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Legal tip 1336. What is Padrón in Spain?
Legal tip 1335. Questions for November podcast with Maria de Castro
Sophie and her nine puppies all need homes
Málaga cucumber cooperative awarded compensation by Hamburg court over E.Coli scare
Granada man dies in eighth-floor fall attempting to help locked-out neighbour
Halloween/All Saints Day,/All Souls Day/All Hallows day
Tax office auctions two of King Juan Carlos' Ferraris
Air Force helicopter crash survivors missing again as rescue boat disappears from the radar
One in five Spaniards owns a second home
The drainage for centre is going in
'Caca de la vaca' and other things
Debate in Spain - Should education be mandatory up to age 18?
legal podcast with Maria de Castro - Pose a question
Closing of the Congress of the European Popular Party in Spain
Posted Friday, October 23, 2015
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
How to make a claim against an insurance company in Spain
Posted Friday, October 23, 2015
On the blog Law in Spain by Abad Abogados
Come to Guardamar for some historical tapas
Sagrada Família will be finished by 2026, the centenary of Gaudí's death
Another spanish saying and proverb 65
Posted Thursday, October 22, 2015
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Proof of an Empire
Dog and husband available for rehoming!
Ashley Maddison 'infidelity site' Spanish members report blackmail by hackers
Paprika in the eastern Spain
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2015
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Going Underground in Alicante
Legal tip 1334. Recent Changes in NON RESIDENT taxes obligations in Spain
Teen electrocuted taking 'selfie' on train roof
Spanish firm invents 'interior' rear-view mirror with panoramic vision
High winds and torrential rain wreak havoc across Andalucía, Madrid and Gran Canaria
Tom Jones, Spain and a dark stranger: The ultimate coincidence
Legal tip 1333. New IHT benefits in Murcia Region
High winds and torrential rain wreak havoc across Andalucía, Madrid and Gran Canaria
Irish paddle-surfer, 44, airlifted from Cantabria island
Talking about Spain clearly
Posted Monday, October 19, 2015
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Infanta Cristina and Urdangarín's trial includes 363 witnesses and several politicians in the dock
Spain World Blindfold Wine-Tasting champions for third year running
Spanish restaurant is TripAdvisor world number one; two others in top 25
La Cucaracha
Spanish scientists discover properties of broccoli against chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Posted Friday, October 16, 2015
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Why I booted Telefonica's nightmare service
Albert Ramos stuns Roger Federer at Shanghai Masters