From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol
"As you may have already heard my boy and GDS billboard star was sent over the bridge on Thursday 13th February, unexpectedly. He had been fighting bone cancer but had been doing so well. Not in a million years did I expect for his vet to look at me with such sad eyes and tell me the fight is over. It sent me on my knees, I knew he was dying but I didn't ever actually expect him to die, not my Lucas.
So let me tell you about him. Lucas came from a galguero in Cartegena, we rescued him alongside Guapita. Guapita his little sister had a broken leg and was minutes from being shot. We insisted along with Lucas she must come with us also.
Now I know we all say our galgos are special but really I have to say Lucas was more than that. He came to us 38kg pure hunk of a galgo, huge, the biggest galgo I have ever seen to date. Not overweight but perfect, just tall with huge beautiful features. This is how magnificent he was... his dam galguero castrated him using an elastic band so that no other galguero could ever benefit from him. I know I know, takes some time to get your head around doesn't it. What's strange was Lucas, altho so strong and athletic looking, he was the most useless hunter ever.. I'm telling you, my boy could not even catch roadkill. He would run and fall over his own feet. Iv'e even seen him run into a large flower pot but the clumsier he was the more I flippin loved him. Goodness me I loved him so much.
I would sometimes sit and look at him and get lost in his elegantness (I know that word doesn't exist but hey....). I could look into his gentle eyes and the world would be at peace for me even if it was just for 10 seconds until the chaos started again. His soul was flawless. He would sit on the couch with his paws crossed and his nose in the air like his poo didn't stink, which of course it didn't.
He soon became the famous billboard boy around Murcia. Driving down the CC319 I would often stare up at my boy on that board six meters tall and be the proudest mum in the world. He was glorious.
Everyone that met Lucas was in awe, in love and taken back by him. His personality larger than everything else put together. His big long nose would nudge me constantly whilst working on the PC which I might add is why this page has so many typo errors.. yep that was his big snoz wanting my attention whilst i'm trying to update you all on the latest GDS news. He was an attention seeking monkey at times.
So one day he's running and playing with his friends and bang, an almighty scream that will haunt my children for years, his pain so unbearable as his leg snapped in half. As we rushed him to hospital I wondered if he ran into some O2 that caused the fall or maybe the evil flower pot again that would deliberately trip him up. Of course it was more serious than that as his leg snapped due to cancer. The battle began because he did not want to die and my goodness no way could we lose him yet.
We fought on with his leg amputated and chemo. I won't deny ... he struggled. I already mentioned he wasn't the most agile galgo on the planet... well he did not enjoy so much living on 3 legs and occasionally he would fall and cry. That hurt so bad to see him like that. So most of the time he spent being pampered on the sofa and being lifted out to the garden where he would have spurts of crazy playtime... now those were happy days. Last Thursday we noticed his legs were swollen and his eyes were full of tears. We took him to hospital where we expected a new medication or something but and x-ray showed that the cancer had spread so aggressively to the lungs. I saw it in the vets eyes and I knew what was coming next. I never expected his time to come. Denial I guess .
After one last bowl of chicken and listening to the birds singing outside on the grass the needle goes in and I can't see thru the tears. I know all you dog owners have cried so much that you can't breathe in that moment their eyes close, many of you don't need to imagine it as you to have been through it. Your heart aches so bad as they are taken away and suddenly there is no going back. Its too late to change your mind. You lose feeling in your feet and your fingers tingle and you wonder if your about to pass out. Luckily I had my friend, Barbara, to hold me up.
Lucas is a legend and he will live on because GDS has plans and he will be the face of it all. We love you so much Lucas. I know your looking down on us watching what happens next with GDS and we promise to make you proud. Now get out there lad and use those four legs again and trip over as much as you can because remember the more goofy and clumsy you are the more you make me smile and I know how much that tail would wag when we were laughing together. We were honoured to have you as part of our family.
Now Rest in Peace Lucas. Love you so dam much xxxx"
Lucas, our billboard hero!