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Legal tip 447. UK-Spain Probate cases II
Spanish banks display risky appetite for property
Help feed the rescued galgos and podencos in Spain...PLEASE READ
Latest update on tiny podenca Angie.
Spanish housing minister appeals to British buyers to return
Dogs (and cats) are being gassed in Spain in killing stations, we MUST change this inhumane act.
Wonderful news to share. The podenca, just rescued, has been found a home, in Germany.
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Posted Sunday, February 6, 2011
On the blog Crikey mUm by Crikey mUm
Two more rescued, another two arriving Tuesday, it goes on ........
Little podenca, Angela, spends her Friday at Galgos Del Sol's refuge & update on Suzie, the galga rescued with Angela.
This blog is page 2 if you Google 'Galgos Spain!' Help make it to page 1
When times are tough
Posted Friday, February 4, 2011
On the blog Well Becoming by Christopher Dowrick
Introducing My New Brother - Dudley
Apartments on Roda Golf
Posted Thursday, February 3, 2011
On the blog Roda Golf by Roda Golf Rentals
Tiny podenca Angela isn't well!
Legal tip 446. UK-Spain Probate cases I
Update on the tiny Podenca pup, Angela & Suzie, the galgo.
Rastro in Vejer Sunday 5th February
Costa del sol Property Keeps Getting Cheaper
Mijas Residents
Posted Wednesday, February 2, 2011
On the blog Mijas Pueblo by Bob Manning
New Year
Spain Caja clean up act - Good news
GBP - EUR spot rate 2 February 2011
Civil Claim for Deposit Return: What did I get for my money?
The Hidden Danger in a 100 % Mortgage Deal
Legal tip 445. Time share rights in Spain. Part V
Saved from the killing station at Jerez: Introducing Angela & Suzie, please read
Still in self-imposed captivity
Legal tip 444. Time share rights in Spain. Part IV
What if the boot was on the other foot?
How to buy an apartment in Spain in Court Auctions
Legal tip 443. Spanish Judges pro new paradigm: pro-person
Legal tip 442. Brussels guides.Time to listen and obey
Legal tip 441. Time share rights in Spain. Part III
Linda fishes too
Ten Canine Commandments
If you see something odd with EOS today
Raising money against the clock will bring a dramatic property price drops
Why UK binmen are a load of rubbish compared to Spain
Intro to Mijas Pueblo
Posted Friday, January 28, 2011
On the blog Mijas Pueblo by Bob Manning