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Latest blog posts
Extremely upsetting news about little podenca, Angie. News of Ken & Jenny & there's another galga arrived, Lizzy.
Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Possibly the Nicest Place to Invest in Spanish Property
Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On the blog Spanish Property Finders by King of Spain 999
UK Police Involved in Spanish Deposit Alleged Scam Case
Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On the blog Property Deposit Reclaim In Spain by King of Spain 999
Some things to consider when evaluating a mortgage
Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On the blog Remortgaging and refinancing in Spain by mortgagee
Sierra de Grazalema - Dec 2010 walk
Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On the blog Exploring outdoors Spain by Hiker
Postscript to my 31/12 entry...
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays. by foxbat
Waifs and Strays...Its just a dog...or six of them...
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays. by foxbat
Interest rates
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Remortgaging and refinancing in Spain by mortgagee
February at last
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Biking & Baking in Las Alpujarras by Casalinda
Emmerdale Script Writer Runs Courses in Spain
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Official EOS Blog by EOS Team
POWERFUL video of the abuse of galgos. Viewing discretion needed. Very upsetting.
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Galgos Del Sol .. Murcia .. now sell handmade galgo collars .. these are SUPERB & the refuge receives a massive donation from the lady who makes them, from what you pay for a collar!
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Galga Gaby finds her forever home -- Gaby's story
Posted Sunday, February 13, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Cape Town to London to Spain
Posted Sunday, February 13, 2011
On the blog My Epic Journey Across The World by JennaM
Luna goes to Portugal, Tilly & Clara are handed over by a hunter & Ken's had a major operation after a car ran into him.
Posted Sunday, February 13, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Alan & Jane Brian's dog refuge called Pepis at Pedrera, Sevilla, Costa del la Luz... please read
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Another wonderful couple, Carlota and Ambo, caring for galgos & podencos, please read
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
FUNNY: Ryanair´s lesson in packing to students after the mutiny in Lanzarote last weekend.
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog RYANAIR 'STUFF'!! by An interested party
Podcast: Your legal questions answered by Maria de Castro - February 2011
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog Legal Questions Podcast With Maria de Castro by Maria's Legal Podcast
Update on tiny pod & some happy ending stories.
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Ordinary magic and personal medicine
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog Well Becoming by Christopher Dowrick
Spanish translation of Beryl Brennan's book From Heaven to Hell - The Story of the Galgo Espanol - now on sale! Order through http://www.galgonews.com/
Posted Friday, February 11, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Posted Friday, February 11, 2011
On the blog Artesanía en el campo de Gibraltar by Jose Manuel
Legal tip 451. Uk-Spain probate cases V
Posted Friday, February 11, 2011
On the blog El blog de Maria by Maria
Rio de la Miel summer trek
Posted Friday, February 11, 2011
On the blog Exploring outdoors Spain by Hiker
Ojen, like i've never seen it before...
Posted Thursday, February 10, 2011
On the blog Exploring outdoors Spain by Hiker
Why handbag heroine Ann's Supergran act is too good to be true
Posted Thursday, February 10, 2011
On the blog Donna Gee - Spain's Grumpy Old Gran by Donna Gee
We receive MORE galgos ..................
Posted Thursday, February 10, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Legal tip 450. Uk-Spain Probate cases IV
Posted Thursday, February 10, 2011
On the blog El blog de Maria by Maria
Lavapies (Madrid), a right option for low budget investors?
Posted Thursday, February 10, 2011
On the blog theSpanishBrick.com by thespanishbrick.com
Legal tip 449. Important points on the European Enforcement Order: not to panick!
Posted Wednesday, February 9, 2011
On the blog El blog de Maria by Maria
Google Translate iPhone App
Posted Wednesday, February 9, 2011
On the blog Justin's Life by Justin Aldridge
Polaris World building again for Paramount Theme Park
Posted Wednesday, February 9, 2011
On the blog Spain Real Estate News by EOS Team
Legal tip 448. UK-Spain Probate cases III
Posted Wednesday, February 9, 2011
On the blog El blog de Maria by Maria
Angie, the much loved tiny podenca pup's doing much better ... new photos here.
Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Britain or Spain? The sunshine life is for YOU, as long as...
Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On the blog the lady spanishes by Donna Gee
GBP - EUR spot rate 8 February 2011
Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On the blog The Effects of FX by Moneycorp
Spain's salad growers are modern-day slaves, say charities
Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On the blog Live News From Spain As It Happens by Spain News Blog
A happy ending for Lomas & Ulises, rescued galgos, now together in their forever home in Austria.
Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On the blog Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality! by Janice, a friend of Tina's. Tina & Gaynor, with their team of wonderful volunteers, run the Galgos Del Sol refuge in Murcia, Costa Blanca
Please pass it on
Posted Monday, February 7, 2011
On the blog News from the Mar Menor, Costa Calida by Discover
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