can be sorted out ASAP. As for those who say they are leaving the thread, well perhaps best just to say, those who stick with us are clearly those who are helping the most.


smack on as usual. Lets hope we can get back to working together to provide info' on how best to get justice for those wronged. As soon as the thread gets reduced to personal insult, we have lost it, though I feel there are enough people on this thread who know who is to blame, and what needs changing, and are pulling in the same direction to keep the help and support coming. I really feel that we have covered the same ground so many times that unless we post mainly updates, new idea's, or new news, and of course much needed support for people when required, then the thread will become to repedative to be of interest to many.

With those like Suzie working so hard to change what is so obviously wrong and those like Maria knowing where we stand regarding the law, along with all those clearly supporting those wronged, we have I believe some fantastic help on the right side of justice.

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31 Aug 2009 12:42 PM by Suzie Star rating in England. 121 posts Send private message

At the end of the day, the relationship between Maria & myself is irrelevant in our quest for justice.  But I do feel I have to defend myself now. 

What I strongly object to is any lawyer using a forum to send defamatory remarks about another lawyer, to any of its members. I really believe this is an abuse of the PM facility. Whatever squabbles they have between themselves should be dealt with between them alone, in a professional manner. Maria knows that I have been with my second lawyer for some years &; am facing a very imminent hearing. Hence my post, in the hope that PMs slating other lawyers are not made a habit of.

The post I made on 27th is what has 'surprised' her:

'....We know of Maria's success and how committed she is. Lawyers of Spain/Lawbird have also had recent success in collecting over 2.5M Euros for clients .....'    We were all discussing the success or lack of success with cases, and what I posted was, I felt, hopefully an encouragement to us all. It was also fact. I have always been supportive of Maria, and in fact have freely sent her many clients in the past. Maria has taken the above post as my 'promoting' my lawyer & objects to this!!!   Maria suggests that I am aware of legitimate complaints against them while 'promoting' such lawyers.  This IS highly offensive, particularly in light of the campaign I have been running & is TOTALLY UNTRUE.  My lawyer does NOT appear on the Lawyer Complaints Document & I have never received a single complaint about him or anyone else who works in the same firm.  And I Shall Continue to 'Promote' him at no personal reward to myself whatsoever - as many other have done.  I am so very angry about this.

Those of you who can't or who won't understand this is wearing blinkers.  Just imagine you had received a damning PM about your own lawyer while in the midst of litigation.  Not to mention the fact that exposing crooked lawyers in Spain has been at the forefront of the Spanish Property Scandal Petition & my driving force.  I can't tell you how angry I am, not to mention distressed at the apparent lack of insight into the above fiasco.   

Hopefully this will put a stop to such PMs - my aim in posting my response in the first place.


This message was last edited by Suzie on 31/08/2009.

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31 Aug 2009 1:00 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Dear Suzie:

With all my respect to you and your situation:

- I have never slated any lawyer.

- I have repeatedly clarify what our deonthological code says about independence and conflict of interests. It is simple.

- If you come back to the PM I sent to you, I just refered to you privately that X Lawyers used to receive recommended clients from Yagents in the past. It was a general practise during the real estate boom, no one can deny it.

I do hope this will put things at calm between you and me and wish you all the success in your coming hearing.

Bwest wishes,



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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31 Aug 2009 1:29 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

An over reaction by Suzie to anyone who dares to cross her. Not the first time either!   Maria is not the only lawyer with the same opinion.

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