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Rajoy refuses 'dialogue' if it 'threatens Spain's unity'
Puigdemont calls for 'unconditional' talks with Spanish State
Two Years
Posted Wednesday, October 11, 2017
On the blog Author by Joseph Dickerson
Legal tip 1441. Two new won cases this week
174 - Growing Old in the Pueblo
Another Spanish saying and proverb 76
Posted Wednesday, October 11, 2017
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Pillars of Catalunya: Novelist Ken Follett gives his views
Titanic anti-independence protest in Barcelona
Family holidays: 6 options to enjoy with children in Blanes
How to Live Longer with Ibuprofen: Can Ibuprofen Help Us to Live Longer?
How to Save Money and the Environment at the Same Time
Banco Mediolanum leaves Barcelona for Valencia; Gas Natural Fenosa calls EGM
How I against my better judgement became ‘La Teacher’ to a mob of Andalucian toddlers
Legal tip 1440. Won cases by CostaLuz-DeCastro so far in 2017
Tourism Minister accuses independence movement of forcing businesses out of Catalonia
Constitutional Court blocks Catalonia's independence move
Spanish researchers discover new therapy against metastasis in cancer
Posted Thursday, October 5, 2017
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Civil servants in Andalucía to get paid leave to care for kids with cancer
Catalan president criticises King's speech and defends illegal ballot
Canabal Chronicle - Issue 8
ING and Bankia reach 'free cashpoint' deal
Legal tip 1439. Spanish High Magistrates on Reform of the Judicial Model
Catalunya grinds to a halt in mass protest strike
Europe speaks in aftermath of Catalunya referendum
Trains, airports and football teams on strike in Catalunya
The Spanish Water Dog in Southern Spain
Posted Monday, October 2, 2017
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Catalunya 'IndyRef': Barça's Gerard Piqué votes
Wet October start for Catalunya referendum day
The Padron, what it is, why you need it, and how to get it
The NIE, what it is, why you need it, and how to get it
Catalunya 'IndyRef': Massive student protest in Barcelona blocks motorway
UN experts warn of 'human rights violation' in Catalunya
Really? There are still people out there making brooms by hand?
Ryanair announces further cancellations until March 2018
Airport software failure may affect Spanish flights
Harry Potter: The Exhibition comes to Madrid
Mossos ordered to cordon off polling stations and block access
“Catalunya independence would be stupid,” Trump tells Rajoy
Posted Wednesday, September 27, 2017
On the blog QUIZ ON SPAIN by Mac75
The Some-day Supplement - issue 7