Wow wow wow look at this total the video
Friday, May 30, 2014

Tina, President of Galgos del Sol, is the crazy woman on the scooter waving the board around. 
Published at 2:15 PM Comments (0)
Terribly sad news: Pumpkin has gone to Rainbow Bridge this afternoon unexpectedly
Thursday, May 29, 2014

I have blogged many times about Pumpkin & her puppies. This is a very sad post for me to be blogging today. There are so many tears being shed over this particular galga who stole our hearts.
From Tina.. "Pumpkin gave birth on the streets almost two months ago, she was alone, scared and fighting for her life as well as those of her babies who were born in the gutter on the streets in Cartegena.
She was rescued and came safe to GDS. Pumpkin lived in our bathroom, we took showers whilst she nursed her babies, sat on the loo whilst twiddling her ears as that's the only space we had for her, to save her and her newborn babies.
She loved her babies but didn't cope so well but she still fought and tried to feed them until she fell on her knees with exhaustion and couldn't do no more. We made the decision to separate them. We promised to take care of her babies and gave her the life of luxury. She was doing so well.
What started out a positive day has quickly ended in tragedy. When I say above she was fighting for her life I now know I meant literally for we have just learned she is riddled with cancer. There is no going back and as I type this thru heavy tears we are on our way to the vet to say goodbye. But the killer is we didn't know and she's already under anaesthetic and open for a simple spaying so she won't hear us and the last words she heard were not of us telling her we love her because I thought she was coming home in the morning. The guilt has done us in..... Oh Pumpkin. I don't know what else to write... Numb."
From Tina (later today) ... "In absolute shock as we kiss her goodbye. We whisper in her ear. The only thing we can do now is promise her everyone of her babies (we call them Pumpkin seeds) will be safe and cared for forever. Will miss this cheeky chicken thief so much. Rest in Peace beautiful, funny, strong, wise mumma Pumpkin. Xxx love you xx sorry xx"

Published at 6:05 PM Comments (1)
Galgos del Sol: new centre/land fundraiser
Monday, May 26, 2014

"People who have just become aware of and involved in our new centre/land fundraiser are wondering what this is all about and if it is on the "up and up”.
YES! We are a legal Spanish charity with a board of directors and a solicitor with an eagle eye.
Because we have had so many dogs in different locations for such a long time, we started looking for land to build a proper centre where we can have a vet room, a place for volunteers, and kennels to accommodate up to 300 hounds.
We found the perfect location and started asking for help.
Suddenly two weeks ago, a donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, made the offer to match 3x any dollar we raise.
Our deadline is May 29th ...we have over $42,000 currently (which will be tripled) ..and we are confident that we will be able to raise enough money to purchase the land with the matching grant and close the deal in the beginning of July.
Feasibility studies have been done and the initial part of the licence has been approved. Phase II will be to finalize and bid out building plans, bring in electricity and water etc and raise more funds!
GDS is so grateful to all of you, we would be nothing without your support. Thank you xxxxx"
if you'd care to donate to our cause that would be wonderful.
Please Paypal

Published at 8:22 PM Comments (0)
Donation latest
Monday, May 26, 2014
The board reads $42,000 which will be TREBLED by an anonymous donor.
Published at 9:19 AM Comments (0)
All good things today at Galgos del Sol
Friday, May 23, 2014
Bruno had a mysterious fracture on his skull which caused him to walk in circles and tilt his head but with the right hospital treatment, stimulation and care he is almost good as new.

From Tina ..
The sun is blazing hot, the pups are happy and today we say goodbye to Shane and Aldi, two poddies! Huge thanks to Sallie Lisa At grateful greyhounds for taking Aldi and to galgo and podenco support for the adoption of Shane. Both will be just dandy. Must never forget our champion transporter Brian from Ibizan Hound Rescue who will be taking the dogs to madrid airport to meet Sam our flight patron!!!! Wow .. great team work. Thank you and safe trip babies xx

Don't miss Tengo speaking click on video below, it's hilarious.
Published at 1:15 PM Comments (0)
Donations have been STAGGERING for Galgos del Sol's new centre in just a few days
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Please note that it takes such a long time for Tina to upload videos to YouTube but I've managed to find embed codes to enable you to see the videos, wonderful detective work by me if I do say it myself!
Effort has been put into each one. VERY FUNNY THEY ARE TOO!
$40,000 to be TRIPLED by an anonymous donator!
20th May
22nd May
Published at 1:25 PM Comments (0)
Update on land for a centre to house 300 Galgos for Galgos del Sol
Saturday, May 17, 2014
If you look at this photo .. below .. carefully you will see a galgo playing with a ball which is the most obvious feature but take a moment to look at the rest. You will see a washing line with clothes, a tyre swing for children and you may come to the conclusion it's our home. For three years we have housed over 500 galgos in our homes renting out several fincas at a time.

The stress has been unbearable to breaking point with little sleep, never being able to escape work, surrounded by good old poop, can't even watch a movie without something happening, all unpaid just with sheer passion with your support and help to get thru it.
The new centre is the light at the end of the tunnel preventing burn out of us humans. From our point of view us 2 legged creatures need this to find our sanity and to be able to continue this work healthily and not being pushed to the point where we forget why we started this.
Our mission today on this Saturday knowing weekends are slow is to raise 400 dollars just by you asking your friends for some coffee money today (remember it will be tripled to a over a thousand. Please talk to your friends, ask for a few euros, pounds, dollars. Tell them about the galgos, be shameless if you have to and let's get 400 dollars in by the end of today.
If you have collected cash and can't PP immediately that's fine just let us know how much you raised so we know when we tot up today's target. Remember it's just a few euros.... there's over 15,000 likes' on our Facebook page so this must be a piece of cake!!!!! Let's get going. SHARE, ASK and tell people about the new centre and how it will change the lives of galgos in Murcia.
Here is just the start. A new piece of land already approved by the council to start building a galgo rescue centre which can hold up to 300 galgos.

This is so important that we make this happen for so many reasons. Too many reasons. The present situation of the housing for GDS is rented and not long term, we have never been in a position to buy our own before. Soon our rental contracts come to an end and it's start all over again.
This land comes with a difference. We will be working with the council to make it fully legal, making us liable for inspections, opening hours, contracts with galgueros, vet visits, it will have luxury housing for the galgos so no more stress of large packs which can often become dangerous and unmanageable, education visits for children, volunteer programmes and so much more, the list goes on.
Look at the photo above and visualise the centre, making Murcia a better place for galgos. Visualize this dream for the Galgos with us. Please keep up the momentum, keep fundraising, donate generously, talk to your friends, keep rolling those ideas... we can do this!!!!
Remember for every dollar donated our anonymous investor will triple it. What are you thinking? Let us know!
Please donate to...paypal
In the UK
Sort code - 30-90-54
Account number - 40152868
Please donate to,
Galgos del Sol Sociedad Protectora de Animales
IBAN - ES88 0487 0543 2420 0700 0479

Published at 2:19 PM Comments (0)
GDS has a MASSIVE, IMPORTANT breakthrough.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol....

"So where do we start? It all began back in 2011 when I thought it would be a great idea to set up GDS to help the Spanish galgo. To cut a long boring blood sweat and tears story short finally GDS has a breakthrough. Seriously I can't believe it.
An opportunity has arisen where GDS will now have a large plot of land which has already passed its first license to become a legal physical facility here in Spain.
OH MY GOD, that is music to my ears. No more running from fincas to fincas getting thru almost 1000 euros in fuel each month and best of all we have plans to build our own vet clinic on site, only those that have visited will know how many hours in the day this will save.
Hours saved means more time with the dogs rehabilitating and rescuing as well keeping up to date on those important papers and thank yous! So where do you come in???
Well, a kind anonymous generous donor who I just want to grab and give a huge hug to right now has offered to help fundraise for the centre. For every DOLLAR you donate he will match and triple. Yes, go back and read it again? How do we ever say thank you?
Guys, we need this centre, it will change the future of the galgos here in Murcia. We will be able to rescue so many more, fundraise on site, educate children on site, run a volunteer programme and that's just the start. The potential knows no end and we will be reaching for the stars whilst making huge strides.
WILL YOU HELP US WITH THIS FIRST STEP FOR THIS CENTRE? Every dollar you donate will be matched and tripled by an anonymous investor. Paypal now and clearly mark your donation for THE CENTRE!!!!!!!! Let's go go go!!!!!! "

In 24 hours donations have reached just over $15,000 , totally amazing, thank you for helping to make this happen.
Please also read this update (which is the next blog post actually).

Published at 9:34 AM Comments (0)
Prayers for Fina, Rosi & Robin
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Galgos del Sol have very sick dogs in the Alicante hospital, please let them pull through.
You can follow news about these dogs & others at GdS on their Facebook page here
Everything is very fast moving at GdS. Please join our fb group, see what Tina, Kyle & others do for the Galgos in their care, it's amazing.
Fina ..below ..remains critical in hospital... So, so sad ! She's in a right mess but this morning she's eaten which is a good sign. Decided to give it a bit more time. Maybe there is hope.....

Rosi .. below .. also remains critical. She has Lupus. Her oesophagus is not working. This is a direct result of the Lupus. Her chances of full recovery are slim but we will fight just a few more days. If she can recover all that needs to change is better food and for her to eat standing upright!!

Robin .. below also at hospital today... She's been losing blood from the back end.. quite a lot of it! Arghhh does it ever end !!!

Little Bruno ..below .. one of Pumpkin's pups, had an x-ray 7th May as he started shaking & holding his head to one side. He has had a head trauma. (See added photo of xray.) With medication he seems to be getting better.

Published at 1:15 PM Comments (1)
Pumpkin and her pups are ready to be considered for adoption
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Please read about Pumpkin & her puppies >>> here <<<
Pumpkin is ready to be considered for adoption once she's spayed.
We are starting to take enquiries for Pumpkin - she is approx 8 yrs old now - but she won't be ready to travel yet as she has Erlichia which is currently being treated.
She is a cheeky wonderful girl that will fit into any gentle pack or home. She deserves a marvellous life, who can offer her that?

Regarding her puppies ..please consider sponsoring one of the pumpkin pups just a few euros per month. First vaccines are coming up plus they are still on Royal Canin which is costing us a mini fortune.
Visit and click sponsor a hound. Thank you in advance.

Published at 12:09 PM Comments (0)
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