Jim: a wonderful companion for someone, please ask around, he needs a home urgently.
Sunday, June 26, 2011

"This is Jim, he is currently in our kennels (Murcia area, Costa Blanca) & desperately requires a foster home or, better, still, a forever home.

Jim is not a podenco or a galgo but he must have seen us coming as he ran out in front of our car. He knew we would look after him, what a clever boy. We picked him up and brought him to the refuge.
Jim is approx 1yr old, 53cm tall, fully vaccined and castrated. He is also clear for Mediteranean diseases.
Jim has a really playful character with both people and dogs and really has a soft spot for children. He will make a wonderful companion. He can be a little timid with new people but once he gets to know you you will have a friend for life!"

Published at 11:26 PM Comments (0)
An 8 yr old girl took notice..........
Monday, June 13, 2011
Further to http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/galgonews.aspx?month=20113 (Scroll down to March 26th).
I posted in the above link about Tina, President of the Galgos del Sol charity, & her husband going to a school & teaching 8 yr olds about galgos & how they should be looking after animals, hoping it would rub off & change the way galgos are looked upon in Spain & cared for as they should be.

"What can I tell you, .... an 8 yr old girl that we gave a class to about galgos saw Oscar. She rang me herself and told me how worried she was as she said he looked ill. Of course we went straight away.
This brave clever girl was right, Oscar is very ill. Half his body is missing fur and he is limping. My guess is it's very late stages of leishmania but I'm not a vet, I'm just going on past cases.
I tried my best to catch him tonight but it wasn't to be, will go back tomorrow and the next day and the next.... GdS will do their best!"
The above came in yesterday, today Oscar can't be found.
Here's Oscar, alone, ill, needing to be rescued.

Published at 11:48 PM Comments (0)
A huge congratulations to Bev and our podenco Denzil who we rescued from the streets in May 2011.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A huge congratulations to Bev and our podenco Denzil who we rescued from the streets in May 2011.

He is currently being fostered with Bev who works wonders with podencos doing obedience and agility classes with them at Campoverde Canine Club (in Pilar de Campoverde) with her trainer, Roy Rogers. Even though Denzil came in late on the training course he was still able to snap up a very respectable 3rd place and here you can see him picking up his prize along with the others. Congratulations to Tilly, Bevs own podenca who won her class.
Well what can we say? Bev you and your students ROCK! Thank you so much! A webpage will soon be available through Bev which will be a diary of the training and the competitions. The Campoverde Canine Club welcome new members and training will restart in September when its a bit cooler. You can contact them on 966 762 265

Published at 10:01 PM Comments (0)
PLEASE READ! Donations are needed to stop THIS cruelty.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
In Torre Pacheco, Murcia, today Tina, President of the charity http://www.galgosdelsol.es/ found a galgo she's named Prince. He was dead & in a ditch, possibly poisoned.

She is trying to get hold of a bag she needs to put him in & will collect him Monday as she can't let her very young kids be with her, understandably. She will have Prince cremated. It is Tina's gift of a diginified death to Prince.
Tina has asked me to beg this forum's members to donate something, nothing is too small. The donations we are asking for is to save the next galgo.
The hunters are going to discard the dogs at the end at the hunting season. The dogs are found hung from trees or shot then dumped alive, caught by snares so they need to lose a limb or the farmers poison them because the dogs are forced to scavenge for food & they ruin the crops.
They don't have to suffer as they do but she needs funds, she's not a money tree. She needs bigger premises to take more than she can now. Tina stops at nothing to help galgos in distress.
There are such good people on our forum, let's do something to help, let's make a difference to these beautiful but terribly abused dogs.
The charity is registered NIF/CIF G30856736
Please donate to
CCC - 2043 0307 0 4 2007000479
IBAN - ES19 2043 0307 0420 0700 0749
We are having problems with our paypal button. If you would like to donate by paypal please do so direct to tinasolera@hotmail.co.uk Tina's mobile number & the website is on this banner. MAKE A DIFFERENCE PLEASE.

Published at 10:59 PM Comments (0)
Update on fundraising day by Penny Wing, she raised 225€ for Galgos del Sol.
Friday, June 3, 2011

Penny Wing of http://www.pennywing.com/ raised 225€ by working from 10am to 5pm on Monday 30th May giving head massages etc that left everyone who she saw feeling so good.
5€ minimum was asked as a donation each time she worked her 'magic' on the queues who turned up to support Galgos del Sol charity. http://www.galgosdelsol.es/

Read about the day in the Round Town News page 20
EARLY RAIN showers, black clouds and the threat of more rain were never going to stop Penny Wing as she carried out her fundraising day for the Galgos del Sol charity on Monday at the Antisha Gift Shop in Playa Flamenca.
From 10am all the way through until 5pm Penny attended a stream of people who had all come along to sample a mini Reiki treatment, Indian head massage, or have an Angel card reading, the latter which proved to be the most popular.
A total of 225€ was raised on the day, which will be donated to the Galgos del Sol charity that helps and cares for abandoned and mistreated greyhounds, along with a large amount of dog biscuits, which people also brought along to donate.
“I had a great day on Monday and was amazed at the turnout. I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who came along to support me, to Tony and Pat from Antisha for letting me use their premises, Sonja for helping with appointments, and finally to Tina and the wonderful group of volunteers from Galgos Del Sol who put in so much time and effort to rescue and re-home these beautiful, gentle dogs. As soon as I have recovered I will do it again,” exclaimed Penny.
For further information about Penny and the type of treatments that she carries out, please visit her website at www.pennywing.com or you can contact her by calling 680 256 266.
Published at 5:23 PM Comments (0)
Update on the five teeny kittens needing homes
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The two (females) far left have been found homes.

Published at 12:23 PM Comments (0)
Five tiny kittens are on borrowed time, PLEASE READ & HELP IF YOU CAN.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The charity offers to get the kittens neutured/ spayed when they are older and pay for their first injections to help towards finding them a home.
If nobody comes forward the kittens will have to be put to sleep, very sad but there is no other option. They certainly won't be turned out onto the streets to fend for themselves.
The kittens are being fostered in the La Zenia/Playa Flamenca area, Orihuela Costa, Costa Blanca.
Latest photos

Please contact Tina on 693 100 712
email galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
Published at 6:26 PM Comments (1)
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