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Banks’ risk at €217b may bring better opportunities for buyers
Legal tip 462. Marriage certificate
The ugly truth about the Premier League's top football stars
Effects of the Irish vote
After months of trying, Gill and Tina managed to catch this galgo .... he has been living rough for months and months with a broken leg
Spain’s property prices fall set to continue in 2011
Grethe ... thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making dog coats for the dogs at Galgos del Sol refuge
The non-story of non-stories: Does ANYONE care what Katie did today?
Rental Market Moving Up
Some Like It Hot!
Well-being recipes
Posted Friday, February 25, 2011
On the blog Well Becoming by Christopher Dowrick
Legal tip 461. Spanish houses go to London
Legal tip 460. Spanish Law in English by the Justice Department
Legal tip 459. Birth certificate
Ken has arrived safely at Galgoconnections in Valencia, to be cared for by Sylvia & her specialists.
Beautiful sunny morning in Manilva
Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011
On the blog Justin's Life by Justin Aldridge
Royal Marines and Dog Rescue Afghan Style
Angela's Efforts to Save Galgos
If It should be...
Climbing El Almendron 1507m, near the Nerja Caves / Cuevas de Nerja
Greyhounds in Need UK visit our Galgos Del Sol refuge in a few weeks and who knows where that can take our galgos
Update on Ken, the black galgo who was hit from behind by a car
Management tip 38. Two websites for mumpreneurs
Management tip 37. We will never be competitive till...
Life insurance attached to mortgage
Spaniards group under one roof to ride out crisis
Expat nightmare turns from bad to worse
Legal tip 458. Personal access to civil justice in Spain
Legal tip 457. Judges in Spain for fair application of Law
A week to go
Manilva hiking part 2, upstream the Rio Manilva
Roda Golf & Beach Resort
Posted Monday, February 21, 2011
On the blog Roda Golf by Roda Golf Rentals
Other Spanish expressions
Posted Monday, February 21, 2011
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Are big interest rate hikes coming up?
Let there be lights!
Darragh MacAnthony’s US dream in trouble
Que me quiten lo bailao
Posted Sunday, February 20, 2011
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
A beautiful video in memory of "Little Pod" Angela
Legal tip 456. Farm rental contract in Spain