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The Doggy Diet - the next craze to sweep the nation?
Sam is still walking so please continue to show support
Wild Spain
Posted Friday, October 24, 2014
On the blog Books on Spain by David Luddington
The Supreme Court cancels eight Ground Clauses in Mortgages (Cláusula Suelo) for lack of transparency
The solution against allergy to lactose, discovered in Spain
Posted Thursday, October 23, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Telescope in Tenerife to seek out life on other planets
'Record-breaking summer' for foreign tourists
Teresa Romero cured of Ebola and her blood will be used to treat others
Hottest day in 145 years: Valencia sees Spain's highest October temperature ever at 35.8ºC
Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2015 - Caceres
Legal tip 1221. NEW! Action won against BBVA in Herrada del Tollo case
Legal tip 1220- Repossession and rental rights II
Legal tip 1219. Law 57/68- Were you ever called to complete?-Supreme Court says
Portomarin – Spain’s Abu Simbel
Biggest Dalí exhibition in Latin America opens in São Paulo
Legal tip 1218. International Ethic Principles for Online Lawyers
The Day of Rural Women in Spain
Posted Tuesday, October 21, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Follow Sam's walk along the Camino de Santiago
Legal tip 1217. A wise commentary by a Notary on First Occupation Licenses
Elche ex-councillor 'faked cancer for five years' to claim sick pension
The Expat Survey 2014 is now live!
Posted Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Why I've Been Negative About Spain- A Personal Story
Posted Tuesday, October 21, 2014
On the blog SAY What? by Jess
Goya for Antonio Banderas – at last
Manilva mayoress resigns amid corruption allegations
Ebola update: Nurse Teresa is 'virus-free'
Legal tip 1216. Repossessions and rental rights I
Lynda Bellingham passed away yesterday
How Spain handled the Ebola crisis compared to the USA
Winter activities in Pruna
Westminster Court rejects extradition of ETA member living in London
Suspected Ebola case at the Pentagon thwarts meeting between Spanish and US defence ministers
Student, 20, gatecrashed high-ranking events and swindled thousands from multi-nationals by posing as top diplomat and politician
Continuation of Sam's walk
Ramon y Cajal: A world-renowned Spanish Doctor
Posted Friday, October 17, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Educating Paddy: To sit or not to sit, that is the question
Spanish scientists show that blood cells from a patient with myocardial can regenerate it
Posted Friday, October 17, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
All municipalities in Murcia region to have bilingual schools next year
Drunk in Charge of a Foreign Language
Posted Friday, October 17, 2014
On the blog Books on Spain by David Luddington
121 - Walking Under The Moon
'Indefinite' jail terms may be scrapped with Penal Code reform