Eva is making loombands for GdS
Thursday, July 31, 2014

15 year old Eva, from Belgium, is doing her bit for Galgos del Sol. She is the daughter of a wonderful person called Kim who volunteers occasionally at Galgos del Sol & Eva wants to help in the realisation of the new Galgos del Sol Centre .
She is making loom bands in all colours and sizes!
Send her a message on her Facebook page for any questions & orders. If you've ordered from her, you need to send the money to the GDS paypal account galgosdelsol@hotmail.com with notification "LOOMBANDS".
So...go to Eva's page please..........
..............click on "PHOTOS" then on "ALBUMS" then click on which album you want to look in.
**Prices include postage from Belgium.**
Here are a few bracelets, there are many more & in your choice of colours.

Support Eva and Galgos del Sol whose Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988
Published at 1:13 PM Comments (0)
The stresses of Galgos del Sol
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tina consulting on X-rays
Below: Catalina has hurt herself!

.......Oh NO!.......

Below: Update on Shadow

From Tina later today (29/7) "regarding Shadow, we are between whether to amputate or leave it. We will not be doing the operation to try and fix the leg. Going to see how he goes over the next two weeks".
Sam, a volunteer from Madrid, who often comes to help GdS, is coming to help again, she arrives today (30th)

Many more dogs have now been added to the Memorial board.

Published at 12:36 PM Comments (0)
A memorial board
Monday, July 28, 2014
1st August ..... 304 dogs have been put on the memorial so far.

From Tina: "Six GDS dogs have come to the land to show you they want to be part of the 16 dog a day Initiative. Before anyone is concerned the dogs were out on the land for a few minutes before going back in the shade.
The 16 Dogs a Day Initiative
We want to recognize our almost 16,000 likes on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988 by creating a memorial for the new centre.
With a donation of 16e per dog, we will add their name(s) (your family name too if you chose) to a permanent huge photo mural to be installed at the NEW centre. Your dogs will be forever memorialized at Murcia’s first galgo sanctuary and education centre.
If we can get to 500 dogs (not just GDS dogs but any dogs who are loved and have been loved), Sharron Thomas and Marylou Hecht will sponsor a new billboard using the galgo/names to show everyone in Murcia how much support GDS has and how much our supporters care about the hounds who have made it and sadly those that didn't. This will raise over 25,000 euros.
We are hoping for a minimum of 16 dog’s names a day and our FB banner will be updated daily to show our progress. Please make a paypal donation to galgosdelsol@hotmail.com and leave a CLEAR note for seller as to what you would like your donation to say — dog’s name, family name etc. Thank you — we are so excited about this!!! I've already sponsored.. Lucas and Pumpkin. Who will sponsor others like Blondie, Rosi or Hank on behalf of GDS? Don't forget your own furbabies also, not just GDS dogs. So excited!!!!! Go Go Go xxxxx"
Published at 5:18 PM Comments (0)
The rescue of Shadow and Rebecca today in searing heat
Sunday, July 27, 2014
As someone posted on Facebook "Barb wire, high fences, heat, farmers, floods, acres of land, snakes, none of those will bother Tina, she will get those dogs, especially if she is wearing her super hero pants over her shorts."
Videos of a galgo & a puppy rescue
From Tina "We are searching acres of orange groves for the pup and galga with the broken leg..... The heat is incredible and no we have no drinks, hats or sun cream! Welcome to volunteering with GdS but we will rescue these pups. Not giving up....."
From Tina "Ok on our way to the trauma hospital with Shadow. Little Rebecca has eaten and had a nice long drink, she's relaxing , sadly Shadow has a few tough days ahead of him yet."

If you've some spare change to donate please Paypal galgosdelsol@hotmail.com and mark it "Shadow and Rebecca"
Please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988
Website: http://www.galgosdelsol.org
Updated later today.......
From Tina "The place where we found Shadow and Rebecca yesterday appears to have another galgo inside struggling for food and water. There is a little dirty stream so wondering if that's why they are going in there"
No doubt Tina will be back there to locate it asap.

Published at 4:43 PM Comments (1)
Exciting times ahead for Galgos del Sol
Friday, July 25, 2014

22nd July
From Tina: "This morning we had a meeting about the project plans. Thank you Sam and Louise for helping during that gruelling few hours. We just made a few final changes as once the plans are submitted they can't be modified so we really need to be sure we are happy and will have everything the center needs to function well.

Soon we hope to be able to show you some plans online and get you some figures for phase two which will be to erect the first set of kennels. This figure is unfortunately going to be higher than we would want because it includes costs for all the initial paperwork, electricity, water and underground work for drainage etc. Once this is done it's done but has to be done as part of the next phase.
Like I said before this is a huge project, I'm nervous but will go for it with your help and support. The galgos in Murcia will benefit greatly and that's the dream. Sorry it's slow but measure twice and cut once as the saying goes!"
24th July

From Tina: "So we have some news about the GDS Centre. I'm so nervous and overwhelmed because the project is huge. It won't be built overnight but Rome wasn't built in a day either. This is for the galgos of Murcia to have their very own Rome, well, at least have a proper facility. The galgos need this and GDS needs this in order to continue.
At present the galgueros (hunters) are working with us, they like us, they want our help but the current facilities can’t accommodate any more and I am working around the clock. We need to keep going and growing. So, after speaking with the architect and engineer, we have our first target for the second phase. We need to submit the paperwork, which unfortunately, is very costly here in Spain but unavoidable. We will follow the law to the letter and have a proper legal facility so that no one can denounce us.
With a proper facility, we can have education programs and most importantly, a volunteer program so everyone can visit and spend time with our amazing dogs. We need to install the electricity, water, underground drainage facilities and the first set of kennels and buildings that will get us out of the current rented fincas and onto our new land. The rest of the project, once we are in, will be easier with all this difficult paperwork and groundwork in accomplished.
The first set of kennels will hold all the current GDS galgos, podencos and mixes — all 92 at present. In total when finished, we plan to house 300 galgos (and a few podencos and mixes as we cannot turn our backs on abused animals that come our way). It will be step-by-step, right? So how much do we need to raise? Remember thanks to all of you, we have already raised money to buy the land, taxes, notary and cover the costs of the engineer, the drawings and first papers from the council. WE DID IT. We achieved it together. Now I truly believe we can do it again.
Now we need to raise… OMG I'm scared… 300,000 euros to get us out of multiple rental facilities and onto our own property with the first fully functioning kennels, exercise area and building. We would like to put in the first set of papers in September and start aiming to build this winter… Please understand that this amount of money is not for anything extravagant — just basic structures to ensure that the dogs are safe and have what they deserve and need.
Starting now, we will be putting on fundraisers and you can choose which one to participate in or if you are feeling generous, take part in them all. Coming up, we will have a short film documentary made which will highlight our day-to-day operations and why our cause is so urgent and why the Centre is so badly needed.
We will keep everyone informed of activities and progress on our website Centre page http://www.galgosdelsol.org/gds-centre/ And we hope to add a widget that shows donation progress if we can figure that out. We will try and make it all as much fun as possible and include you in every possible way. Are you with us? We need you! Are you ready? Now is your chance to shine for the Galgos... What do you think???? Tell me!!!!"
First fundraiser for stage one of phase two.
From Tina: "Do you want to be a part of GDS's history? Yessssssss!!!!!
We are going to do something very special that will be part of the present and the future of GDS...guess what?
We are going to bury on the land where the future centre is going to be ........ a TIME CAPSULE!!!
We want to fill the time capsule with letters written by you all with your feelings, thoughts, hopes, pictures etc. In 100 years the time capsule will be open by the future generations and they will know how much we all fought for the welfare of the dogs especially the galgos.
None of the letters will be opened when they arrive to us so express yourself!! Go for it! Live dangerously!
If you want to be part of this and at the same time help the dogs send your letter to Galgos del Sol, The post room Box 20, centro commercial Balneario, c/rio Borines 68-18, 30710, Los Alcazaras, Murcia, Spain and paypal 10€ for each letter to galgosdelsol@hotmail.com and clearly mark your name/time capsule. It's important to write your name and senders address on the back of yr envelope so we know where the letter has come from.
The deadline to pay is the end of August. We will wait for all the letters to arrive before burying the time capsule!
We will make sure none of the dogs discover the time capsule incase of digging on the land so please no treats for dogs inside the letters! thank you for your support! I'm doing one.... Writing it right now!!! I want to be there when they open all the letters!!!!!
It will be similar to this!"

Please support GdS, check out their new Facebook page.
Main page is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988?ref=ts&fref=ts

Published at 12:32 AM Comments (3)
Help Galgos del Sol with their billboard campaign please
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol ......
Galgos del Sol has been working hard to break the vicious cycle of abuse towards galgos and trying to promote them as wonderful pets. We started putting up billboards a few years back and we believe they are having a positive impact. We are receiving more phonecalls from the public about galgos they have seen that need help and they feel they can get more involved with rescuing a needy dog/galgo because there is help out there.
Tradition here is a galgo is only seen as a working dog but we want to show that they need to be treated with respect and find homes for retirement rather than a life scavenging and dying on the streets. Touch wood, we are not seeing anywhere near as many galgos on the streets as we used to.
The billboard campaign alongside the school talks is surely having a positive effect. Above are just a few of the billboards..... if you would like to donate towards a billboard please do so at PayPal galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
It's so important we keep going with this message and keep throwing the galgos out there into the public eye letting people know it's not ok to treat them badly!!!!!

Published at 11:47 PM Comments (0)
Tina swims for charity despite presence of jelly fish
Sunday, July 13, 2014
From Tina around midday Spanish time: All entered into the 1.5 sea swim race. This is also raising money for multiple sclerosis. This race is in the Mediterranean Sea and we know there is jellies as they are washing up in the beach arghhhhh.
This time not asking for money sponsorships as you've all been generous already but just asking if you could please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988

from Tina All over... There was over 300 competitors and one of those buggers kicked me where the sun don't shine. Swimming out at the start it was fun getting tangled up in a seaweed bush but even more fun watching the jellies beneath us, all shapes and sizes, the water crystal clear... It was amazing.
Finally finished in a sprint alongside my mate Sarah, she just beat me! When finally getting my goggles off I congratulated myself by accidentally rubbing a tonne of sea salt in my eyes, that really stung so I rinsed my eyes in the sea and thought what a stupid idea.

All that and all we ask is for you to give our page a real push to get the LIKES up. It's free and takes a second. Phase two is coming and we need all the support we can get.
Ok now back to the dogs xxx
Again.. please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988

Published at 12:50 PM Comments (0)
Ramon and Sonia save a galga today
Saturday, July 12, 2014

This galgo was reported yesterday locally in danger on the motorway.... Ramon and his wife Sonia set out to catch him... Look what happens next!

Can these babies make it any more difficult ? Ramon and Sonia found her safe away from the motorway but now trapped in this long skinny tunnel..... Arghh so frustrating!!!!! Look what Ramon does next.
AND THEY DO IT!!!!!!! She's out safe! For those wanting to marry Ramon I'm sorry but he's already spoken for to the lovely Sonia pictured here with the rescued galga. Oh my god what an adrenalin rush .... What a rescue! Well done!!! Just amazing!!!!

Published at 3:27 PM Comments (1)
Please sponsor Javi at GdS
Friday, July 11, 2014
From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol...
Javi, this black galgo, has also become part of the furniture here at GDS. I almost think of him as my own boy. Why? because he's black, leish positive and dominant. His chances of adoption are now much slimmer. He needs to stay in the country where he competes against so many others that are healthy and can be trusted in a pack alone.
Sadly Javi can't be trusted completely. Javi can stay at GDS for as long as he needs, we will never put him to sleep and will continue to love him like he's ours but we can only do this with your help. Would you like to sponsor Javi a few euros a month? Of course we prefer he gets a home, the right home but until then he needs to be fed, watered, medicated and loved. The love comes for free but the rest doesn't.
Can you give up just one coffee per month and sponsor Javi 2 euros or more? If so visit http://www.galgosdelsol.org/sponsor-a-hound/ & type JAVI as the dogs name. With the new centre fundraising approaching its vital we can still maintain the day to day maintenance of GDS. Can you tell I'm feeling the pressure?Thanks again guys xx

Published at 4:50 PM Comments (0)
Fina and Omeya need your help please
Thursday, July 10, 2014

From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol
Fina is another sick black galga who could well end up being a long termer at GDS. Diagnosed with leishmania she went rapidly downhill about 3months ago and has been battling for life ever since. Before anyone says maybe its best to put her to sleep, GDS is not about that, if a dog can have a good quality life then we will fundraise for it and we believe eventually Fina will. However her problems are complicated and her chances of adoption are slimmer. We cant send her out the country for adoption due to her leishmania and problems so that limits us to a local home... well we are hopeful but realistic. We want Fina to enjoy her time here at GDS so if you would like to help with that and sponsor her a few euros a month that would be absolutely wonderful. Anything from two euros makes all the difference. With this we can continue with her medication and keep up with trips to the vets to control her problems and of course throw in some bones now and again. You can do that here by visiting http://www.galgosdelsol.org/sponsor-a-hound/ Make sure you type in Fina. Thanks so much once again xx

We are waiting for Omeya to get a transport from the kill station, apparently she isn't well, we want her ASAP to get her tested for disease and get her back on her feet. Omeya is about 7 years old and has been treated really badly apparently. She is black, sick and slightly older meaning her adoption process will be slow. Could you sponsor her monthly a few euros to help with her food upkeep, fuel back and forth to vets and medication? Even a few euros a month makes all the difference to us, you can't imagine. If you think you can set up a monthly sponsorship to help Omeya please visit http://www.galgosdelsol.org/sponsor-a-hound/ Then remember to type in Omeya. Thank you from Omeya in advance xxx

Published at 4:32 PM Comments (0)
New design HANK LIZARD BOY tshirts to raise funds for Galgos del Sol's new centre.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
If you've been following GdS's work you'll know they've been raising funds to build a centre where 300 Galgos can be cared for with veterinary care on hand, there's many other things going on.
They've a very special Galgo, Hank, who's been through a lot to get where he is today & he is loved by many. If you've followed GdS on Facebook you'll have seen many videos made by Tina, President of GdS with Hank. They are hilarious & get the news across to supporters.
As requested part two of the T-shirt campaign, here are Hank and Egg to tell you all about it.
When you've finished listening to why you should support this campaign please click here .. and make your order!!!! Let's see if we can not just match phase one sales but double them.

When Hank has done his numbers he will let you know how many we are aiming to sell.... He's demanding so hope you are all feeling supportive!!! Buy your tshirt here.
Please join us on Facebook here
Website: http://www.galgosdelsol.org
Published at 2:15 PM Comments (0)
Tina's done it!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Please Paypal, no matter how small, to .. gdsmurcia@gmail.com
Looks like Tina is regretting not training . She is out the water 4th lady but got jelly legs. Cone on. It's not too late to sponsor her.
Below: Either she stopped at a cafe, fell off her bike or is just rubbish at cycling. She's gone from 4th to almost last.
Her daughter is encouraging her.
Below: Almost finished.....Trinny still encouraging her mum!
Tina says "Hey guys. All finished, so pleased!!!! The swim was great, loved it and really surprised at coming in 4th. No surprise on the bike, im useless. I think a frail old tortoise passed me on his tricycle. The run was hard on jelly legs but had so much fun!!! Position I think about 3rd from last lol. Thanks for all your sponsorships. The pumpkin seeds will now all be blood tested this week as all but Timmy are reserved for new homes. Thanks again for your support!!!!!! Woohoo"

Please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988
Published at 4:34 PM Comments (0)
Tina, President of Galgos del Sol, is fundraising by taking part in a Triathlon competition today
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Tina, President of Galgos del Sol, is taking part in a Triathlon competition TODAY to help raise funds to blood test Pumpkin's puppies.
From me, Janice "So sorry this is a very late blog post, I should've posted it over a week ago but I flew back from Spain on 2nd July after not being well in days then I haven't been well here in the UK, no real reason for me slacking though."
From Tina..."Hi guys. I'm calling on you for sponsorships as I've got myself into a spot of bother. I have no idea why but on a spontaneous whim last week I bought myself a triathlon suit and proceeded to enter into a rough sea triathlon competition this Sunday. (TODAY) This particular one is known for its nasty jellyfish, can't wait to have my body covered in those slimy babies! The last time I was on a bike it was actually a tricycle, havn't been in a pool for over 4 years and ..ok jogging ..I go now and again.
Have done some gym work this month but spend most of my time walking on the treadmill answering GdS emails. So let's just say I am not prepared at all and am preparing to enter the depths of hell. I haven't even asked the distances of the swim, bike and run as I'm scared to know, YIKES!!! Oh did I mention as the pros whizz round on a racing bike I've been giving a second hand mountain bike, bet it's got no gears!
Promise to film parts of the race and all sponsorship donations will go towards getting the pumpkin seeds (that's the puppies of Pumpkin, who sadly died not long after giving birth) blood tested at 60 euros per seed. We need 360 euros in total. If not for the race at least sponsor a few euros for the jelly stings....... Thanks in advance .
Please Paypal! no matter how small, to gdsmurcia@gmail.com
Tina xx

Published at 1:38 PM Comments (0)
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