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Homes are now needed for Missy's Pointer cross pups
Another Spanish sayings and proverbs 56
Posted Saturday, March 22, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Traffic law changes
Air today, gone tomorrow or will I live to be 20,000?
Updates on Missy and her little runt, Toto
Chinese luxury hotel boss buys Madrid's Edificio España
2014 Fallas Winners
Meet Paddy - my beautiful new puppy who's lucky to be alive!
The creation of a sensor to diagnose in live abnormalities of the Cornea in Spain
Posted Friday, March 21, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Spring has sprung in Granada
'You've wrecked our house, so get out!'
'It's fine to call a Spaniard a liar and a cheat.'
Spain's top 35 companies show radical about-turn with 20-billion-euro profits
The "Green-Ways" around Spain - Cycling and Walking for all ages
95 - Here There Be Waterfalls
Creation of the first artificial Spleen in Spain
Posted Thursday, March 20, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Posted Thursday, March 20, 2014
On the blog POETRY by Michael Walsh
POLL: Have you ever been to Valencia to see the Fallas Festival?
No smoke without Falla: Valencia province is burning up as massive March fiestas finish
African immigrants storm Melilla fence in largest border assault in history
The rivers of Spain
Posted Wednesday, March 19, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
The dogs of Galifa - a horrible hidden secret
Being anonymously bullied on the internet by shameless cowards
Bogus gas men 'swindled thousands' out of expatriates, pensioners and the disabled across the country
Libby & her brother, Luke, you cannot help but love this pair
Please support Galgos del Sol at their fundraising event 5th April
Costa Brava forest fire forces evacuation of up to 450 residents
Gluten-free bread 'which tastes like bread' with all the same nutrients created in Spain
Spanish national debt soars to record high of 93.9 per cent of GDP
Legal tip 1126. Timeshare rights in Spain till 2012
Missy & pups update 17/3
Legal tip 1125. Business Schools and Human Rights
Five days
Competa Fiesta
Financing your villa
Financing your villa
Binny’s short journey: In memory of Binny
I could have got AIDS from my tenant.
Vodafone finalises ONO takeover bid at rumoured cost of 7.2 billion euros
March 15th update