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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
11 Jul 2008 9:02 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ja,
Personal insults again, so unecessary. But talking about being stuck in a rut..............................hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm

All the best to you
....oh and .......................I want my House........... and it is my right to want it , I paid for it. 

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11 Jul 2008 10:02 PM by arlene2804 Star rating. 127 forum posts Send private message

Oh Tonymal,

This is the problem yes you want your house and you paid for it       but  we in the I want my money back paid our money too or do we not count. Yes you have achieved a lot you arranged a meeting with a group of people who have the same objectives that is to  stop us having our money back, had your  meeting between yourselves and  the adminstrators I may not have felt so bad but the idea of San Jose added to the mix fills me with dread.

You say you dropped hints but why hint why not be open and upfront about the fact finding mission or perhaps it would not have had the same impact as telling us how clever and proactive you have been after you had same facts.

Stupid me thought that the  adminstrators  job was to be impartial assess the assets and debts of San Jose/Herrad deTollo and report back to the judge, I had no idea that any Tom, Dick or Harry could make contact and arrange meetings.

Glad you are feeling better.



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11 Jul 2008 10:34 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi arlene
Sarcasm does you no favours and as for you wanting your money back that is your choice and good luck to you. You are a purchaser at SADM and I respect your choice, however, you do not seem to understand the concept of integrity and confidentiality. I am not any Tom Dick or Harry, i am a Tony and I was invited and widened the invite. That took a lot of hard work and it has given us the opportunity to get information first hand for every one, which we took.   As for clever, I really am not interested in such shallow remarks it is a shame that your frame of reference of peoples behaviour is so low.

SARC is not stoping you from getting your money back we just want our houses. I have said it before and I repeat myself. We should not be fighting one another, we are all purchasers and all in the same awfull situation. Some may wish to give up on the property and go down the legal route for their deposit whilst others whish to have the opportunity to have their property. So do you deny us all the right to choose what we want? I do not deny any one the right to choose their  goal, our objectives are not in competition!

But how will you really feel if those of us who want our houses get them and you do not?

I wish you well arlene and thank you for being glad that I am better ( I really did not feel up to hurtling over to Spain and going to meetings)

Tony R17 18

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11 Jul 2008 10:35 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Well said Arlene
 I wish more people would stand up and be counted and tell this lot what they really think. This typing in bold and capitol letter thing they do is the equivelant of shouting at all of us .As I have said before you have your own SARCO website ,everyone knows where to find your valuable info if they want to but please stop ramming ity down eveyones throat .We are well aware of you views and tactics. you have not changed anyones mind nor are you likely to. Bye JA

Pleeeeeeeeeeeease Tony get over youself you listen to nothing and noone you would have been as much use at that meeting as an ashtray on a moterbike 

This message was last edited by julie anne on 7/11/2008.

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11 Jul 2008 10:40 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi ja,
if you do not want to read it you do not have to, you are on the SARC thread.
All the best to you.

PS as a  biker I am fairly thick skinned, you try coming off a 800 V twin and keeping your sense of humour, which is just as well is it not?

This message was last edited by TonyMal on 7/11/2008.

This message was last edited by TonyMal on 7/11/2008.

This message was last edited by TonyMal on 7/11/2008.

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11 Jul 2008 10:59 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Tony put you money where you mouth is withdraw from the registration process (which says to the court and admin Tony wants his money back )Then we will all believe that you really believe you are going to get your house .It seems to me you want it both ways at least we are not sitting on both sides of the fence.The difference is you cant affect the process of us getting our money back but if we all get our money back there is precious  little chance of you getting your house .Now how about some honesty for a change.Why are you so angry / I think we all no now.

I hope you told them all at the meeting that most people want their money back .I bet not and you wonder why people are raging with you .Dream on Tony ps I here there are plans for a new site on Zorg SJ are offering free transfers  Can you not see SJ are laughing at you  Dont get mad get even. At least you had a free lunch

This message was last edited by julie anne on 7/11/2008.

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11 Jul 2008 11:17 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message


Hi JA 

We never thought that we could change peoples minds but there are still people that want there house if possible and because of the past abuse they don't post as we do but be assured we are not blinkered and although you say you listen and change to the latest news. we will never convince you or do we really want to coerce or harangue but as I repeatedly keep saying until the decision comes in that the company is finished we will continue to speak for those who still hope for their properties they just like us are also included in the Ley Concursal process as we are all and have the same problems as everyone else but would like if possible to have their house.

              If the company can get refinancing then you can get you money and we get our houses if they don’t then there is no difference in the outcome for you who shout about wanting their money back or us who only want our money back if the build is not able to continue. But we will have tried. “better to have tried and failed than to sit and blame others”



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11 Jul 2008 11:31 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

The only people who have shouted  on here is you and Brian ,now please hurry up and get your house so the rest of us dont have to listen to your torro anymore.

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11 Jul 2008 11:31 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by julie anne on 7/11/2008.

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11 Jul 2008 11:50 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

I do believe that this is the SARC strand
goodnight JA


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12 Jul 2008 12:14 AM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Can we all just give it a rest !! I am sick reading all this bickering. A bit of advice, wait for the report then make your constructive comments! We are all in this together.  I think that the way things are going it pays to be on both sides of the fence as no one knows how its going to end, better to have covered all the bases than have all your eggs in one basket.  JA chill out , your giving us Scots a bad name! Cheers Joanniemac

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12 Jul 2008 12:58 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Yea its the sarc strand....dont subsidise it.......if you cant shut it down, ignore the thing, it should have a govt health warning


Best wishes, Brian


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12 Jul 2008 5:04 AM by arlene2804 Star rating. 127 forum posts Send private message

Dear Tonymal,

I am sorry that you took my words as sarcasm because none was intended perhaps I did not take enough time composing my choice of words, and maybe because I took exception to your post which came across to me anyhow as your rights and wishes are more important than mine, and maybe because I am a little bit frightened that your actions may have compromised the outcome of the legal process so I will try and be more careful with this post.

I understand the concept of integrity only too well and alas in my dealings with SJ I have found it to be in very short supply,  I agree to the hard work bit it and am amazed that you managed to arrange all these meetings with so many different groups in the time frame , given how things work here in Spain but I truly think some of this was made easier because of your objectives. As to the clever remark I actually mean it and only wish I or someone in the IWMMB camp had thought of it, but I truly truly believed that ordinary creditor's would have no access to the adminstrators before they reported the facts to the judge. If I were a judge I'd be mighty annoyed at someone being given information before me (sorry that's a woman thing) must keep on track.

You say you were invited and accepted but surely you must have sought same invitation I am sure that the invite did'nt come out of the blue and was this invitation made by  SJ or did it come from the adminstrators or both.  Sorry not being sarcastic just curious. You took the opportunity to gain information at first hand for everyone but no information other than the fact that the meeting took place has been made available, and I accept that you do not have to make the information available but in Linda's original posting stated the information was for the benefit of all.

In my opinion  and it is only my opinion that if you get your house I will not get my money back as I see it if  the build goes ahead for refinancing to be put in place,  it will probably be dependant on the funds in the special account being used either as funds or as security, therefore I don't get my money back. at least in a time frame that allows me the health and fitness to enjoy it and I have to go down the route of suing SJ for breach of contract.  I believe from my solicitor that the adminstrators would like this fund to be added to the general pot.

As for going down the legal route to obtain our money back well we have been trying but the Spanish legal system is time consuming and expensive with shifting goalposts with nothing clear or straightforward it's all if's and maybe.  In the UK if you win your case costs are awarded automatic here it depends on the judge discretion,

No I do not deny you the right to choose what you want and only wish that our objectives were the same I would certainly feel more confident of the outcome if we were united in this together, common sense tells me someone is going to lose in all of this we cannot both get the same objective at the same time.

As to how I will feel if you get  your house and I don't  well very saddened I suppose, but then I did'nt want a house I wanted a home. For me Jumilla was more abut buying a house it was to be the fulfillment of a dream it took me 5 years to convince my husband to buy a house here in Spain. We both  fell  in love with the area and wanted to be part of a Spanish community in truth a bit of my heart is still there but I cannot bear to even visit the place because it upsets me so much. I'v e cried so many tears over it  since leaving our deposit it has been nothing but stress and worry lies and broken promises from SJ  so being Irish and superstitious to me the place is jinxed. 
It's not he house or Jumilla I don't want I just don't want to have any more dealing with SJ I believe them to be untrustworthy and unscruplous.

So I leave you with the title of another thread the truth the whole truth and nothing but!

All the best 


This message was last edited by arlene2804 on 7/12/2008.

This message was last edited by arlene2804 on 7/12/2008.

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12 Jul 2008 5:09 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Hi Arlene.....again you have said things i wanted to and agree with!!!, thanks

I'm not sure if im welcome to post anything interesting on the sarco thread but have a look at the other thread i just posted on and it may have some common ground with your own points.



Best wishes, Brian


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12 Jul 2008 6:55 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

You have never been excluded but your insults placed else where are unnecessary  and unfounded. I sympathise with your situation but do not take your angst out on others who have not caused your pain.

Wishing you well

I want my House

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12 Jul 2008 9:56 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

What on earth has happened to the report of the meetings the stick is getting longer and the carrot is truly wilted as vegetables get older their nutritional value deminishes can the same be said of the report.

Just an after thought what do we think the IWMH leaders actually ate at  the infamous  lunch answers on a post card  please              suggestions could offer some light relief .
I will go first what about a portion of humble pie.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 7/12/2008.

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12 Jul 2008 10:06 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

What about two large portions of Cods  Wallop

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12 Jul 2008 10:23 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

I thought you had a copy of the minutes of the JA ? Cheers Joanniemac

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12 Jul 2008 10:27 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Sorry that last post  should have read I thought you had a copy of the minutes of the meeting JA? Cheers Joanniemac

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12 Jul 2008 10:37 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

 Yes I have  spoke to someone who was there a Spanish person who was not relying on translation.As I have said before I am more interested the way IWMH interprate the information
The last post was intended to be light hearted 

This message was last edited by julie anne on 7/13/2008.

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