The next GDS billboard to go up needs sponsors, HELP US PLEASE
Friday, August 31, 2012

OK, this is the next GDS billboard to go up... BUT before it does we need a few more months paid at 110euros per month. Lets get cracking and see what sponsors we can find!! Many have helped to design this, we've been busy.
Please join

Translated it says "Treat your podenco well, he deserves it"


Published at 9:17 PM Comments (0)
Alison's such a poppet, who'll give her a loving home?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
I recently wrote about Alison, please read this first.
She has been though SO much, she's a survivor! She is 2-3 yrs old, negative for leish, babesia, filaria and erlichia, vaccined and spayed.
President of Galgos del Sol's own words ...
"When we picked up Alison from Project Mazarron you could not catch her once off lead in the refuge, she would run and run and it was hard to give her enough human contact. The last 2 weeks we have really focused on her and boy what a difference we can see. This girl now runs to us, comes for cuddles, she is simply the sweetest galga you could ever meet. This girl is a dream, she has stolen my heart big time"

Contact Tina. President of GdS on
Thank you!

Published at 3:33 AM Comments (0)
Who can resist Bentley, what a beaut!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Handsome Bentley is still waiting for his forever home. He arrived with bad erlichia and non exisitent blood count, had he caught even a cold he would have probably died.
BUT now he is the picture of health and is desperate, absolutely DESPERATE, to have his own sofa!

Please email for more details. (Murcia).

Published at 11:17 PM Comments (0)
The Dos Mares billboard is STILL there, yay!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
To read about this posted previously, please >> 

Needless to say Galgos del Sol are thrilled it is still up as the previous one was stolen, frame too.
If you would like to follow what Galgos del Sol do please take a look at our Facebook page & 'LIKE' us, thanks!

Published at 10:13 PM Comments (0)
Bertie's waiting for his new home still.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Beautiful Bertie is still waiting for his forever. He had filaria which has now been treated but has some preventative tablets for another 3 months and then has a repeat blood test. His previous repeat test was negative - GREAT NEWS.
He is ready to go now if an adopter understands what is required to do the best by Bertie. Do they get anymore beautiful than this?????
Bertie has been sponsored by Nico Dog Rescue! With thanks!

Please contact Tina, President of Galgos del Sol, Murcia, on

UPDATED 20th August: Bertie is going to Galgo V Nouzi (Czech) Excellent.
Published at 12:04 AM Comments (0)
GREAT NEWS regarding Claude, Washington & Philidelpia ... they're off to Belgium
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Remember Washington, the galgo from project Mazarron with his testicles badly ripped open and infected? Well he is now reserved for Belgium, alongside Philidelpia and Claude.
Thanks Andreas Animal rescue for fostering both Washington and Phili for us and to Nico Dog Rescue for sponsoring Claude. Big thanks to Greyhounds Rescue Belgium!
Below: Washington.

Read about Claude 
Read about Washington 

Published at 6:49 PM Comments (0)
Mr Grey, a MastinX, needs a home
Friday, August 10, 2012
There is no doubt Mr Grey has been beaten by men. He is terrified of them! He is approx 3yrs old, negative for leish, filaria and erlichia, vaccined, castrated and is desperate for some real one on one attention in his forever home.
He is with Galgos del Sol, Murcia who don't advise he is homed with young children, he is not aggresive but just scared so will bark to protect himself. In an experienced home then this could be different of course, GdS will assess each application individually.
Please think about if you could offer Mr Grey his forever home. Look at this poor frightened boy.

Tina reassuring Mr Grey that he will never be hurt again!

Mr Grey's story: He had been dumped

He had to be sedated by drugs in the food he was offered in order to catch him.

Starting to feel the effects of the sedative.

Legs wobbling!

Finally .............................................

He was taken to Galgos del Sol's refuge to be looked after & be seen by a vet to check bloods etc.
Contact Tina, President of Galgos del Sol on if you feel you can help Mr Grey.
Thank you.

Published at 5:48 PM Comments (0)
Galgos del Sol welcomes sponsors so they can afford more billboards to be erected to encourage people to respect the Spanish galgo
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Read previous post >>> 
The latest billboard is at Dos Mares, Murcia, by the shopping mall, but sponsors are needed to enable GdS to afford to have more erected. Also, once they're erected it costs quite a lot to keep them there month after month.
Below: Tina, President of Galgos del Sol

Published at 5:24 PM Comments (0)
Update on Lola, who was rescued from a dumpster.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Read this first.
Lola says "Hi everyone, since being rescued from the rubbish container my life has got much better. This sofa with this nice pillow is just a tad better better than laying on broken glass don't you think?
Thank you to all of you who donated for me. I am so loved, I never thought this was possible, xx"

Published at 11:25 PM Comments (0)
Lorenzo, the galgo with the longest tongue, needs a home please!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
This is Lorenzo
He is still waiting for his forever home. He is approximately 2 - 3 yrs old & negative for Leish, Filaria & Erlicia but positive for babesia for which he is receiving treatment. (UPDATE: HIS TREATMENT FINISHED SEPT 2012)
He is castrated & fully vaccinated. He is quite friendly though a little shy.
He was rescued from Project Mazarron & needs time to build up his confidence. He is in Murcia.
Please contact galgosdelsol@hotmail,.com for further info, thank you.
Published at 11:13 PM Comments (0)
"GALGO ON BOARD" car sign now available
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
from the previous post about the sign below
See previous blog post here.
The signs can now be ordered through Suzie, one of our supporters in the UK.
The signs are 13cm square laminated card with a suction cap to allow them to be attached to the inside of your car window. They cost 6.50 euros plus postage. To the UK this will be 1 extra euro, within Europe 2.5 euros and to the rest of the world 3.5 euros. We can do combined postage on multiple orders.
Sorry we can only accept payment by Paypal or by cheque drawn on a UK bank account.
Please contact Suzie on with your orders and address and she'll let you know how much you owe and how to pay.
A big thank you to the artist Suzanne Le Good, we'd seen the greyhound version of this sign that she designed and contacted her about doing a galgo version for GdS. She kindly redid the artwork free of charge to make the hound look more like a galgo, complete with a long pointy nose.

Published at 10:46 PM Comments (0)
Alison, who came from Project Mazarron, waits patiently for her forever home
Monday, August 6, 2012
Alison is still waiting for her forever home. She is very nervous still but now being worked with one to one to try and improve her confidence. She is 2-3 yrs old, negative for leish, babesia, filaria and erlichia, vaccined and spayed.
Ready for her new home, please help little Alison who came from Project Mazarron!
See video of Project Mazarron >>> 

Details are from in Murcia.

Published at 9:01 PM Comments (0)
Nicolai deserves a good home please.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Nicolai had been on the streets for some in time in Pilar de Horadada. Antonio from Los Infiernos managed to get him and Galgos del Sol offered to take him as he is quite frightened and Los Infiernos has over 100 dogs.
We would appreciate any donations for him.
GdS has many changes right now as we have moved to larger premises to help more galgos. We need free fencing, privacy fencing, filing cabinet, scalibor collars, frontline, anything at all you can offer us, to help! Many thanks.
BELOW: Nicolai comes to GdS.

BELOW: These photos show just how badly one of his ears has been ripped & both ears are covered in ticks.

Nicolai was treated & lost the ticks, making him feel a lot better.

He also has just had his blood results back and is negative for leish , filaria, babesia and erlichia... he now needs his forever home.

Published at 2:29 AM Comments (0)
A MUST HAVE for galgo owners to have in their cars
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Coming soon in the new GdS online shop.
Galgo car signs.
Isn't this one perfect?

Published at 4:38 PM Comments (0)
Claude & Henry need loving forever homes, can you help?
Friday, August 3, 2012
Claude is great with people and with other dogs. He has been waiting a while now... neg for disease and ready to go... approx 5yrs old! HE IS GORGEOUS!
BELOW: Claude

Henry is still waiting for his forever home. You will not find a more loyal, waggy tailed galgo than Henry. He has been in a foster home so is fairly well adapted to home life. He is just wonderful.....ALWAYS SMILING.
BELOW: Henry

Further details from Tina, President of Galgos del Sol, Murcia.

Published at 10:56 PM Comments (0)
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