Verea's pups, see how well they are doing.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Continuing on from this blog post about Project Mazarron ............
Verea came from Project Mazarron, very thin and heavily pregnant with just a week to go. She was very friendly though and seemed to have no fear so hadn't been abused, like the others, it seems.
She gave birth to ten pups in the care of Galgos del Sol. Sadly, six died but she did so well to keep four healthy ones as she'd had no nourishment during her pregnancy.
We know you'll love watching this video of the pups doing so well.
Any donations will be so welcomed, click picture below for details please & thank you.

Published at 1:33 AM Comments (0)
Cara's pups need homes
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Continuing from Cara & her babies .. a MUST SEE posted on 17th April we have update photos & news.
These two below are reserved for homes in Germany, great news!

Contact details are
These pups are being cared for in Murcia area, Costa Blanca.
We rely on donations to continue our work so if you can help us that will be so much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Click HERE to find how you can donate.

If you click on the above logo it directs you to the Galgos del Sol website where you can read all about the work we do & much more.
Published at 4:12 PM Comments (0)
Leanne's rescue
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Kindly click on this Galgos del Sol logo below to find how to help them by donating, thank you.

Published at 6:14 PM Comments (1)
Whitney ... another happy ending.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Whitney was rescued by a lady called Jenny. She was desperate to find her a place to go and on ringing GdS we couldn’t take anymore at this point as we were more than full. Our good friend Colleen at paradise kennels offered to kennel Whitney if we took her on as a GdS galga. Done deal.
Whitney got on great with Colleen. She started off quite a nervous galga but did improve day by day, little by little with patience. Colleen has plenty of this.
We were delighted when Whitney got a reservation with Galgo V Nouzi in the Czech Repulic. It was quick goodbye with Colleen and then she travelled alongside Fran to Germany where she would meet her new mum and then travel onto her new home north of Prague.
We have since been in touch and Whitney is doing just fine. She has many a get together with other galgos including others from GdS like Lasha (Leanne) and Olympia and we can see she is in wonderful hands. Big cheer for Whitney!
We thank Jenny for catching this sweet girl and Colleen for working alongside us to keep her safe. Then of course we thank Galgo V Nouzi for finding her a wonderful home.
Great team work guys, another one off the road and in her forever home!

Anyone wishing to donate to Galgos del Sol please click here for details of how to donate & thank you so much.

Published at 1:29 PM Comments (0)
Mario, don't miss this video.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Please donate to Galgos del Sol ... click here for full information.

Published at 1:07 AM Comments (1)
Cara and her babies.... a MUST SEE!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Donations for these would be so appreciated. Click here for information & thank you for watching.

Published at 12:17 AM Comments (0)
The GdS love triangle
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Published at 8:28 PM Comments (0)
Project Mazarron, please watch.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Published at 8:25 PM Comments (1)
Way to go, Kyle!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Kyle had been fostered for some time but became ill & the vet where he was had mis-diagnosed. He was brought down to GdS and we took him to San Vincente in Alicante. He was hospitalised for four days, sweet Kyle, it broke our hearts to see him so sick.

Turned out he had salmonella and all this whilst waiting to travel to Belgium to his new home. It was so frustrating knowing that his future was so bright; he just had to get through this difficult bit, he could do it, he has the spirit!
Kyle left hospital and had to have a strict diet of just rice and chicken, little and often, the biggest challenge was to get his stools firm again rather than the liquid diarrhoea he arrived with. He improved slowly and eventually could go onto a special dog food and then in time he would be fit enough to travel.
With other minor disasters along the way Kyle eventually got his flight. He had to have further treatment with special food and his tail operated on and in the good hands of Greyhounds Rescue Belgium he continues to fight fit. It’s been a long frustrating road for this boy. He is so special and deserves the best always.
Well finally he reached his forever home in Belgium and WOWSERS we think all will be ok from here on in.
Look at him go, he is running like the wind, playing like a puppy and is respected as he should be.

Kyle, our hearts broke for you, to see you like this puts everything right again, we wish you every happiness in your new home and we hope to continue seeing such amazing photos of you having the absolute time of your life.
Thank you Harvey at Greyhounds Rescue Belgium and thanks to his new mum. Big hug Kyle!
Kyle was sponsored by GIN UK. With thanks again!
Published at 4:45 PM Comments (0)
Happy times ahead for Pedro.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Little Pedro was born in a field in Torre Pacheo, a town well known for galgo abandonment. Sometimes we drive around this town just to see if there are any that need to be caught. Pedro was amongst other wee pups that had just been born and, with it pouring with rain, we were desperate to pick them up but we had a problem... MUMMY.
We named the mum Zoe and we spent many days non-stop from early morning to late evening trying to catch her. It rained heavily during these days and we became so fed up. In the end we worked alongside Antonio from Los Infiernos refuge who darted her for us but this also wasn’t easy and took a few attempts. Finally, job done, we could take the whole family home.

Mum and pups stayed in foster with me, Tina Solera (President of Galgos del Sol) for a while and then, as they got bigger, they went to Colleen temporarily at Paradise kennels who did a marvellous job with them, then back to us at the refuge.
Pedro was the only male and soon became in charge of them all but, being male, he was also the clumsiest. He would tease his sisters and constantly be on the lookout for someone to play with. He was wonderful. He soon had a reservation for the UK with Fiona and family, we were so pleased.
Pedro set off with Mario, Molly and Guapita and arrived safely. After a few problems with diarrhoea on arrival this was soon sorted and now Pedro is a happy healthy loved little galgo. We thank you Fiona for looking after this special boy so well. We imagine now he is much bigger than in this photo as his paws looked like they belonged to a lion. Thanks again everyone especially Zoe who kept her babies safe and from harm.

Here is a video I made about Zoe & her pups.
Please consider donating, we rely on it. Thanks so much for supporting us.
Details are here, please click on coloured link.

Published at 11:35 PM Comments (1)
Another happy story ... this is about Fran.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Fran was picked up from project Mazarron by Andrea and Alison AAR and brought to GdS. A frightened galgo that had wild eyes. Through his fear he bit a volunteer. We had our hands full, that was for sure.

We gave Fran time, he needed it. He watched from afar at how we handled the other galgos, he would soon see we meant no harm. Bit by bit he edged closer but wouldn’t allow himself to be touched.
To make matters worse he had been diagnosed with erlichia, so getting his treatment down him was a military operation in the kitchen, an old Indian trick taught to us by Gaynor. He is now negative, good job Gaynor.
Fran got a reservation for the Czech republic with Galgo V Nouz, we were pleased but naturally worried. His new owner was fully aware of all Fran's troubles but had the experience to take on this challenge and offer Fran a forever home. The first hurdle would be to get him on the transport.
So ... to cut a long story short Fran arrived at his new home safely and we won’t pretend it was all roses from day one, he had trouble settling the first week but bit by bit he improved, again he found comfort in the other galgo, now his new brother.
So, what do we think to this photo? Is Fran looking like he could be turning a corner?

We think so and this makes us cry tears of joy. Finally Fran, you have found trust and love, you deserve it so much. No harm will come to you again. Big kiss little guy, we love you!
Thank you Galgo V Nouz and to Fran's new mum for giving him this forever home.

We so much would appreciate your donations to help us continue our work, kindly see here.
Published at 6:32 PM Comments (0)
The story of Cafe
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Cafe found himself dumped in a killing station, in our eyes its a crime. A beautiful galgo who worked his time only to be cast aside like rubbish, did his owner not feel even the slightest bit of guilt or sadness for poor Cafe.
When Eileen in the UK spotted his photo she contacted us, he had less than 48hrs to go before being sacrificed. She asked us to get him out and she wanted to adopt him alongside Serena who she had previously adopted from GdS & AAR. We had never worked with this killing station before so luckily we had the help of Oscar to help speed things up, we thank you again Oscar.
Cafe soon arrived to our doorstep but we were not prepared for what we saw. Cafe shook and threw himself around like a wild horse just to escape any kind of human contact. At this stage it looked impossible that we could help heal this boy and for sure he couldn’t travel to Eileen in the UK anytime soon, he just wasn’t ready. Our best decision was to put Cafe with Gaynor and Les. They slowly worked with him, they were patient and never forced Cafe (now Caru) to do anything that he was not ready for. Bit by bit we saw him become curious, we were winning. The time came when he still wasn’t completely ready but he was able to take the transport some months later. He did really well and surprised us all.
Eileen now has Cafe in her home and we have heard bit by bit he is making progress and looking at this photo it seems he has surely found his place. When Suzie did this home check for us for Serena the sofa capacity played a big part, how many galgos and pods could fit on? She passed the check. Thank you Eileen for spotting Cafe and for allowing us to help you save his life. Good on ya Cafe, be free in yourself now!
BELOW: Cafe before GdS took him.

BELOW: In his new home.

Donations are explained in this link, thank you for helping GdS.
Published at 5:23 PM Comments (0)
Happy moments at Galgos del Sol
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Galgos del Sol, based in Murcia, Spain, have been super busy - nothing new there - often working with other charities to rescue galgos in severe difficulties & often are involved in other rescues but galgos are their priority.
So much has happened recently & we apologise for leaving this blog for too long but we will try to find time to publish news & give updates regularly.
In the meantime we'd like to bring your attention again to how you can donate towards the animals who cost us so much. Once rescued there's incredible vets bills which consist of vaccinations, testing for diseases, spaying/castrating, operations other than that, microchipping etc. There are often transport costs involved & passports are also arranged so the dogs can travel to the UK if necessary. These dogs are adopted by wonderful people from all over, UK, France, Germany, USA, Belgium, Denmark etc. It is very involved.
If there's a will, there IS a way! Tina, President of Galgos del Sol, (& others) find ways, they truly are amazing dedicated people.
Any info please contact Tina on
Grateful thanks for reading this. Without donations we cannot continue but our supporters are growing & we thank you all who help us.
In this collage are featured rescued dogs including a heavily pregnant galga who gave birth to ten pups though six have sadly died. The remaining four are thriving though, they're little miracles.

Published at 5:09 PM Comments (4)
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