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Men who are scared of women.
Posted Thursday, January 23, 2014
On the blog serveco by Mr. Serveco
Spain moves into record books as wind power becomes main source of energy
Legal tip 1095. I wish Financial professionals will follow..
Sierra Nevada ski lodge burns to the ground and 52 occupants evacuated
Self-employed workers cross their fingers as government 'considers' percentage-based Social Security fees
Valencia airport taxi drivers on strike all this week
Ibiza authorities give their blessing to Spain's first 'prostitution cooperative'
Escapee bull injures five fiesta spectators and smashes four cars
Chaos reigns in Andalucía as storms, wind, rain and snow leave roads closed and homes flooded
The Panama Canal a 100 years on
3 Reasons Why Blogging Will Boost Your Business
New Business
Blogging ...lets get going
A Spanish invention: boots
Posted Monday, January 20, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Burger the calories, I'm Spain's Yankee Noodle Candy
German air traffic controllers to strike on Jan 29
€2000/Day : Infanta in court and residents cash in to 'rent a view' to reporters
London : 1927 & 2013
Asunta murder trial: Mother and main suspect, Rosario Porto, will represent herself in court
WhatsApp 'fraudulent' messages costing mobile customers a fortune, warns FACUA
Nobody claims biggest-ever Primitiva jackpot of 54 million euros
Computing the cost of the bored mother and her mother board
Flipsiders are go
Does size matter to you?
Ryanair’s new Murcia flights
Posted Thursday, January 16, 2014
On the blog RYANAIR 'STUFF'!! by An interested party
Do you want to get reported to the Inland Revenue?
Sangría is only sangría if it is made in Spain or Portugal, rules EU
Medical negligence costs 798 lives and leaves 242 disabled, reveals patients' ombudsman
Posted Thursday, January 16, 2014
On the blog ONE MAN'S VIEW by Michael Walsh
89 - Getting High
Burgos burns as boulevard riots leave 40 in custody
Watch UK TV from worldwide locations
Beware of the 5 lb. bag of sugarless Gummy Bears on Amazon
SPAIN'S TOP 10 - Bizarre Foods
Posted Wednesday, January 15, 2014
On the blog Spain's Best by James_10
Aragón bird 'flu outbreak: One patient dies from H1N1 and 25 remain in hospital
A Medieval remote area in Spain
Posted Wednesday, January 15, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
The Sanferminer Gentleman - Pamplona, Spain,1973
High tides, wind, rain and snow across northern Spain and eastern Andalucía