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Dudley (Part 2)
Legal tip 648. Greater flexibility in the processing of foreigners in Spain
Legal tip 647. Justin worries and turning lights on!
For Patricia.
Posted Thursday, December 1, 2011
On the blog The Writer by The Granny.
To Patricia.
Legal tip 646. Brussels reprimand Spain on VAT reduction
Legal tip 645. Husband died and no will nowhere
Legal tip 644. Buying property through company: same tax
Legal tip 643. New decree on property valuation
Legal tip 642. Brave Valladolid Judge on contract balance!
Room to rent
rose cottage
Christmas Gift Idea
Waifs and Strays... Why wont my male dogs do this?
Blog doubling.
The Shed.
Legal tip 641. Cultural tourism and apartment rentals
Medieval Market tomorrow, Saturday & Sunday at Guardamar del Segura, nr Torrevieja.
The Shopping Mall.
Posted Wednesday, November 23, 2011
On the blog The Writer by The Granny.
Legal tip 640. Home employee´s legal status in Spain as of January 1st 2012
Balthazar Manhattan
Llueve sin parar
My family grows.
no school!
Posted Tuesday, November 22, 2011
On the blog The Writer by The Granny.
Starting Over.
Legal tip 639. A Judge against demolitions
Legal tip 638. Important checks when buying an old house
frustrating day
The odd rise of the €500 notes during the property boom -generating cash
Rental Property Market Trends 2011
Posted Monday, November 21, 2011
On the blog Justin's Life by Justin Aldridge
ready for the off
Spanish Voters Deal a Blow to Socialists Over the Economy
Should I buy or should I rent a flat in Spain?
A Kept Woman.
Spanish property prices will continue to fall, says Bankinter
Spain's real estate boom and bust - Facts and figures
Benalup: The Spanish boom town that went bust