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End health gamble
124 - Season of Mist & Matanza
British councillor in Spain petitions Europe for expats' right to vote in national elections
See how the centre is coming on and Sam is back
Montefurado – Tunnel vision
Rafa starts stem-cell treatment for back injury during post-appendicitis rest break
Eight in 10 voters say 'yes' to independence in Catalunya
Málaga's giant stamp mosaic seeks to beat world record
Designed in Spain a camera capable of taking photos of a hidden object
Posted Tuesday, November 11, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
More Poddie videos
MotoGP and Moto3: Márquez brothers on top of the world
Two million Catalunya residents vote – a third of the region's population
Special needs dog Derek who is a Sharpei
A Spanish method to improve attention and memory in children
Posted Monday, November 10, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Legal tip 1228. Legal help to mortgage debtors in Spain 1
Provisional Results For Catalan 9N Participatory Vote
WhatsApp 'blue double tick' can 'damage relationships', say Spanish users, and is leading to online fraud
Infanta Cristina formally charged with two counts of tax evasion, but acquitted of money-laundering
Catalunya casts its ballot on independence
More news from Galgos del Sol
Spain's crime rate plummets in the last year
Ground-breaking research in Spain may be key to curing HIV
High-ranking 'corruption' politicians in prison live on 80 euros a week and cannot take a shower without permission
Torquemada: from the most black past to the most promising future in the History of Spain
Posted Friday, November 7, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
Writers On Spain: Simon Harris, the Catalan from Nottingham!
123 - A Passport to Paradise
Teresa discharged from hospital and says Spain's health service is 'capable of miracles'
Legal tip 1227. Repossession and rental rights III
The Castle of Monterrey – A Spanish Acropolis
Egg-freezing on the rise for women in Spain, but cost and lack of awareness continues to be a barrier
A great fish cooked by me in Southern Spain
Posted Wednesday, November 5, 2014
On the blog Mis fotos by Luis Lopez-Cortijo
And here are more videos of these delightful Podenco puppies
Bank of Spain blaze leaves workmen seriously injured
Legal tip 1226. Aifos being liquidated
Two-euro coin launched to commemorate Felipe VI's coronation
Earthquake off Andalucía coast
Podemos would come out on top if elections called now, says survey
Legal tip 1225. A beautiful project by an EOS member
Andalucía in London for World Travel Market fair