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A little sunshine...
The dreaded survey / tasacion
Manilva hiking part 1, Utrera rock formations
From Galgos del Sol "We are delighted with all the support we are getting, it's been so encouraging."
Update on Ken, the black galgo, who was brought in on 9th February after having been hit from behind by a car.
Messages of support for tiny podenca, Angela, from Spain, Germany, France, America, Italy, Denmark and the UK.
Bizarre but true: The night my psychic dog gambled with her life
Climbing La Veleta 3,394m in Sierra Nevada, Granada
Coping skills
Posted Friday, February 18, 2011
On the blog Well Becoming by Christopher Dowrick
Sad news this morning .. little pod, Angie, has died. Our thoughts are with those closely associated with her especially Angela, her foster mum & Tina, who had rescued Angie from a killing station at the end of January.
Legal tip 455. Spain for lower IHT to foreigners
To subrogar or to cancelar? That's the many thousand euro question!
News of Jenny & little pod, Angie
Communial TV systems
Posted Thursday, February 17, 2011
On the blog campo by
Legal tip 454. A funny legal post on restaurants menus
Legal tip 453. Financial system in Courts
Let's talk fixed interest rates
Some indicators which show that prices may fall further to help the market
Pico Bermejo 1474 metres near Granada
Terrible news: Tiny podenca pup, Angie, has parvo! Please remember her in your prayers.
Legal tip 452. Uk-Spain probate cases VI
Ryanair the loo-ser as O'Leary's cheapskate ideas head down pan
Extremely upsetting news about little podenca, Angie. News of Ken & Jenny & there's another galga arrived, Lizzy.
Possibly the Nicest Place to Invest in Spanish Property
UK Police Involved in Spanish Deposit Alleged Scam Case
Some things to consider when evaluating a mortgage
Sierra de Grazalema - Dec 2010 walk
Postscript to my 31/12 entry...
Waifs and Strays...Its just a dog...or six of them...
Interest rates
February at last
Emmerdale Script Writer Runs Courses in Spain
POWERFUL video of the abuse of galgos. Viewing discretion needed. Very upsetting.
Galgos Del Sol .. Murcia .. now sell handmade galgo collars .. these are SUPERB & the refuge receives a massive donation from the lady who makes them, from what you pay for a collar!
Galga Gaby finds her forever home -- Gaby's story
Cape Town to London to Spain
Luna goes to Portugal, Tilly & Clara are handed over by a hunter & Ken's had a major operation after a car ran into him.
Alan & Jane Brian's dog refuge called Pepis at Pedrera, Sevilla, Costa del la Luz... please read
Another wonderful couple, Carlota and Ambo, caring for galgos & podencos, please read
FUNNY: Ryanair´s lesson in packing to students after the mutiny in Lanzarote last weekend.
Posted Saturday, February 12, 2011
On the blog RYANAIR 'STUFF'!! by An interested party