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All motorways in Spain 'should have toll fees' which would earn the State 10 billion euros
Legal tip 1048. NEW! Supreme Court doctrine on Lack of Bank Guarantees
I Talked With Boyhood Self
Posted Monday, October 14, 2013
On the blog POETRY by Michael Walsh
Legal tip 1047. NEW! Court Decission against CORVERA!
Did I just die?
Colors for Spain
Posted Monday, October 14, 2013
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Catalunya anti-independence movement fills Barcelona's streets chanting 'proud to be Spanish'
Spanish tourist killed in 600-metre plunge from Norway's famous Preikestølen 'Pulpit Rock'
The Plan Is - Get Me That Cap! - El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain, 1974
Not so quiet time
Tonight we Dine by Candlelight
Posted Saturday, October 12, 2013
On the blog POETRY by Michael Walsh
Young Spaniards in the UK (OJO SOBRE EL REINO UNIDO?).
British broadsheet calls Madrid's 'civic conduct' laws 'the biggest crackdown since Franco'
The Red Garlic in Spain
Posted Friday, October 11, 2013
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
SPAIN'S TOP 10 - Golf Courses 2013
Posted Friday, October 11, 2013
On the blog Spain's Best by James_10
Legal tip 1046. CostaLuz or MariadeCastro?
Caja Madrid 'ordered staff to hide' preferential share details from customers 'duped' into signing their savings away
La Bahía
Advertising Hints: Spain's Russian Media
Noise annoys!
Legal tip 1045. NEW! Several Bank Guarantees found
The Escorial, Spain, from sky
Posted Thursday, October 10, 2013
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
76 - On The Red Carpet
The journey so far.....
Children 'suffer malnutrition, poor education and social exclusion' due to austerity measures and three in 10 live in poverty, says Council of Europe
Posted Thursday, October 10, 2013
On the blog POETRY by Michael Walsh
Posted Thursday, October 10, 2013
On the blog ONE MAN'S VIEW by Michael Walsh
Easyjet summer 2014 flights are out, till September 14th
Charity event 'Connecting with Angels' Sunday 27th October, Los Dolses near Villa Martin 10am-1pm
The House of Lights - Spain's Gothic Masterpiece
Easyjet notification this afternoon: widespread delays and some cancellations of flights TOMORROW 10th October
Adult literacy and numeracy 'among the worst in OECD': Most cannot understand an electricity bill, say researchers
Pregnant 12-year-old's boyfriend charged: Both lied about their age on Tuenti, court hears
The Immortality of Love
Posted Tuesday, October 8, 2013
On the blog POETRY by Michael Walsh
Another Spanish sayings and proverbs, 51
Posted Tuesday, October 8, 2013
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Legal tip 1044. NEW! Case won against Marbella Vista Golf and Banco Popular
Perros sin casa (dogs without a home)
Part of Actin's work is to investigate reports of cruelty or neglect.