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Web cam working again
Brussels suggests to extend Maternity leave up to 18 weeks
Too heavy for take off.
Bikers Trip.
Pilot must have thought it was a nudist beach!!
Barcelona to Russia belly flop.
Dodgy Landings.
Have you read...?
Internet Explorer 8 & Google Chrome.
Posted Wednesday, October 1, 2008
On the blog PC illiterate by PC Plodding.
All the parts of a PC you need to know.
Posted Wednesday, October 1, 2008
On the blog PC illiterate by PC Plodding.
Cocaine carrier dies of mid-air heart-attack.
How many Barcelonas?
Posted Wednesday, October 1, 2008
On the blog PC illiterate by PC Plodding.
My White Towns
Financial Times praises Spanish Bank System
Teo: the typical spanish kid
Just plane dozy!!
Why are Spanish banks in such rude health when UK banks are ailing?
La Alfoquia, Andalucia... Take 2 - Part 2.
The Disaster Of Ethanol As A Biofuel
The promise of politics
To leave behind or not to leave behind? That is the question.
Jarrea, jarrea
Painting ( by numbers )
When summer changes to autumn.
Algunos comercios en España tienen dos precios, uno para españoles y otro para extanjeros
Posted Monday, September 29, 2008
On the blog The Spanish Eye by Diego Rodríguez Arcas
You can't park that 'ere!!
How to Help Others
Plane bad driving.
30 Chinese push faulty plane.
El intercambio de viviendas se pone de moda
Posted Sunday, September 28, 2008
On the blog The Spanish Eye by Diego Rodríguez Arcas
I am so popular Mmmm!
Whale watching in Tarifa.
For your fridge: as a courtesy of Costaluzlawyers
Alcaidesa Marina will be a leader nationally and internationally
4 months and counting!
What a difference a month can make!
How we ended up in Castril