So much has been happening recently at Galgos del Sol but then, that's nothing new. New arrivals just pour in as fast as others are found loving homes for. Everyone involved works flat out, there's no reprieve. Tina often has around 70-80 Galgos in her care at any one time.
Mothers are sometimes found with new pups, they require lots of help, especially as, if the pups are eventually reserved to be re homed in the UK, they can't travel till they're 4 months old &, once weaned, they need expensive puppy food.
There are endless concerns about many Galgos, all of which are cared for by Tina & her volunteers & the vets at various places including the San Vincente hospital, a specialised hospital miles away at Alicante. All too often, sadly, dogs are found to be injured & need operations. The dogs are well attended to but funding is ongoing to enable this to happen, for GdS to continue its fine work.
Funds are raised by various means, one is an online auction, another of these was held recently & it raised 4287.50€
From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol.
"Our team ran an auction recently online on Facebook. We are so thankful to all those who took part and donated or bidded. We would like to say a special thanks to Eileen Locatelli, Suzie Scott, Mandy Simpson, Marylou Hecht, Lisa Ann Knight who organised the auction and took care of it and of course to all who made the bidding happen. Thank you so, so much once again, great result as always and this money will be used on vets bills and food. Gracias amigos xxxxxxx"
BELOW: One of the many fun caption photos Tina does .. in the little free time she has.. that is topical today, the weather in Spain's getting much colder & galgos are naturally thin dogs who feel the cold.

BELOW: New boy Grati (the white one in the middle) has really settled in at GDS but he would rather have a warm sofa this winter if you've got one on offer???? Look at those pleading eyes, they so gently say "listen up, it's getting chilly in this neck of the woods and I'm expecting a home offer soon".

BELOW: New girl Rubia is finally starting to settle and take it all in her stride. She is now reserved for the USA with Sherry, who came to help GdS recently.

Please continue to follow the work that GdS do & join our Facebook page.
Tina Solera is President of Galgos del Sol
Tina's mobile is 693100712
Tina's email address is
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