Galgos del Sol needs many items donating, who will send us something please?
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Galgos del Sol needs donations of many items, who will help us please?
Worming tablets, scalibors, frontline, doxiclina (in Spain), blankets, leads and old martingales! Blankets & towels, treats & goodies.
ADDRESS for any deliveries , parcels or goodies you might like to donate -
The post Room
Galgos del Sol, Box 20
Centro Comercial Balneario
C/Rio Borines 68-18
30710 Los Alcazaras
Murcia, Spain

Edited to add: Ronaldo & Amy are waiting patiently for some treats!

Published at 9:04 PM Comments (0)
Please take a look at me, I'm Les & I would love a forever home PLEASE!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Les was rescued from a HORRENDOUS situation we call Project Mazarron. He was rescued alongwith many others.

Les is approximately 3 yrs old, fully vaccined & castrated. He is negative for erlichia, leishmania & filaria.
He just wants to be loved & he gets on with other dogs.
Contact Tina email (Murcia, SPAIN)

30th September: LES IS RESERVED for the UK. Finally our little fuz nut all the way from project Mazaron gets a wonderful home! FINALLY
Published at 2:12 PM Comments (0)
Janet says "I want a forever home" xx
Monday, September 24, 2012
I posted about Janet before, with Ana & Ronaldo, see here >> 

What a poppet this girl is. Not dominant in anyway, always waitd her turn for treats, just so sweet and gentle.
Contact Tina on Thank you.

Published at 8:14 PM Comments (0)
Valiente is back with Galgos del Sol minus a leg but doing really well.......
Saturday, September 22, 2012
See previous two posts to learn what happened to Valiente.
Please >> 
and then >> 

Here's Valiente, as the song goes 'wide eyed and legless', hope now he will be just fine!
He'll have such love & care with GdS.

for your donations, our work NEVER stops though so please think of Galgos del Sol's work & give a little.
See our website, read about our work, our happy endings, our dogs that need homes.

Published at 6:13 PM Comments (0)
Will you have a car boot sale, coffee morning, fundraiser etc for Galgos del Sol, Murcia PLEASE?
Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Yesterday 4 galgos were spotted just locally in the streets separately, we tried to pick up one bitch, got close but she ran off.. at the moment she is a good weight, but not for long. Murcia is a difficult area for galgos, so many out there and the hunting season has just begun.
That 4 locally will soon become 8, then 13 and so on. How do we keep on top of it?????? Our priority has to be the local galgos, which means we struggle to help other areas in Murcia. The sad reality is we can only take these galgos off the streets with money.
With money we can put them into private kenneling until we have space, we don't want more caught in traps like Valiente.
If you can do a car boot, fundraiser, coffee morning, anything at all please don't be shy and get stuck in for the galgos. Small amounts all add up.
We will put in the hours... seriously you know it BUT we need funds if we are going to keep on top of this crisis that we feel is just about to snowball of our volunteers tried to catch a pregnant bitch in the late hours, she is black and in the dark eventually lost."
So ..if anyone is willing to help with a car boot, fundraiser, coffee morning, anything at all & donate the proceeds to Galgos del Sol in Murcia, please contact Tina on
If you wish to donate details are
You can donate worldwide via paypal and if you do not have a paypal account then you can donate directly into our spanish (Galgos del Sol) bank account or our english (Galgos del Sol) bank account. Details available soon.
Now you can donate to us from the UK directly into our 'Galgos del Sol' UK Lloyds TSB account. This is the perfect way to help our galgos without being stung with those high transfer charges. Once a month all monies inside this account will be transferred to us here in Murcia free of charge so no matter how small we welcome your donations, it all adds up, donate to,
Sort code - 30-90-54
Account number - 40152868
Please donate to
CCC - 2043 0307 0 4 2007000479
IBAN - ES19 2043 0307 0420 0700 0479

Published at 12:54 PM Comments (0)
Valiente has finally been caught but his leg has needed amputating!
Friday, September 21, 2012
If you haven't read about Valiente before please do by clicking on >> 
From Tina, President of GdS yesterday "We just want to say this has been a very rewarding rescue that involved many people working together, planning and all being on the same side. I personally want to thank Angelita and Aigul Tinibaeva who were just amazing and Valiente wouldn't have been caught without them. Also thanks to the locals who helped, especially the man who never has buttons on his shirt, and of course Clare, Andrea and Mandy who came also! I cried tears of joy..... what a rollercoaster!"
Valiente safe at last!
From Tina earlier today "Shattered bones, twisted, infection, missing toes.... there was no way to save this leg. The vet didn't even feel necessary to do an X-Ray but we wanted one. Although not clear on the photo due to the light we could actually see where the snare trap went thru... its not something that has happened recently. He would have been in agony beyond our imagination! He is now having his operation to have his leg amputated!"
We HAD to help Valiente, that's what we do! We know those who read our blog help us so please can we ask you to help us now to help Valiente? Thank you, we appreciate it so much!

Published at 8:47 PM Comments (0)
Janet, Ronaldo & Ana need homes.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
This podenca, Janet, has just been caught in Pilar (Alicante), she is now with Galgos del Sol. She is 2 yrs old.

Below: Another new arrival, Ronaldo, 2 yrs old.

Loves other dogs, lives in a large pack, fairly confident with humans, can be active or lazy, either way. At exercise time he runs about and non exercise time he sleeps! Pretty good all rounder really!
Below: Yet another new arrival, Ana.

Please contact Tina on for further details.

Published at 3:58 PM Comments (0)
Cesar Milan Foundation recognises Galgos del!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Today on Galgos del Sol's Facebook page was a message from the Cesar Milan Foundation saying GO FOR IT!!
This made many peoples day, not least Tina who is the President of Galgos del Sol.
BELOW: Cesar - the dog whisperer

Just to say Galgos del Sol has huge committments to the galgos they're always rescuing & are always very relieved when a donation is sent to them, no matter how small so please continue to donate so GdS can continue its amazing work. Details are linked to the picture below.

Published at 3:11 PM Comments (0)
Great news: There are new billboards to be erected shortly.
Monday, September 17, 2012
This particular one, which has been sponsored & designed by DUTCHGALGOLOBBY from Holland who work on political matters for galgos here in Spain, will go up at the entrance to Ikea in Murcia.

Their webpage, and more information on their work, is here

Organisations led by Galgos del Sol, are campaigning for more billboards to be designed & sponsored & erected in prime areas. They have another two going up ... working alongside GdS supporters & associations such as Ibizan Hounds Rescue, SOS Galgos Barcelona, A.D.A.M in Pilar de Horadada & many more.

Sadly this is not inexpensive so they need help & we know there are good kind people who do help them a lot so GdS are appealing for funding.
They need monthly sponsors at 110€ per month to rent a billboard space. Please contact Tina (President) on for more details.

Published at 11:56 PM Comments (0)
Valiente needs catching but it's not easy as he's scared, of course!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Valiente needs catching, he has escaped from a snare (Murcia region) by the look of one of one of his front legs. Sometimes dogs bite through their leg in order to survive, that's so shocking to imagine. The leg has become very infected & needs urgent medical attention.
Galgos del Sol have been to try to catch Valiente a few times & have taken a dog on a long lead to encourage him so they could get nearer but to no avail. They have got the trap set up so hopefully today will be THE DAY! Fingers X'd! Poor Valiente must be in total agony.

Published at 6:49 PM Comments (0)
A HAPPY ENDING AGAIN: Nicolai, who I've written about before, has a home in the UK to look forward to
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I first blogged about Nicolai here, please remind yourself of the poor soul he was at that time, covered in ticks >> 
Now he has been reserved to go to live in the UK.

Published at 5:46 PM Comments (0)
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