After months of trying, Gill and Tina managed to catch this galgo .... he has been living rough for months and months with a broken leg
Monday, February 28, 2011
"Finally, after months of trying, Gill and I managed to catch this galgo .... he has been living rough for months and months with a broken leg and now we have him, sooooooooooo happy!!!! My daughter has called him Josh. "

Josh is safe now with Tina (left) & Gill, in the care of the Galgos del Sol refuge.

5pm: Josh has been castrated today! He wasn't aware of that about to happen when this was taken at the vets. His leg is broken but too much time has gone by, it has healed on its own and an operation could make it worse.


Published at 11:44 AM Comments (3)
Grethe ... thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making dog coats for the dogs at Galgos del Sol refuge
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A couple of weeks ago I received a message from a lady called Grethe Marup, who lives in Denmark. She said she has a greyhound herself called Sweetie & she sent me a photograh of Sweetie with a coat on & said she made the coat herself.
Grethe asked if I would like her to make the greyhounds in the refuge some coats. How wonderful & how kind of her. I put her in contact with Tina & just now I heard from Grethe to say she has the coats & some straps all ready to be sent from the post office tomorrow & she sent me photographs.
This blog post is to publically thank dearest Grethe, a lady in her 70's, for caring so much.
This is Sweetie, Grethe's greyhound sporting her own coat that Grethe made.

Here are the coats Grethe has made, look at the work she has put into each & every one, amazing.


Grethe has also sent the refuge some leads for the galgos.

A HUGE THANK YOU, Grethe, from the Galgos del Sol refuge. xxx

Grethe .....

............. on 28th February

on 3rd March: Here is Grethe with her dogs & coats. She has written an article for a newspaper for dog lovers she tells me, & sent it with the photograph below, asking if people can donate materials for her to make more coats. What a kind lady. We do thank her & look forward to receiving the coats.

Published at 3:06 PM Comments (7)
Ken has arrived safely at Galgoconnections in Valencia, to be cared for by Sylvia & her specialists.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
"Ken has arrived safely in Valencia. He was very curious, always poking his little nose out the window to see whats going on and enjoying the new scenery. Photos later"
Below: Tina with Ken before he left for Valencia

Below: Gill with Ken & the vet, Salvador

Published at 2:43 PM Comments (0)
Angela's Efforts to Save Galgos
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Angela Stacey is a remarkable woman working hard on her own charity and in association with Galgos Del Sol, which is a small animal rescue based in Murcia, Spain that rescues abandoned and injured Galgos and Podencos. Angela has teamed up to make as much money as possible by spending the majority of her free time collecting and selling goods on her stall from the kind people living in Spain.
You can find Angela and her team every Monday between 10 - 4pm above the Mercadona (next to Pet World) at the tolls for the La Zenia exit AP7.
Please come and support Angela and her team, for a chat, update or even buy stuff.
Friends Chantelle Marin and Nicholas King have set up this website for and on behalf of Angela and her worthwhile charity.
Chantelle tells of how she became involved with Angela Stacey.
"My name is Chantelle I am 36 years of age and live in Bedford, in the United Kingdom. It all started when I was looking through Face Book and saw a disturbing picture of a puppy being held up by the scruff of her neck in what is known as the ‘Killing Station’ in Spain and yes they do exactly what is said on the tin, thousands of dogs meet their maker in the most horrific of circumstances if you think they are put to sleep in a humane way, then you couldn’t be more wrong, but this is not the time or the place to go into this, I want to talk about the inspiring story I have learned of Angela and her team with the help of the beautiful Podenco, ‘Little Pod’.
I first became aware of Angela and her cause through Facebook and the story of a little Podenco puppy nick named ‘Little Pod’.
There she was being paraded in the killing station, her eyes just full of sheer fear and sadness, it touched my heart. I contacted Angela to see if she could be saved from what was inevitably going to be a dreadful end for a pup so young. Angela promptly replied that a bid (a sum of money) had gone in for the puppy and they were waiting to hear from the killing station for the outcome:
- Someone else has already been successful
- Your bid has been successful
- You are too late
Night time came and when morning arrived, still with no news, thinking that they hadn’t got to her in time; then the message I had been waiting for came through; she had been saved and would be arriving in the dog borstal in a couple of days where her new foster family, Angela & Richard would be waiting, I was overjoyed.
The day came when ‘Little Pod’ met her saviours a little frightened and extremely under weight but now safe in a warm and loving home where she would get the care and attention she so desperately needed and longed for.
It wasn’t long before pictures of ‘Little Pod’ started to come through and my word, what a miraculous difference, there she was looking happy and playful just like a puppy of three months should.

I was in daily contact with Angela getting updates on how ‘Little Pod’ was doing and although she had a bit of a funny tummy she was generally playful and full of beans. I asked Angela if her tummy would improve and she was advised, that it should, but may take time as the poor pup had been on a diet of cardboard and who knows what else. Still, happy pictures and stories were coming through and even the great news that ‘Little Pod’ had been found a ‘Forever home’ in Germany where a family were eagerly awaiting her arrival. Everything was being put into motion getting ‘Little pod’ ready for her special journey to Germany. All her injections were up to date and her passport ready for travel things were looking really positive and everyone involved were happy and excited for ‘Little Pod’, the future was bright very bright for the little one.
Then news started to come through that 'Little Pod' was not well her tummy had got worse and she had gone off her food, still I was hopeful a trip to the vet and all would be well again, how wrong could I have been.
Little Pod had various tests done then the tragic news came that she had been confirmed as having contracted the 'Parvo Virus' no doubt from the killing station, if you don't know, the Parvo Virus is highly contagious and seems to effect mainly young pups between the age of 3-6 months and is transferred via contaminated feaces (gives you an idea of what she was possibly eating at the 'killing station' and on her journey to Angela and Richard, no first class travel for these gorgeous animals).
She was promptly placed on a very expensive medicine and was to stay with the vets until she grew strong and got better again. It was advised that she would be unable to travel to her new 'Forever Home' in Germany until at least 6-7 weeks. The news was sad but I was so looking forward to meeting 'Little Pod' as I was travelling out there on Saturday 19th February 2011 for a few days to help Angela and her team and to get a better understanding of the amazing work they do.
Every morning as soon as I woke I checked my facebook account for any updates on 'Little Pod' I was happy that she had been at the vets for two days and still fighting this deadly illness as articles said that if they make it through three days then the odds increase. Friday morning came ('Little Pods' third day) I checked my messages only to find one from Angela without even opening the mail my heart sank and I felt the tears slowly trickleing down my cheeks, I opened the message my heart thumping, I started to read the tears flowed the news was the worst Angela had received a call from the vet that morning to say 'Little Pods' had taken a turn for the worse and she was going to have to be put to sleep Angela said she would be 15 minutes and please wait for her arrival she was told by the vet that there was no time 'Little Pods' was suffering and it must be done now, how hard I cried from that day on 'Little Pods' story changed my life finally I have found an organisation that I so desperately want to help and support.
Thank you 'Little Pod' your legacy will go on you have touched the hearts of so many world wide and done so much good for Angela and her team.
I have since visited Angela, Richard and their team and have helped out on their stall on a Monday and been to the refuge, I come back inspired and ready to help the cause."
Published at 1:38 AM Comments (3)
Greyhounds in Need UK visit our Galgos Del Sol refuge in a few weeks and who knows where that can take our galgos
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
"Greyhounds in Need UK visit us in a few weeks and who knows where that can take our galgos. What an honour that they want to meet us, we are so pleased."
Taken from the home page of the Greyhounds In Need website.
"Welcome to the GIN website. We are an English registered charity founded by Anne & Arthur Finch, concerned with the plight of greyhounds everywhere, and especially in Spain, where most of our work is done.
Since starting this work in 1991 we have rescued and found homes for several thousand dogs with the help of many Spanish volunteers who carry out primary rescue work, and the homing groups and individuals in Europe and the USA who, in sympathy with our work, are promoting adoption in their own countries.
Greyhounds and galgos (Spanish-bred hunting greyhounds) make excellent family pets, and, contrary to popular opinion, their requirements for exercise are moderate and many can live happily with cats.
GIN is the leading greyhound rescue charity working in Spain and has unique knowledge of conditions there, and has permanent need of donations to enable the rescue work in Spain to be continued and expanded".
Published at 6:36 PM Comments (0)
Update on Ken, the black galgo who was hit from behind by a car
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Ken has left for Valencia today to be with galgoconnections where he will be looked after by two specialists and a carer.
Tina said Ken has been on a rollercoaster with good & bad days but now his tail is wagging, one leg is moving slightly & he has put a little pressure on one foot. It was positive although he still has a long way to go and even then there are no guarantees.
Please please think of Ken, he needs everyones thoughts.
Ken you can do it, you must. x

Please support our refuge

Published at 2:19 PM Comments (2)
A beautiful video in memory of "Little Pod" Angela
Monday, February 21, 2011
to Bogdana Kostadinova who made this for Galgos Del Sol.
Published at 12:25 AM Comments (3)
From Galgos del Sol "We are delighted with all the support we are getting, it's been so encouraging."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
From Galgos del Sol
"We are delighted with all the support we are getting, it's been so encouraging. We are getting food, coats and collars sent from all over the world and not to mention that all important paper that pays the vets bills. Thank you to all those for supporting our galgos. They have a good time with us, thanks to you. We can't... believe how much this association has grown in just a few short months..... it's been an emotional rollercoaster."
Tina (who runs Galgos Del Sol with Gaynor) is pictured top centre & Angela who was Little Pod's foster mum is to Tina's left with "Little Pod", Angela.
What a brilliant poster.

Published at 9:25 PM Comments (4)
Update on Ken, the black galgo, who was brought in on 9th February after having been hit from behind by a car.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 9th: Ken was brought in, having been hit from behind by a car, his vertebrae column is seriously damaged.

Below: Tina informs us 'Ken is slowly getting better after his spinal op & has started moving his toes.
He has rehab each day but it's a long road yet. Please think of him...'

Below: Ken having his rehab. Tina said 'it was a really difficult day yesterday as we thought Ken was going to cross the rainbow bridge also but he is doing well now .... he is eating & seems happy enough with the rehab'.
Come on Ken, you can walk again, please do it................

A galgo that another charity (ACE Animal Care, Espania) has, who is called Judia, is doing remarkably well after her operation.
Here's Judia's story, taken from the ACE website. With thanks to Tine Rosenkjaer who brought this story & video to Tina's attention. It raises our spirits after losing "Little Pod" yesterday.
'This is the sad story of Judia, a poor Galgo... Her previous owner was a hunter but Judia didn't like this hunting, she only looked forward to that one day a week because she could get out of her too small cage and could take a good run. But that day turned out completely different than she had anticipated... Her owner made sure that she was completely paralyzed, we are not sure whether he tried to hang her or gave her a stroke in the neck, but anyway he has done something unforgivable! For months she stayed at the Veterinary Clinic of Cordoba where she underwent an intensive rehabilitation period, slowly her mobility came back. She still walks very difficult but it is already a huge improvement! Who wants to take the first steps into her new life with her? '
Judia is doing well, please do NOT miss this video. See Judia walk upstairs!
The lyrics of the song compliment the video so well.
Published at 3:08 PM Comments (1)
Messages of support for tiny podenca, Angela, from Spain, Germany, France, America, Italy, Denmark and the UK.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
In memory of "Little Pod", Angela, who lost her fight this morning, to parvo.

Taken directly from the Galgos Del Sol Facebook wall tonight.
We have received messages of support for Angela from the following countries,.... Spain, Germany, France, America, Italy, Denmark and the UK. This little pod touched hearts all over the world.

Angela, named after two amazing ladies with huge hearts and souls for galgos, podencos and any animal in need, for Angela wasn't just special she was so much more. Named for Angela who sadly passed away, she was the heart and soul at Tailends refuge in England and also for her saviour in this world, Angela who took her... into her home and loved her with all her heart and soul.
This baby podenca was spotted by us at the Jerez perrera. Where many a dog comes in, free from the hell they know,but into death. For here, they meet their ends, cold hungry, sick. Those who arent sick would generally become sick here, for the floors are damp and environment cold. Cold and hard.. in every aspect of life. There is no love here!
You can see the harsh handling of this podenco within the perrera, for these animals are not treated with warm hearts, nor are they looked upon for having feelings themselves. All terrified of their fates. Only a kind hearted volunteer who sends out emails to those of us who care, can give these animals the chance of freedom. Some, just never make it as the amount is way too many.
Angela had a few happy days where she couldn't have been loved more. She was cuddled, stroked, kissed and encouraged to be a happy playful puppy. She even got to sleep on the sofa with her foster mummy of a night, she was one happy little pod. However, Angela showed signs of being unwell and went down hill. struck down with parvo and too weak to fight it, she closed her eyes in peace.
We are so sorry, a puppy with everything to live for. Robbed of life through poor care. But it was too much for her tiny body, she coudn't fight anymore in this world so she left us and ran over the rainbow bridge to a place where another beautiful lady, Angela waits for her with big open arms. A place where there is no problems, cruelty or danger for this little podenca.
You were loved little one, we will never forget you.
Sr.galguero, you have blood on your hands.
Run Free Angela!
Never forget!
Angela, nombrado por dos señoras quientenia su alma llena de amor para los galgos, podencos y cualquiere animal.
La pequeñita Angela fue rescatada por Galgos del Sol. Como podemos ver en la foto, la podenca fue tratado con manos duros en la perrera de Jerez. Una vergüenza y asco, tratado sin sentimientos, y como los animales alli tampoco siente nada. Tirados como basura. Muerto de miedo cada perro entra alli pensando que estan libres del maltrato que le han sufrido antes, pero no.. esto sigue. Podemos ver en la foto no!
Si no estan enfermos cuando entran, la mayoria cogen enfermedades alli. Los suelos estan frios, humedos, y con poco posibilidades de un futuro. Esto depende de un voluntario quien esta alli, haciendo fotos para mandar a personas y asoc. quien tiene una alma. Asi si, los con suerte puede salir de alli. Si no, es la pena de muerte.
Angela fue rescatada, llego a manos de Angela, pero con el tiempo se ha empeorado. Tenia Parvo, demasiado debil y malita para luchar, hoy se ha cerrado su ojos para siempre.
Te amamos Angela. Estoy segura Angela esta alli esperando te con brazos abiertos y nunca mas vas a sentir dolor.
Que tristeza.
Sr.galguero tus manos estan manchados de sangre!
Corre Libre Angela!
Nunca te olvidamos.
Published at 12:18 AM Comments (3)
Sad news this morning .. little pod, Angie, has died. Our thoughts are with those closely associated with her especially Angela, her foster mum & Tina, who had rescued Angie from a killing station at the end of January.
Friday, February 18, 2011
It is with a very heavy heart that I'm posting this. The tiny podenca pup, Angie, has died. It was necessary for her to be put to sleep this morning, she was suffering from parvo.
She was rescued from a killing station at Jerez at the end of January by Tina of Murcia & fostered by Angela Stacey, where she was a happy little pod & oh, SO loved! Everyones heart melted when they saw Angie, she was the cutest pup. There was a forever home waiting for her in Germany.
Her last 18 days have been in a safe place after God knows what she had endured previously.
Although our hearts are sad we must take consolation that she is out of her pain now & she had obviously loved her happy home with Angela.
Our thoughts are with those associated with Angie, especially Angela, who cared for her.
Little pod, RIP, run free.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown.

Watch the video, use your headphones if you have them, this is so beautiful.
Please support the refuge in the banner below.
Without this they cannot help the galgos & podencos that they do. Thank you.

Published at 2:17 PM Comments (3)
News of Jenny & little pod, Angie
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Jenny, a galga who was picked up by a lady in Murcia on 8th February, has now had her leg amputated & has been out for her first walk, learning to walk on three legs.

I don't want to put the photo of tiny podenca, Angie, in the vets here again (she has parvo), I find it far too distressing as do many who are worried sick about her so I will post my favourite photo of her & say .. 'fight to live, little pod pup, you are so loved!'

Tina said Angie has been sleeping a lot. We have no further news but her foster mum is currently visiting her & I will update asap.

Published at 8:16 PM Comments (1)
Terrible news: Tiny podenca pup, Angie, has parvo! Please remember her in your prayers.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Angie was taken into the vets yesterday as she had a temperature & wouldn't eat or drink. She was put on a drip.
Today we received the worst news, that Angie has the Parvo virus.
Please think of tiny Angie & include her in your prayers. Being such an underweight pup, who's had the worst start in life, she is so vulnerable. She was rescued recently by Tina of from a killing station in Jerez.
Our thoughts also go to her foster mum, Angela Stacey, who has looked after Angie since she arrived in Murcia, & who is understandably very upset. We all are, Angie has stolen so many hearts.

Below: Angie being cared for at the vets since yesterday.

Published at 10:59 PM Comments (0)
Extremely upsetting news about little podenca, Angie. News of Ken & Jenny & there's another galga arrived, Lizzy.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Extremely upsetting news about little podenca, Angie, who seemed to be doing well in the care of Angela Stacey, her foster carer. She was fine yesterday bright as a button. This morning Angela found Angie had a temperature & wouldn't eat or drink so she took her to the vet who says there is a problem with her liver and she will now stay at the vets for a couple of days on a drip. He told Tina she definitely could not travel for the next 4-5 weeks. Come on "Little Pod", you've come so far.
Funding for Angie comes out of the money Angela & others raise on their stall where they sell new and second hand items. You can find them every Monday between 10am - 4pm above the Mercadona (next to Pet World) at the tolls for the La Zenia exit AP7.
Angela and her team of volunteers offer support to charities such as Canisax, Pepa and now also Galgos del Sol.
If anyone is in the area please show them your support by paying them a visit and helping them to raise money for all three worthwhile charities.
The photo at the bottom of this post is of the banner Tina & Gaynor had made recently to hang on Mercadona's wall behind the stall.

Remember Jenny below who I posted about here? A lady in Murcia had found her on Tuesday 8th February and picked her up. She needs a leg amputating, poor girl!

And poor Ken .. below .. who I posted about here is recovering from a spinal operation. He has started to move slightly, which is great news but it's early days.

Below: Meet Lizzy who was rescued from a killing station a couple of days ago. She is terrified, absolutely scared out of her wits. She is covered in scars, some very large and shakes in fear when you look at her. It's obvious she has been terribly abused. Tina couldn't get her out of the kennel so left her to rest but today managed to take her to the vets to be spayed.

Don't forget, go buy something from Angela's stall outside Mercadona, la Zenia. Look for this banner below above her stall.

Published at 9:00 PM Comments (4)
POWERFUL video of the abuse of galgos. Viewing discretion needed. Very upsetting.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Shows critical situation of Galgos, Spanish hunting dogs. 50,000 die each year at the end of the hunting season. Many are abused and horribly injured before death or abandonment. Many groups in Spain and the world work together to rescue, medically treat, and rehome these graceful dogs. Please watch and get involved. Adopt or rescue, instead of buying a new pup or dog.
Tina has MANY beautiful galgos in the refuge near Murcia on the Costa Blanca, she also has podencos, both gentle animals. If you can give one a loving home please contact Tina through the refuge's website, contact details here
Published at 1:27 PM Comments (1)
Galgos Del Sol .. Murcia .. now sell handmade galgo collars .. these are SUPERB & the refuge receives a massive donation from the lady who makes them, from what you pay for a collar!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Galgos del Sol now sells galgo collars... handmade, they are stunning!
Please email directly who will take your order. Please quote 'Galgos del Sol' when you make your purchase as Toni gives a huge donation per purchase to Galgos del Sol. Different colours are available.
Below: Black leather collar with aplicaded gold leather leaves and purple crystal studs linded in black suede.
Price 25.00 euros plus postage.

Below: One and a half inch martingale collar red with black dots lined in black silk so kind to your dogs neck. Adjustable to fit.
Price 14.00 euros plus postage. Galgos del Sol in Murcia receives 10 euros of this amount.

Below: Beautiful martingale collar with black and gold trim two inch wide lined in black silk with solid brass fittings.
Price 14.00 euros plus postage. Galgos del Sol receives 10.00 euros of this amount.

Below: Hand made red leather collar with gold stars lined in black suede.
Price 25.00 euros plus postage. Huge donation to Galgos del Sol from this.
We NEED your help with funding.

Published at 12:06 PM Comments (3)
Galga Gaby finds her forever home -- Gaby's story
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Taken from Galgo News
Among the galgos rescued in Murcia at the end of the winter 2010 hunting season was a brindle bitch, living rough in a series of pipes. Tina Solera set out to catch her, but that was easier said than done. Over two weeks went by, the galga evading capture until one day she was spotted sharing a pizza with a little girl. Tina gave a collar and leash to the girl, who got the collar over the galga's head, and at last she could be taken to the refuge.

The galga went through the usual tests, chipping, vaccinating and preparing for adoption. She was named Lali. We ran an appeal on Galgo News for an adoption home for her and an offer was received from the UK. A home check and references proved this to be one of the best - but Lali needed to be in foster for 6 months to complete her UK Pet Passport. She arrived chez Brennan at the end of June 2010.
As her adoptant already had a cat called Lola, the galga was rechristened Gaby. Since she arrived chez Brennan, she has settled in, gaining confidence living in a home environment and fitting in superbly with our own galga gang. We've had some amusing times, Gaby is a terrible thief where food is concerned - comes of having to scavenge to stay alive - but she is a wonderful loving dog who deserves all the comforts which will be bestowed on her in her forever home.
On 12th February 2011 she set off on the final part of her journey from Murcia, Spain, across France to her forever home in the UK. We were so sad to see this loving galga go but comforted to know she will be well loved and lack for nothing.
It has given us an enormous amount of pleasure to help yet another deserving survivor of the hunting hell of Spain have a chance to experience life in a loving environment, and we look forward to updates on her progress flying the flag in England for the galgos.

Gaby finally arrived at her new home in the UK at 4am this morning.

Published at 11:10 PM Comments (2)
Luna goes to Portugal, Tilly & Clara are handed over by a hunter & Ken's had a major operation after a car ran into him.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Luna: adopted to Portugal to a fantastic home. She will be so happy!
New arrival Tilly. Taken from a hunter.
New arrival Clara... taken from the same hunter as Tilly.

Below: Ken has been hit from behind by a car, his vertebrae column is seriously damaged.

Ken, after his operation, funded by the Galgos Del Sol refuge.

Please support this refuge below, they are desperate for funding for the galgos & podencos coming in at a rate of knots at the end of the hunting season. Many need urgent medical attention.
If you could give a beautiful galgo or podenco a good home .........
please ring Tina on 693 100 712 or email

Published at 6:59 PM Comments (0)
Alan & Jane Brian's dog refuge called Pepis at Pedrera, Sevilla, Costa del la Luz... please read
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Pepi’s refuge was founded by Alan and Jane Brian (seen below) in 2005.
They had no intention of starting a refuge, but, after finding a dog hanging from a tree on their land they decided that they would do what they could for the abandoned and ill treated dogs in this part of Spain.
Since opening, the refuge has provided shelter for more than 400 dogs and re-homed more than 300.
Pepi’s was originally built to take about twenty dogs but now has more than forty, with the sick and injured dogs being cared for in the house. Many of the dogs that arrive at Pepi’s are badly injured, or have been ill treated and are traumatised by their experiences.
Pepis address:
Pepis Refuge, Las Revueltas, Camino de Hormigo , Pedrera, Sevilla, Spain |
Tel number:
00 34 662 437 824 |
| |

28th February to add a video
Published at 9:34 PM Comments (6)
Another wonderful couple, Carlota and Ambo, caring for galgos & podencos, please read
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Charl hasn't got a website for her association yet, it is a blog, she has been working for years to help the galgos especially, and also podencos. She and her Spanish husband have just got a van and, when he has done the requisite course next month, they will be running a small animal transport company too.
Carlota and Ambo, the Ambasadog for the Galgos!!
Published at 9:22 PM Comments (0)
Update on tiny pod & some happy ending stories.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Update on tiny podenca, Angie, currently being fostered awaiting her health to improve. She was due to go to her forever home in Germany 18th but there's been a set back, sadly. I've just heard from Angela, her foster mum
'I thought we had turned a corner with the poo but NO. She can fire it out at 30 miles an hour. She is well in herself put on weight 5.05kg now so improving. I think she has grown taller. We went last night and her vet is not happy about her travelling on Friday he would like another 15 days. He is going to talk to Tina. Its not a problem for us but I just wish we could sort it. He said its probably because she was eating cardboard etc. Rice and egg and its so so still not good, add anything else and !!!!. She's on 2 lots of different medication and he would like to see her Tuesday'
BELOW: Cayetana

Cayetana leaving for her new forever home in Germany

BELOW: Brac now has been found his forever home in the UK so he'll go there in 6 mths.

BELOW: Luna has been adopted, she's going to Portugal this month

BELOW: Risa is being fostered in France whilst her passport is being prepared then she is going to the UK.

Please support Galgos Del Sol, details on banner below, thank you.

Published at 1:03 PM Comments (3)
Spanish translation of Beryl Brennan's book From Heaven to Hell - The Story of the Galgo Espanol - now on sale! Order through
Friday, February 11, 2011
This is Beryl Brennan, author of 'From Heaven to Hell'

with the foreword by Anne Finch, Founder of Greyhounds in Need
for a word from Anne.

Don't forget the book by Tina's good friend, Beryl Brennan, is now on sale in an English version hard print copy or as an ebook and NOW in Spanish! A French translation is also under way. It's a definitive and comprehensive guide to the Galgo Espanol.
To buy, click on the link on the homepage of or
for an English print copy Turner Maxwell Books
For a Spanish print copy click here
For an ebook Scootbooks
The book is now on its 3rd print run!
Proceeds go to Beryl's Galgo Fund to respond to appeals for help which she runs on Galgo News. Through orders received so far, she have already donated to some requests for help with vet fees.
Throughout the book at the beginning and end of each chapter, Beryl tells the story of a galga and her puppies, rescued by volunteers.
What happens to the galga, where do her puppies go, what other events happen at the shelter, what happens with other galgos?
Here is a taster from Chapter 1 Origin of ‘Galgo Espanol
The bitch cowered in a corner of the derelict building, eyes dull but fearful, her skeletal body covered in scars, protecting her puppies struggling vainly to suckle from her malnourished frame. The woman stood quietly, her eyes adjusting to gloomy light, observing the scene before her eyes. If she could gain the bitch’s trust, approach with food and water, then there was a chance that she could catch her and take her back to the shelter……and then, as the bitch turned, the woman saw the dog could barely move, not only had the bitch 8 puppies to care for, she had injuries to her front legs....…
Some reviews ..
From Heaven to Hell", a MUST-READ for all animal lovers and those with a social conscience. Although heart rending, the world needs to know of the living Hell experienced by the Galgo Espanol in modern-day Spain, and what little the Spanish government does to improve conditions. This book tells it with real-time events and specific facts about the bred, related conditions in Spain that are not for the weak-of-heart, the heroic work of volunteers, the adoption process and just about ever related fact from A to Z. Beryl has hit the nail on the head with her book, telling it like it is, no punches pulled. C Brannan, USA
Beryl, I read a lot of it today…I must admit that although most of the info and stories I have been aware of having followed everything for years now, the impact was devastating..I felt so helpless, sad, demoralized, deflated and angry..angry that these savages wreak this havoc on these innocents and nothing can be done or better yet nothing is implemented to make any changes..It is so frustrating to devote most of your life working to raise funds, write articles, raise awareness, save a few dogs from this side of the ocean and know that it is a bandage a mere bandage of help in the larger scheme of things. Telma Shaw, President, Galgo Rescue International Network, USA
I have to remind myself that each little life that is saved is the only way to retain our sanity in this endeavor. Each winning story, each life spared the torture is what will drive me on..nothing else..Chars poem at the end is the clincher…my heart goes out to all the rescuers in Spain who face the broken bodies and souls, it is to them my cry goes out as can they endure? We are far away, the pictures we see impact us, we work hard to help, but they, they have the brunt of the madness of Spain and these sub humans who do these things to our beloved galgos and podencos and all others is truly sickening and it is good you put it out like it really is…It needs to be in Spanish as only the Spanish can make the changes.
I hope this book gets in the hands of those who can legislate to help end this horrific situation..I know the rescuers can’t even breath under the burden, there has to be people, attorneys, people of means out there who can help stop this..I pray….
Beryl - the book arrived safely in the post this morning. It looks great although so far I've only had the chance to scan it quickly. I don't know whether I'm looking forward to reading it in depth or not when some of the bits I've read so far have made me so incensed at the treatment of the galgos and frustrated at not being able to do more. I can't believe how much information you've managed to bring together in one volume. I did read Charl's 'Senor Galguero' though and it completely undid me, I had to stop twice when I was reading it, it was so distressing and reduced me to a sobbing mess - I hope she appreciates how effective and affecting her writing is. S.Scott. UK
Received my print copy and I am delighted with the work Beryl has done. Some of the content was extremely distressing and will admit to a tear or two but I am positive that this book will have an impact on re-educating Spains youngsters about these gentle creatures, the spanish galgo! 'Ode to a Galguero' by Charl also had me in tears. I imagined it all too well whilst reading it on the sofa snuggled up with my galgo. The most loyal dogs treated like vermin. Thank You Beryl. T Solera, Spain
The book " from heaven to hell " as the title says is the story of the Spanish greyhound. In Spain the greyhounds are called GALGOS . This book gives you a very complete history of the galgo and an insight into the lives of these beautiful and gentle dogs. Even though I know how the galgos are treated in Spain I had to read the book very slowly and stop several times and try not to cry. It is so poignant. It moves you to tears. However you have to go on reading because it gives you lots of information on how to help the galgos.
All my respect goes to the author " Beryl Brennan" who must have steelded herself to able to write it.
The book also has beautiful illustrations and poems. Do not miss the " letter to Senor Galguero". I can only say " buy it! Read it!. and help the galgos. M Essaemaker, Belgium
Just received my copy of your book today and it is FABULOUS! I haven't had a chance to read it in it's entirety, but I did read several articles and looked at ALL the photos.
It's SO informative and well written and best of all, to the point. I am proud to have been asked to share my story of Lucho with everyone.
If everyone were to read this book, perhaps the galgos would be treated like the kind, gentle beings that they are. C. Mosey USA
Got our copy today.
In tears from page 1. K. Malone, USA
I believe your book is the first ever and most thorough documentation exposing the plight of the Spanish Galgo. Anyone who loves animals must read this book. V. Wolf, USA
My personal thanks go to Beryl for this book. The sweat tears and toil over creating this book. For us, it was a pleasure to help with and I am thrilled that SR.GALGUERO has reached into peoples' hearts and shown a piece of just what it could be like, being galgo in Spain. A dark world!!! I know the galgo, I know its serenity and what it can bring to a humans life, they deserve nothing but FREEDOM. Charl del Rio, Spain
Thank you so much for writing this book, as hard and heartbreaking it is to read, it is a must for anyone with any compassion for spanish hounds. I now am more informed on all the `politics`involved with the hunting situation in Spain and feel more comfortable telling people the facts. My husband has taken the book to his workplace as some of his collegues didn`t understand his concern for the Spanish hounds I am pleased to say they do now!! Thank you so much for all that you do for these beautiful animals. J Deeley, UK
Looking forward to the Spanish version. It is a great story, very well documentated and real life, unfortunately. But one of the most important things is that people know. I must say that, thanks to so many of you (us..) things are finally getting through although slowly. Many people know about what happens and are very interested in adopting or fostering galgos (more then podencos unfortunately). Vera T R, Spain
Received your book, From Heaven to Hell, it was one of the most difficult books to read, and yet a book that I felt I HAD to read. I have loaned it out to a friend that knew nothing about the plight of the Galgos, she is having a rough time learning the truth!!!
I can only imagine how draining it was for you to write, but thank you so much for making the truth available!! Very well written. Painfully true. Thank you for all you are doing for the Galgos/Podencos. W Lacey. USA
I am so happy there are people like yourselves who as well as caring about the terrible fate of the galgos are also so involved in trying to do something about it - though it must seem like an impossible and endless task. personally, i cannot bear to think that spanish people are our 'brothers' in the EU! I have read your book through twice now - and as you have invited me to comment on your book, i feel i should.
Anything at all that brings the attention of a wider audience to spanish cruelty is to be commended - and i do hope your book will be able to reach out further than only to those like myself who have already become aware of the problem and perhaps have adopted a galgo. O M Davis, UK
I have finished the book heaven to hell and I now feel I have gone to hell and just can't seem to get back those poor souls. My heart bleeds for them. If only I lived closer. The part at the end is what made me start to want to help these galgos. Don't get me wrong, the book is excellent, you learn a lot from it. I sobbed on and off all the way through it but the end, about the last hours of that galgo, you couldn't have written it better, the way you describe whats going through that galgo's head, heart breaking. Bless them all. Jen (UK)
Support the Galgos - Buy Greetings Cards and Notelets to buy.
Click the picture, it links to the Facebook page >> 
Published at 11:32 PM Comments (1)
We receive MORE galgos ..................
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here, below, is Dina, finally safe and sound. She was found in a killing station about to be destroyed. Dina needs a loving forever home, please can you help?
If you are unaware of the inhumane way animals are destroyed in killing stations read here. but please be aware the details are VERY GRAPHIC.

Below is Jenny: A lady in Murcia found her on Tuesday (8th February) and picked her up. She will stay at the vets to have x-rays for a very bad leg injury etc. She also has erlichia, a disease spread by ticks!
after main post: Jenny also needs another operation, potentially costing 600 euros....she had one previously with another vet but it doesn't look like it will work. She has had new scans and a serious infection is still lingering. The vet may need to cut the bone out and replace it with a rib bone.
Adopting a galgo or a podenco:
Please take a look at the galgos for adoption, to view the page please click here, these are a small number of those available & the page is updated regularly as Tina & Gaynor work with many organisations in other countries & manage to find new homes for some lucky galgos. However, there are many being cared for in the Galgos Del Sol refuge at any one time.
Tina's vow: 'We will never get swamped down by politics, it will always be about the dogs,.... always! Lets get out there and save more ......lets do it!'
Published at 1:45 PM Comments (2)
Angie, the much loved tiny podenca pup's doing much better ... new photos here.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What an improvement, Angie's a different dog. She went to the vet today and had two injections and medicine. She did not feel well on the car ride home & threw up in the car but then, once home, she had a sleep and then something to eat. Her tummy is still a bit upset but we can see she is better in herself. She's running and jumping and barking AND her ears are starting to stand up 
Taken today.

I am being referred to as Dumbo! 

Angie with Tara, who she lives with until she leaves for Germany soon.

Angie has produced a normal pooh! At last she has turned the corner. She is playful and full of fun and teeth.She is having her last vaccination tomorrow ready to leave for Germany next Friday, 18th.
Angie with Tara again today (10th).

Published at 11:58 PM Comments (0)
A happy ending for Lomas & Ulises, rescued galgos, now together in their forever home in Austria.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A must read!
Lomas. When Lomas was rescued near Los Alcazaras it was soon discovered that he had lesihmania and filaria. Luckily the lesihmania was at an early stage but even still it's a serious disease to have picked up, often making it difficult to find a home, especially abroad. The filaria was treated quickly.
Below: Lomas shortly after rescue

We found Lomas a wonderful foster home with galgoconnections where Lomas continued treatment. His confidence grew slightly but whatever happened to this boy in the past it has had a serious effect on him emotionally.
Well if anyone can do it, it's Silvia once again. Extremely well connected, Lomas soon found a wonderful home in Austria.
Lomas left for his new home on the 5th Feb 2011 and already just a day later we recieve these wonderful photos of him in his new comfy bed. The good news doesn't stop there though. Lomas has a companion, Ulises. Ulises also travelled with Lomas.
What a wonderful family to take on two dogs with lesihmania. They will need special care for the rest of their lives but for this family that is not a problem, these galgos are worth every bit of their love and time.
We thank galgoconnections for once again supporting Galgos del Sol and helping us connect our galgos to find forever homes abroad.
Below: Lomas in his forever home.
Ulises. Well, where do we start with our Ulises. He had been living rough for years. Some of the residents at El Tramolin had grown to love him and would put down food and water for him but no-one was ever able to catch him, he was too afraid. We are not surprised he had clearly been to hell and back.
Below: Ulises living rough.
One day we recieved a call about how he was looking more and more ill and was at risk at being shot at. It was about time we or someone else caught this boy. After an unsuccessful morning of us trying to catch him we took a break. It was about an hour later that Ulises ran into Angela's garden (one of the residents) her husband shut the gate and trapped him inside. Well done, we had him, finally. Close up we could see this boy was dying, he was rotting from a serious disease, leishmania.
Ulises needed special baths everyday and injections. At the time Galgos del Sol did not have the correct foster home, until of course Silvia came to our rescue once again. This special lady is our angel. Silvia took Ulises and cared day in and day out for this boy. His skin will never be perfect but he can live a good life.
Once again Silvia and her contacts came through and Ulises found a wonderful home in Austria. The good news was continue as Ulises was to travel and live with his companion Lomas who also had leishmania. We were delighted.
Ulises left on the 5th Feb 2011 and just 24 hours later we recieved these wonderful photos of Ulises all snugged up in a warm coat with a posh galgo collar so not to put pressure on his sore skin.
Below: Ulises in his forever home in Austria, with Lomas.

Ulises and Lomas have a bright future and what a special family they now have. A family that will dedicate their time and love to these two deserving galgos. Thank you Silvia !
See many more happy endings on the Galgos Del Sol website, please 

The advice at the vets was to put this poor boy to sleep but we at Galgos del Sol wanted to give him a chance, we wanted him to know what love is and we knew it wasn't his time to die.
We began his treatment which was intense as the leishmania was advance, extremely advanced.
Published at 1:03 AM Comments (0)
Help feed the rescued galgos and podencos in Spain...PLEASE READ
Monday, February 7, 2011

Betty’s Original are purveyors of natural dog food which is wheat, gluten and dairy free and is particularly good for rescue dogs, who have very often been abandoned and had to scavenge for whatever they can find to stay alive.
I'm pleased to say they have kindly offered a special reduced price deal to readers of Galgo News whereby if you order dog food through them, you can nominate it to be delivered to either Tina Solera, Galgos del Sol, who has rescued dozens of abandoned galgos during the course of the last 12 months, or Charl del Rio, who has three or four dogs in kennels until they are adopted.
All you need to do is click on this link to the Betty's Original site and you will see the two rescue centres you can help.
Click on either of the two boxes, Galgos del Sol for Tina or 112 Carlota Galgos for Charl. Then click on 'My Account' and create an account. Spend 39€ or over and delivery is free to anywhere in Spain
It is as easy as that! Betty’s will then contact your nominated person and find out what food they desperately need at that particular point in time. You can pay either by credit card or Paypal. Any problems, email Betty's Original direct.

Published at 12:32 AM Comments (0)
Latest update on tiny podenca Angie.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Yesterday Angela deteriorated during the day. Her tummy is not good and there's more blood in it. Her foster carer starved her yesterday and introduced a small amount of rice today. Angie's on medication for the problem. She is quite bright though & running around.
She is, however, more skinny than in the photos. She is due back at the vet Tuesday but ,if she does not improve, her foster care will be taking her tomorrow, Monday.
Here are new photos of her, taken today.

Published at 12:07 AM Comments (0)
Dogs (and cats) are being gassed in Spain in killing stations, we MUST change this inhumane act.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Please sign this petition.
Did you know that in Andalucia, likely others too, it is now law that all state owned dog shelters, which are now called killing stations by the way, are gassing cats and dogs because they are overwhelmed and cannot afford injections to put them down humanely?
The innocent animals die a long painful death. Please sign this petition and get the Spanish Government to stop this.
Below is a letter from a man who works in a local animal killing station this is his story. It has been translated into English and his name is not mentioned to protect him. It has been circulating since at least 2006 but there is nothing to suggest it is a hoax. If you find otherwise kindly comment with a link & I will check it out & amend this blog post. However, letter or not, this happens.
Yes, I gas Dogs and Cats for a Living. I'm an Animal Control officer in a very small town on the Costa del Sol. I'm in my mid thirties, and have been working for the town in different positions since high school.
There is not much work here, and working for the town hall provides good pay and benefits for a person like me without a higher education. I'm the person you all write about how horrible I am.
I'm the one that gasses the dogs and cats and makes them suffer. I'm the one that pulls their dead corpses out smelling of Carbon Monoxide and throws them into green plastic bags. But I'm also the one that hates my job and hates what I have to do.
First off, all you people out there that judge me, don't. God is judging me, and I know I'm going to Hell. Yes, I'm going to hell. I wont lie, it's despicable, cold, cruel and I feel like a serial killer. I'm not all to blame, if the law would mandate spay and neuter, lots of these dogs and cats wouldn't be here for me to gas. I'm the devil, I know it, but I want you people to see that there is another side to me the devil Gas Chamber man. The shelter usually gasses on Friday morning.
Friday's are the day that most people look forward to, this is the day that I hate, and wish that time will stand still on Thursday night. Thursday night, late, after nobody's around, my friend and I go through a fast food line, and buy 50%u20AC worth of cheeseburgers and fries, and chicken. I'm not allowed to feed the dogs on Thursday, for I'm told that they will make a mess in the gas chamber, and why waste the food.
So, Thursday night, with the lights still closed, I go into the saddest room that anyone can every imagine, and let all the doomed dogs out out their cages.
I have never been bit, and in all my years doing this, the dogs have never fought over the food. My work mate and I, open each wrapper of cheeseburger and chicken sandwich, and feed them to the skinny, starving dogs.
They swallow the food so fast, that I don't believe they even taste it. There tails are wagging, and some don't even go for the food, they roll on their backs wanting a scratch on their bellys. They start running, jumping and kissing me and my workmate. They go back to their food, and come back to us. All their eyes are on us with such trust and hope, and their tails wag so fast, that I have come out with black and blues on my thighs.. They devour the food, then it's time for them to devour some love and peace. My mate and I sit down on the dirty, pee stained concrete floor, and we let the dogs jump on us. They lick us, they put their bums in the air to play, and they play with each other. Some lick each other, but most are glued on me and my workmate.
I look into the eyes of each dog. I give each dog a name.
They will not die without a name.
I give each dog 5 minutes of unconditional love and touch.
I talk to them, and tell them that I'm so sorry that tomorrow they will die a gruesome, long, torturous death at the hands of me in the gas chamber.
Some tilt their heads to try to understand.
I tell them, that they will be in a better place, and I beg them not to hate me.
I tell them that I know I'm going to hell, but they will all be playing with all the dogs and cats in heaven.
After about 30 minutes, I take each dog individually, into their feces filled concrete jail cell, and pet them and scratch them under their chins. Some give me their paw, and I just want to die. I just want to die. I close the jail cell on each dog, and ask them to forgive me. As we are walking out, we watch as every dog is smiling at us and them don't even move their heads. They will sleep, with a full belly, and a false sense of security.
As we walk out of the doomed dog room, we go to the cat room. We take our box, and put the very friendly kittens and pregnant cats in our box. The shelter doesn't keep tabs on the cats, like they do the dogs. As I hand pick which cats are going to make it out, I feel like I'm playing God, deciding whose going to live and die.
We take the cats into my truck, and put them on blankets in the back. Usually, as soon as we start to drive away, there are purring cats sitting on our necks or rubbing against us. we take our one way two hour trip to part of the town that is very wealthy.
We go to exclusive neighborhoods, and let one or two cats out at a time. They don't want to run, they want to stay with us. We shoo them away, which makes me feel sad. I tell them that these rich people will adopt them, and if worse comes to worse and they do get put down with a painless needle being cradled by a loving veterinarian. After the last cat is free, we drive back to our town.
It's about 5 in the morning now, about two hours until I have to gas my best friends. I go home, take a shower, take my 4 anti-anxiety pills and drive to work.. I don't eat, I can't eat. It's now time, to put these animals in the gas chamber. I put my ear plugs in, and when I go to the collect the dogs, the dogs are so excited to see me, that they jump up to kiss me and think they are going to play.
I put them in the rolling cage and take them to the gas chamber. They know. They just know. They can smell the death.. They can smell the fear. They start whimpering, the second I put them in the box. The boss tells me to squeeze in as many as I can to save on gas. He watches. He knows I hate him, he knows I hate my job. I do as I'm told. He watches until all the dogs, and cats (thrown in together) are fighting and screaming. The sounds is very muffled to me because of my ear plugs. He walks out, I turn the gas on, and walk out.
I walk out as fast as I can. I walk into the bathroom, and I take a pin and draw blood from my hand. Why? The pain and blood takes my brain off of what I just did. In 40 minutes, I have to go back and unload the dead animals. I pray that none survived, which happens when I overstuff the chamber. I pull them out with thick gloves, and the smell of carbon monoxide makes me sick. So does the vomit and blood, and all the bowel movements. I pull them out, put them in plastic bags.
They are in heaven now, I tell myself. I then start cleaning up the mess, the mess, that YOU PEOPLE are creating by not spay or neutering your animals. The mess that YOU PEOPLE are creating by not demanding that a vet come in and do this humanely. You ARE THE TAXPAYERS, DEMAND that this practice STOP!
So, don't call me the monster, the devil, the gasser, call the politicians, the shelter directors, and the town hall people the devil. Please, call the mayor, tell him to make it stop.
As usual, I will take sleeping pills tonight to drown out the screams I heard in the past, before I discovered the ear plugs. I will jump and twitch in my sleep, and I believe I'm starting to hallucinate.
This is my life. Don't judge me. Believe me, I judge myself enough.
Published at 7:15 PM Comments (11)
Wonderful news to share. The podenca, just rescued, has been found a home, in Germany.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
This 12 month old, scared to death, little podenca has been offered a forever home in Germany. She was only brought into the refuge yesterday, so her almost instant guarantee of rehoming is fantastic.
**Why not add the smaller resized banner at the bottom of the post as a signature to your emails? Spread the word!**

Published at 2:16 PM Comments (2)
Two more rescued, another two arriving Tuesday, it goes on ........
Saturday, February 5, 2011
This galgo was rescued (not by Tina) & will be under the care of the refuge Friday. Imagine how terrified these beautiful creatures must be in these pounds where they await their usual inevitable, & often inhumane, fate unless someone intervenes! Look into this galgo's eyes, see the intense fear. To me it says 'what are YOU going to do to me?'

Also she has secured the release of these two from a killing station (perrera) near Jerez, thank God! She will receive them on Tuesday.
Look at how they are packed in, there's no space.

A 12 mth old podenca has just arrived at the refuge & is needing a forever home.

In the words of John Lennon All We Need Is Love! Love is all we need!

Published at 11:38 PM Comments (0)
Little podenca, Angela, spends her Friday at Galgos Del Sol's refuge & update on Suzie, the galga rescued with Angela.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Written by Angela who is podenca pup Angela's foster carer .. she writes this as if the pup's writing it 
" Hi everybody. Today was teamwork at the refuge so I went along to have a look. ... It was very exciting. So many galgos to see. I met Suzie who I travelled from the killing station with, she has had an operation but was enjoying herself. The sun was shining and I was running about all day. There were 10 people there helping cleaning etc because Gaynor has had an operation and can't walk at the moment. She kindly cooked us all lunch and they mixed a bit of gravy with my special food and I nearly ate it all up. Her bread and butter pudding was to die for but I was not allowed any. On the way home I was told I had been really good but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Take care everybody xx "

"This is me when I got home from the refuge I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Thank to everybody who is donating money or setting up standing orders for me and future ones like me. Lots of licks "Angie" xx "

Suzie was spayed the day after she arrived in Murcia, there's a wonderful lady, Gaynor, fostering her.
Here's Suzie snoozing after her op.

She's a very laid back galga, loves her naps! 

Tina has had a banner made which will be hung above Mercadona every Monday at the La Zenia turn off where Angie's (the tiny podenca) foster carer has a stall.

Published at 1:01 PM Comments (3)
This blog is page 2 if you Google 'Galgos Spain!' Help make it to page 1
Friday, February 4, 2011
There are thousands of galgos (like Suzie featured in the previous posts who was saved from the Jerez killing station with Angela), podencos (like tiny 4.6kg Angela here) & other dogs in killing stations.
Please don't turn your back on them. There are ways to donate to help the galgos & podencos that Tina & Gaynor & their team save. They have contacts everywhere & many dogs often are rehomed all over the world, like Angela who is going to new owners in Germany on 15th February.
Unfortunately there are many dogs now in the refuge in Murcia & little money. The dogs need safe housing, feeding, collars, leads, coats, vets, medication, operations etc. Foster carers work free as do many others as they love animals & especially these dogs who need help desperately.
1) Please register with so that the refuge will benefit without it costing you a penny.
2) Or please donate through the refuge's website
Yyou can donate from the UK directly into the 'Galgos del Sol' UK Lloyds TSB account. This is the perfect way to help the galgos without being stung with those high transfer charges. Once a month all monies inside this account will be transferred to the refuge in Murcia free of charge so no matter how small they welcome your donations, it all adds up.
Please donate to
Sort code - 30-90-54
Account number - 40152868

Published at 7:14 PM Comments (0)
Tiny podenca Angela isn't well!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Little Angela was taken to the vet this morning because she has a cough & a poorly tum! The vet says he doesn't want to give her medicine because, at the moment, she is too skinny. Personally I can't figure that out but I guess the vet knows best. Obviously her foster carer will be watching her very closely.
The date Angela travels to Germany has been brought forward a week to 18th.

Please do read how you can help the refuge without it costing you, here , if you can't help with a much needed donation, here

UPDATED 8pm Wednesday 3rd February: Angela is not feeling good tonight, the vet has given her special food, presumably to help her weight increase but she doesn't like it. She has slept in the sunshine which she loved. Please get well soon, little podenca, you are much loved by so many like you can't imagine.

Published at 6:20 PM Comments (3)
Update on the tiny Podenca pup, Angela & Suzie, the galgo.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Angela is currently being fostered by a wonderful person, Angela (her namesake) in Playa Flamenca. Angela fosters dogs regularly despite having two of her own & eight cats. Here's Angela settling in yesterday in her foster home after her six hour journey from Jerez (see her photos & those of the galga, Suzie who was rescued with her, in the previous post).

Angela's only about three months old according to the vet but extremely tiny & thin .. only 4.5kgs .. & she's feeling the cold so her foster mum bought her a coat today. She has a home waiting for her in Germany & leaves Spain on 25th February.

Suzie, who is being fostered by another wonderful lady called Gaynor, has been spayed today & all she wants to do is snoooooze!

Published at 12:30 AM Comments (0)
Saved from the killing station at Jerez: Introducing Angela & Suzie, please read
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A few days ago Tina found this podenca pup at the Jerez killing station & rescued her. Tina named her Angela, presumably after Angela who will act as her foster carer until the paperwork is completed in readiness for her to travel to her new owners in Germany.
This is Angela being shown to Tina at Jerez, Angela was manhandled & very, very scared.
It wasn't easy for Tina, the killing station didn't hand Angela over immediately & Tina was so worried Angela would be put down before she secured her (you don't want to know how this happens, it's often not how you'd expect). The conditions dogs are kept in are terrible & the fear they feel shows in Angela's eyes. Tina said she was terrified.
Whilst Tina was there she saw a second dog, a galga, who she managed also to rescue, that one is named Suzie & Angela & Suzie are now friends, see the photos! They are safe at last &, thanks to Tina (& her great team) Angela, at least, has a home to go to. The vet said Angela is around three months old.
This first photos are of Angela at Jerez.

Ready to leave!

Here's Suzie waiting to leave too.

And here they both are, finally safe, thanks to Tina, Gaynor & their wonderful caring team!

Published at 6:49 PM Comments (2)
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