In today's Round Town News they are featuring a story about Urgent appeal to home 130 rescue dogs

The dog & her pups shown in the photo (above) in the RTN are those rescued 11th July by Tina of Galgos del Sol, Marie Stacey of Little Pod Foundation & a volunteer plus others.
The 5 hour rescue happened at San Javier airport & it was a very traumatic & difficult rescue as the mum was aggressive & kept fending off the rescuers & her pups were hiding, buried under concrete.
The road was extremely busy & everyone was at some risk. Workers from the airport got involved too. Until the mum was captured there was no way the pups could be rescued, the mum wouldn't let anyone near where they were. In fact she chased Marie Stacey up the busy road.
Eventually they were all saved & the mum was calm once back with her pups. I understand two of the four pups went to homes BUT the mum & the other two pups were put in this shelter, the one that now is being closed down & 130 dogs including these are going to be put down after October 1st if not taken on by other rescue centres. But rescue centres are all full!
Last night, as soon as I heard ... I receive the RTN early by email .. I alerted Tina & Marie (who recognised the dogs straight away, having rescued them) & now many are trying to help these 130 dogs & Tina & Marie are trying to get the rescued mum & her pups out fast.
Can anyone foster any, we're meaning the pups & the mum obviously BUT making you aware of the others too.
Tina has her kennels full, no foster carers available, little money & now this.
Source: Round Town News
Photos of the rescue of the mum & her four pups at San Javier, Murcia 11th July.

Below: Marie, trying to catch the mum who was not in the best of moods, very aggressive.

Below: Tina trying to encourage the mum to go into the cage where there was food!

Below: How many puppies ARE there?

Below: Airport workers turned out to assist too.

Below:What a team!!

Below: Safe at last!

You must see, after spending over 5 hrs rescuing these dogs in July, Little Pod Foundation & Galgos del Sol are NOT going to allow these dogs to be destroyed.
If anyone can help foster/rehome this mum & her two remaining puppies who are due to be put down if no one takes them NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP, PLEASE.
Remember there are 130 dogs due to be destroyed any day too, help IF you can.
Please contact Florentina (Spanish) on 661 741 336 or via email at or by calling Oscar who speaks English on 630 881 560 or via email at You can visit their Facebook page at Asociacion Protectora La Fortaleza Los Animales.
Several animal organisations have organised a protest to take place TODAY Friday 30th September from 8pm outside the main entrance of the San Javier Town Hall.