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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
17 Jun 2008 7:12 AM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

Bet the Administrator's report could prove interesting reading.
It is claimed on here somewhere, that there are 1500 creditors (purchasers who would have paid deposits). Does that mean that there is only 1 other creditor, or is it that prospective purchaser were declared as creditors for some reason?

Regarding the cash in bank, couldn't be anything else (give or take a few thousand euros) when the declared debts are given as 77m, otherwise, they wouldn'y have been able to secure the loan, as all those of you informed on business funding will be aware.

The assets. Certainly sound good when valued as site of development potential, when the market is good and money is available and the added bonus of legal documentation.
But, same as in any Country. A piece of land can be valued at x, but when times are bad, such as 90s and many parts of UK now, lucky if you can get 20-40% for it. If you want proof, just look how UK housing developers have had to down value their land holdings.
Take away the planning consent any you would be lucky to get 10% for it.

So, the initial default was on repayment of 30m?
The debt declared was 77m (considerable increase there, had they remembered the purchases?)?
Can we allow an increase in declared debts to the Administrators, to increase this to 100m (there will be many who have been overlooked or were not considered to be included)?
Assets declared were €257m, so can we allow for over-value to maximise loans, so 200m?
Allow for devaluation in assets due to market trends, licences, etc. 100m?
Doesn't allow much margine for error if that was proved to be correct.

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17 Jun 2008 2:48 PM by martinbrothers Star rating in Worcestershire. 278 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tony, it would be very interesting please to see who the email was written by.  Was it the MD?  If it was, why not share it on the 9th June?  As I said I may have missed it but would love sight of it now.

Thanks Tony



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17 Jun 2008 3:23 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

This is why I queried it.
It says "A reply was received later that day and we were informed that Almudena, the MD, discussed this with the administrators", so it doesn't seem that it was from the MD?

Probably just another member of staff "in the know"!!!

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17 Jun 2008 5:26 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Martin,
I may have some further information and emails that i can post soon. SARC is in contact with San Jose etc and will post the out come of current dialogue as soon as possible after consulting our members via email.
I spoke to my newly appointed solicitor today, who will be handling my affairs in the administration process and he informed me that the 30 days has not started yet and giving him POA can wait until the end of July, when i am flying out for 10 days for meetings.
Hope all goes well for you and for all purchasers at SADM.
I want my House
Tony R17 18 

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17 Jun 2008 5:51 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

You seem to have overlooked to mention if "that" email was from the MD or not?

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17 Jun 2008 6:38 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

17 Jun 2008 6:49 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

It says "A reply was received later that day and we were informed that Almudena, the MD, discussed this with the administrators", so it doesn't seem that it was from the MD?

From martinbrothers: "Hi Tony, it would be very interesting please to see who the email was written by.  Was it the MD? "

You seem to have overlooked to mention if "that" email was from the MD or not?

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17 Jun 2008 7:02 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

17 Jun 2008 7:28 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

From that we can assume just hearsay again, or an opinion of an office junior. Comments that can't be substantiated. 
Thanks for that.

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17 Jun 2008 7:32 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Assume as you wish. I can not comment further as the information is for the use of SARC members and not my personal use. I therefore, have to act accordingly.

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17 Jun 2008 7:49 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

Great, join our gang or we will not help you.
Real concern and thought for the people who could have been your neighbours, just because they do not subscribe to your campaign?
So whatever you post on here, people should not read as fact as you will only state facts to people who will support your silly, unprofessional campaign.

Bet we know who will be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, etc., etc.,  of your Committee.

Acting "accordingly" obviously doesn't mean helping all.

And you complained about me having  "pops" at you. Perhaps now you will realise why.

Taken from SARC website:
“ To support and promote the establishment of SADM for the benefit of all leading to a new and inclusive community”
"Since May 2008, we have provided support to our fellow residents "
"It’s in all our interests to cooperate with each other to ensure that we all get the best deal for all residents."

But in reality, it doesn't seem the same does it?

This message was last edited by alm on 6/17/2008.

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17 Jun 2008 8:11 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

17 Jun 2008 8:20 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Alm what is your plot number?

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17 Jun 2008 8:31 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

Why do you want my plot number or numbers, I just wouldn't wish you to interfere with any dealings I may have, so, mind your own business and I will mind mind.
"I can not comment further as the information is for the use of ourselves only and not SARC members . "I therefore, have to act accordingly."

"Sticks and stones" - Now please be adult, next you will be threatening to scratch and scram. The comments you are now making certainly will illustrate to many the  "sincerity "  of your campaign.

Still waiting for facts that can be substantiated, if you have any that is?

This message was last edited by alm on 6/17/2008.

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17 Jun 2008 8:48 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

So are you a SADM purchasers?

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17 Jun 2008 8:55 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

Dear Alm,
             I have read all that you are saying but have one small question if you were a member of a co operative would you expect the co operative to issue information to the general public ie non members before you were informed? I do believe the answer would be no so why should we act differently to you.
             As for confidential emails, that is covereed by the laws on data protection and can only be divulged in public when we have be give permission by the sender.
 this is all I am willing to say on that subject
        highest regards and whishes that everybody gets what they are truly after
brianmags R4 556 
and a member of SARC

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17 Jun 2008 8:55 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

Why is of such great interest to you?

Why is it any business of yours?

Weren't you educated to be aware that it is rude to ask a person details of the matters which do not involve you?

Have I asked you your plot number, what you paid, what you earn, where you work.

Don't you realise that there are some who do not blab and wish to keep their business confidential.

Hope any information that is gained from your campaign is kept confidential and not released to anyone who asks?

When will you be starting to state facts which can be substantiated?

When will you be releasing the name of the person who knows the whereabouts and conversations of SJ's MD?

Will you be starting to help all, or just the chosen few?

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17 Jun 2008 8:55 PM by arnoldg Star rating. 49 forum posts Send private message

Alm is not a purchaser of San Jose at all, he/she just joins in to poke fun at us all.

I thought thay this person was banned by the EOS team from posting on this forum,perhaps Justin could confirm?


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17 Jun 2008 8:59 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Alm, I think you have mis-quoted what Tony said in his post. He said it was for SARC members. Cheers Joanniemac

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17 Jun 2008 9:06 PM by alm Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

If my beliefs were:
“ To support and promote the establishment of SADM for the benefit of all leading to a new and inclusive community”
"Since May 2008, we have provided support to our fellow residents "
"It’s in all our interests to cooperate with each other to ensure that we all get the best deal for all residents."

I would stand by that and wish to help ALL, members or not. 
If it were of vital importance, I would shout it from the rooftops. Is there a law binding you to divulge to members first?
Is it a Private Members club which is covered by law?

"As for confidential emails, that is covereed by the laws on data protection and can only be divulged in public when we have be give permission by the sender."
Just hope that with some of the advice given which is unsubstantiated comments, that people start including Without Prejudice in their postings and emails.

" this is all I am willing to say on that subject "
Fine, that should send out a message to non-gang people, join our gang or we will not help. Very Trade Unionish that?

arnoldg - another with unsubstantiated comments.
"he/she just joins in to poke fun at us all." - That really is sick and a disgusting thing for anyone to think of, let alone state in writing, when there are people out there desperately worried about their financial future. 
Suppose it takes all sorts?
What a wonderful contribution his last was?

This message was last edited by alm on 6/17/2008.

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