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Amarion Iii forum threads
The Comments
25 Apr 2007 12:06 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

25 Apr 2007 12:17 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Haydngi,glad to see Debbie has given you the address as well lets hope a lot of our fellow sufferers will follow suit ,they just help if they are invaded with emails Gabe

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25 Apr 2007 3:00 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

philansy´s avatar


Hello Laura
Can you tell me how to contact somebody who is in charge ?
I want to know what is happening there as been no work on our building now for well over 12 months and we are getting fed up, I want to know when the builders are starting work again ?
If i cant speak to somebody in charge i am thinking about packing in and buying somewhere else
How do we go about cancelling our contract and getting our deposits + 3 % back with urbasa not keeping there end of the contract   - out of date

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26 Apr 2007 1:08 PM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone, I havn't responded for a while but I've been keeping up to date with everyone's posts and would like to say thank you to everyone!  Like you Phil, I have just emailed Urbasa and Palmera to ask who I can speak to regarding Amarion III and also who can give me information on retrieving our money back plus interest etc.  I'm not holding my breath for a reply or any firm answers but like everyone else it is becoming more and more frustrating.  I don't want to pull out but how long do we have to wait, more years than we already have?  Anyway, just needed to share that with you all!!  I'll let you know if I get a response from anyone.  One day...................


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26 Apr 2007 5:06 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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HI everyone i have a reply from laura but the news aint that good its below

For the moment we haven’t got still an exactly date to beginning the works.

As you know we have been economical problems during the last two years, but we have got very much plots and lands to sell and we are selling know and obtaining money to finish all the buildings that we have.

We know that the building has a delay in the completion date, but it will be finished.


If you wish to cancel you must send to me a letter regarding your intention to cancel and signed by you, after I will send to you a cancellation contract.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubt.




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26 Apr 2007 5:16 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Debbie, Gabe here i have had a reply from channel 4 and was wondering if you had? They want me to send more details and pictures I have taken the phone number they gave as i am not to brilliant on the computer so i will give them a ring in the morning to see if i can give them more details over the phone, if you have had a reply from them i was wondering what you said so i can put more or less the same comments across with a load more of my own. This series as finished now but if interested will be on the next one,but that won't matter as i suppose we will still be in the same position i expect.Hope to hear from you soon.Gabe (oras

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26 Apr 2007 5:16 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Debbie, Gabe here i have had a reply from channel 4 and was wondering if you had? They want me to send more details and pictures I have taken the phone number they gave as i am not to brilliant on the computer so i will give them a ring in the morning to see if i can give them more details over the phone, if you have had a reply from them i was wondering what you said so i can put more or less the same comments across with a load more of my own. This series as finished now but if interested will be on the next one,but that won't matter as i suppose we will still be in the same position i expect.Hope to hear from you soon.Gabe (oras i

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26 Apr 2007 5:16 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Debbie, Gabe here i have had a reply from channel 4 and was wondering if you had? They want me to send more details and pictures I have taken the phone number they gave as i am not to brilliant on the computer so i will give them a ring in the morning to see if i can give them more details over the phone, if you have had a reply from them i was wondering what you said so i can put more or less the same comments across with a load more of my own. This series as finished now but if interested will be on the next one,but that won't matter as i suppose we will still be in the same position i expect.Hope to hear from you soon.Gabe (oras i called

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27 Apr 2007 9:18 AM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Gabe brill,that they got back so quick to you I have sent you a copy of the email I sent them, but like you said, there is lots more to had , good luck

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27 Apr 2007 10:16 AM by misty Star rating. 107 forum posts Send private message


Philancy / All

I would be very wary about cancelling as if you do where from and who will pay back your monies , our developer is  virtually bankrupt if you did cancel you would then just become a creditor at the very back of a long queue with little to no chance of recompense, at least at the moment we have hopefully have  a claim to our property but with what’s going on in Spain at the moment with property prices falling and many developers in financial trouble its not a happy situation to say the least , hopefully Mike will let us know the legal situation soon.


Graham and Christine

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27 Apr 2007 1:36 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Debbie it's Gabe just to let you no I have'nt received your email I will hang on till Monday to see if I get it before I get back in touch with them..Also to everyone out ther I agree with Misty we are best to keep on waiting as at least we have something we give up and loose everything lets all stick with it onwards and upwards

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27 Apr 2007 3:01 PM by glynndeakin Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

had this responce from Palmera for what its worth, Helpful as usual !! looks like they are washing there hands of it. ''Don't Know, Don't wana Know''

Dear Mr. Glynn, 

We can only pass on the information that we receive officially from the builder and we did not receive anything regarding town hall giving a go ahead. It is correct once the work is completed on development, the builder has to apply for so called habitation license which is issued by the local town hall.  

We can advise you to speak to the builder themselves if you wish so as we are aware that some clients have contacted the builder directly and had different replies. Also, some clients have been in the area and have told us that the building does not look like it would be finished for summer.  I´m sure you can appreciate that we cannot go by various verbal statements but only by what the builder officially declares.

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27 Apr 2007 6:45 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

philansy´s avatar

Hi misty

i am not cancelling, just trying to get them to hurry up a little and get somert done

I dont think its looking good for this year

This message was last edited by philansy on 4/27/2007.

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27 Apr 2007 8:34 PM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Gabe I sent the copy email via a private message from this site,never done that b4 but would have thought you should have received straight away. if not got it will try again tomoz,

Hi all

Yes sticking together sounds very good advice at the moment and like Misty said lets wait to see if Mike as any news good or bad then we know what path we will or may be taking.


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27 Apr 2007 10:10 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Debbie just looked again and still not received it, if you have sent it by private message would it still come up on my emails to read or do i have to do anything different? as i said not to brill on this machine i only found the website by accident but what a find it has made me feel a lot better having you all to talk to and if i can get us onto channel4 program we might at least stand a chance of them finding out what is happening and i have already told them how crap Palmera are, so if we do manage to get on i can assure you all i will let everyone thinking to buy in Spain NOT to use Palmera. Gabe

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28 Apr 2007 8:27 AM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi again Gabe I have just send 2 private messages to you via this site again, I should think they should go to your email box,

If you dont receive I could send it to your email address ,if you dont mind letting me have it ,you could send it via a private message then i can see if i receive it.

thanks Debbie


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28 Apr 2007 12:05 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi again it's only me just to say i have sent you my email address by private message if you manage to receive it let me know how you pulled it off. Thanks Gabe.

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28 Apr 2007 4:59 PM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by debaz10 on 4/28/2007.

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28 Apr 2007 5:04 PM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Gabe hi sent to your email earlier today hope you received if not you must have your spam filter set so you can only receive emails from trusted addresses I am on aol aswell,  hope you have received


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28 Apr 2007 5:57 PM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Debbie i have received the emails, your getting a bit flash don't know what a spam filter is when one of the children come round i will get them to take a look.We are going out to Spain next week so will be taking more pictures to send to them,lets hope one of us gets a result. Gabe

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