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Some Q&A about Spanish Property today
The Inheritance of Houses is Rocketing and Sales are Sinking: Why?
The time has come.....................
Verea's pups, see how well they are doing.
Legal tip 752. Initial push
Quick flit to Blighty...
Are you learning Spanish?
The warm coast
Cara's pups need homes
The Crosses of May - A colourful springtime festival
The state system in Spain, an hilarious insight!
Posted Friday, April 27, 2012
On the blog Justin's Life by Justin Aldridge
Spain downgrade reinforces debt crisis fears
Spanish unemployment hits record 5.64 million
Unemployment on the rise in Spain again
Legal post 751. Sevilla
Legal tip 750. Always the truth
Ladybird infestation
Posted Wednesday, April 25, 2012
On the blog Justin's Life by Justin Aldridge
Spanish wills and inheritance taxation: The Usufruct, a way of saving taxes
Posted Tuesday, April 24, 2012
On the blog serveco by Mr. Serveco
Cycling Uphill
Posted Monday, April 23, 2012
On the blog Well Becoming by Christopher Dowrick
Legal post 749. Time to buy in Spain now: Banks offering 30% to 50% reductions on their mortgages
Legal tip 748. Basics of Spanish Law (3)
The Costa Tropical - Granada´s Coastline
Legal tip 747. Creditors meeting obviously useless
Biking again...
Leanne's rescue
Waifs and Strays... Dog found in roadside rubbish bin.
Beautiful morning on the coast today
Posted Sunday, April 22, 2012
On the blog Justin's Life by Justin Aldridge
Whitney ... another happy ending.
photos of costa calida take a look
Legal tip 746. Zuckerberg joining the " Giving Pledge"
Mario, don't miss this video.
Cara and her babies.... a MUST SEE!
The GdS love triangle
Project Mazarron, please watch.
Pensioners To Pay 10% Of The Cost Of Their Medicines
Rattle Bottle - The Miracle ?!
Chinese noodles
Legal tip 745. Banks properties for Banks liabilities (2)
Spain Bans Cash Transactions Over 2,500 Euros
Way to go, Kyle!