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Legal tip 1199. NEW! Today´s case won: against BANCO MARE NOSTRUM (INROAL development)
The Horse Whisperer
It's a dog's life - especially for the owner of a puppy!
Legal tip 1198. Brussels IV or on how to avoid my forced heirs
Posted Tuesday, September 2, 2014
On the blog serveco by Mr. Serveco
The Moorish caves of Bocairent
More than 40,000 euros in speeding fines driving deceased brother's car
Spain is world number one in organ transplants
My favorite singer in southeastern Spain
Posted Tuesday, September 2, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Pruna versus Olvera, pros and cons
CaixaBank to buy out Barclays in Spain
Five domestic violence murders in as many days throws government measures into the spotlight
Youth killed by electric shock after urinating against a street light
'Lo', that Playboy of the Spanish Language - Learning Spanish (5)
British boy with brain tumour found in Málaga 'alive and well'
I am going blind but I don't mind......
British government 'gambling with Gib jobs'
'Time is running out' to find British boy taken from hospital by parents
Tailbacks on main roads expected all weekend as holidaymakers return home
Woman sets fire to supermarkets to get away without paying for groceries
A Spanish game: yes or no?
Posted Friday, August 29, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
The story of Hope
Please sponsor food for Candy's ten puppies.
115 - In The Pink
Cool food for hot August days
A small nutty world !
Legal tip 1197. Happy conversation with a happy client
Copper is at his forever home now
Petín – Stimulates the Senses
Updates and general information
Legal tip 1196. Costaluz Lawyers number one Law Firm on happy testimonials published
Olive oil during pregnancy and childhood
Posted Monday, August 25, 2014
On the blog IAN & SPAIN by Ian
Catalunya's leading beach towns kick off over 'noisy drunken northern European tourists'
Climate change could bring dengue fever to Spain by the middle of the century
Sierra Nevada fire may have been caused by arsonists
Government rape protection advice causes controversy: 'Sexist' or 'common sense'?
Waifs and Strays... and the Bloodlust continues...
Two Spaniards missing after Indonesian boat accident 'could be shipwrecked' on uninhabited island
Restaurant Review - Restaurante Rebate, Alicante Province