Sandy: WARNING .. explicit photos of her operation. Donations DESPERATELY needed!
Monday, August 22, 2011

Poor Sandy, and still we don't really understand what happened.
Sandy had been found with Floyd, at first we thought Floyd was her baby but it's possible she adopted him. Floyd was always quite rough around Sandy, in and out of her legs, constantly demanding her attention. He adored her, as she adored him.
So could this be how Sandy mysteriously smashed her leg into several pieces? Could it have been rough play gone too far? There is no other explanation. The kennel is 110% safe with nothing to climb on to make her fall, she was fine at her last check just a few hours before finding her holding her leg so really the only theory we can give you is that somehow involving Floyd something went terribly wrong.
Holding her leg in pain she was immediately rushed to the vet. On X-ray it was more than evident her leg was broken but a complicated break, like a jigsaw. A complicated break means a complicated operation and an expensive one at that. Sandy's vets bill is over 1400 euros to date.
We are pleading for donations to help us pay this bill. No matter how small, we are struggling, we really need help. PayPal please ref SANDY.
Thank you.
Below: Sandy with Floyd.
Published at 1:43 AM Comments (0)
Thank you to GIN UK and Shieldaig Kennels in Benidorm
Sunday, August 21, 2011

"thank you to GIN UK and Shieldaig Kennels for sponsoring Jacko for us.
GIN UK have covered his vets bill including all blood tests, vaccines and castration and Shieldaig Kennels in Benidorm are helping us out with kennelling and special fish food for his extremely dry skin. Now all we need is a forever home.
Thank you for your sponsorship and support of our galgos".

Published at 10:49 PM Comments (1)
Roxie has her forever home... another happy ending
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Roxie was one of our old ladies and much loved by all the volunteers. She had lived in a family home for 7yrs but sadly her owners had to return to the UK due to ill health so Galgos del Sol took Roxie in.
Roxie was soon homed to Jersey where a wonderful home awaited her, however it wasn't meant to be. On leaving GdS Roxie got in such a state that she partially collapsed and we decided it was best not to send her.
Roxie however was lucky enough to be fostered by one of our volunteers, Toni, so she was in a home environment. She settled in so well and stole the hearts of everyone around her including all of Toni's other furry friends so it was soon decided Roxie would stay forever.
Roxie is no spring chicken yet she runs faster than all the youngsters and has an unbreakable spirit. Go girl and thank you Toni.

Published at 1:09 AM Comments (0)
Denzil has a home reserved for him in Sweden!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Read about Denzil here ... click on >> .jpg)

Published at 7:03 PM Comments (0)
My name's Ollie. I don't think I will ever have a forever home. Could YOU love & care for me?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A plea from Ollie:
My name is Ollie, I'm a Podenco & I have been passed from pillar to post. Galgos del Sol look after me, kennel me and feed me but I need a forever home. I'm full of spirit and I like to play. I'm good fun but nobody loves me enough to give me my forever home.
When will it be my turn? I see the others come and go but not me, I don't think I will ever have a home Yes I'm feeling negative, it's my kennel and I'll cry if I want to
I miss my best friend Jim, he got his chance in Holland recently but not me, NEVER ME!

From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol charity, Murcia:
Ollie's home has unfortunately fallen through. Ollie will now be prepared to go to the UK, we hope his chances of adoption will be higher.
Ollie is approx 2 yrs old, castrated, negative for leishmania, erlichia and filaria. He is also castrated.
Ollie is full of energy and very loyal. He needs a home where he will be shown rules and lots of love and reward.
Please consider having Ollie in your life.
If you are interested please call Tina on 0034 693 100 712 or email

Published at 12:15 AM Comments (0)
Reina: Another happy ending
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Some months back we recieved a plea to help Reina. She was living all alone in Valencia, trying to survive out of bins. She was caught by a caring lady and brought to us.
On arrival we could see she was not well, her gums were grey, she had no energy and it was no surprise she was pregnant.
The vet decided it was best for her to lose the babies, she was in a bad way and was not coping at all. We were really worried.
With a good diet and lots of love Reina slowly began to recover. We noticed she was a little jealous with other females dogs so we had to be careful where she was re-homed.
Reina was then reserved through SASIN in Slovenia sponsored by Greyhounds in Need UK. We were so happy with the news.
Here is Reina now, she is like a princess with her new family. What a difference a few months can make. Go girl !!
With your donations we can find many more happy endings.
Please donate to Galgos del Sol, details are here on their website.
Published at 7:09 PM Comments (0)
Denzil is a sweet 2 yr old obedient podenco who just wants to be loved and to love in return
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Poor Denzil was found wandering the streets hungry and dehydrated.

Galgos del Sol spotted him and set out to rescue him. With the help of The Little Pod foundation we were able to catch him. We could see he had been badly treated and was in terrible condition. Denzil was lucky enough to find a lovely foster home but this has almost worked to his disadvantage. Because he is in foster he has lost two potential homes as he was not seen as an emergency which we fully understand, there are hundreds that still need to be saved.
However, Denzil has made great strides in his new home but he can't stay there forever and for him to go back into kennels or to keep changing foster homes would undo alot of his good work and the work his foster mum has done with him. Please consider Denzil as a podenco that needs urgent adoption. He is still a refuge dog in need of a forever home, the sooner he finds that home the better it is for him. A space is then created for a new rescue.
Denzil is a sweet podenco who is obedient and just wants to be loved and to love in return. He is approx 2yrs old, castrated, fully vaccined and has been blood tested. His recent laboratory bloods have shown negative for leish, filaria and erlchia.
He would do well to be homed with another dog as he loves company and loves to follow the energy of others. He can still be a bit insecure when left alone.
Denzil has been working hard at obedience classes so lets not let all that hard work go to waste when this previously ill treated podenco has given it all he has to show how special he is. He found luck with a foster home but he must not be forgotten, this boys forever home is out there and it is urgent we find it, his story is just as important.
Please don't forget him.
Contact details: email

Published at 6:40 PM Comments (0)
Badger again!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Badger was rescued by Pia and Jan. Falling in love with him they both sponsored him until the day he left for his new home in the UK.
Badger was a very nervous galgo and we are NOT surprised why. Whilst he was being castrated bullets had to be removed from his leg. Poor Badger, what must he have been through whilst all alone on the streets.
Badger spent a lot of time with Jan and his trust grew and grew but with strangers he still had a long way to go.
Galgos del Sol proudly found Badger a wonderful home in the UK with a lady who volunteers for Greyhounds in Need UK. Carol decided whilst GIN bring other galgos over, and she could so easily adopt from the charity she supports, she wanted to go that bit further and bring over one more that had been patiently waiting to enter the UK, that one more was lucky Badger.
Badger is now with galgo brothers and sisters (see my previous post) and one more smaller buddy & has settled in really well. We get weekly if not daily reports and what can we tell you,.... this boy is treated like a king. Well done to Jan and Pia for his wonderful rescue and thank you to Carol for choosing to support GdS when it came to adopting a galgo who was patiently for his forever home.
With your donations we can find many more happy endings. Please donate to Galgos del Sol, details are here on their website.

Published at 3:00 PM Comments (0)
Badger's arrived safely in the UK & Jim is on his way to Holland to his forever home TOO -- awww!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Please read THIS first (click on blue text to learn about Jim)
Jim has a forever home waiting for him ... in HOLLAND. He is flying there as I type this.
Wonderful news & thank you to Shieldaig kennels, Finestrat, Valencia for all their help they gave Galgos del Sol.
Below: Here's Jim.

Below: Badger settling down a treat on his second day in his forever home in the UK 

Badger with his new friend it's good to have friends...

Published at 6:57 PM Comments (0)
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