The Comments |
Getting back onto the subject......
From RTN (see )
Feeding the hungry
DESPERATE PEOPLE are reliant on charity handouts and soup kitchens as they attempt to ride out a bitter economic crisis.
Expat charities such as the Lions and HELP have joined Spanish organisations like Caritas in supporting families forced to live on the breadline as the recession grinds on.
This week, RTN visited a Calpe soup kitchen run by ADIS – Ayuda Domiciliaria e Integracion Social – and witnessed the lifeline being offered to the homeless and needy.
David, the charity’s founder and president, said every afternoon he and his team of volunteers were feeding up to 50 Spanish people and expats – including British families – from across Northern and Eastern Europe.
Using a sports storeroom as a base, the organisation also handed out clothing and toys for children – while offering changing room showers and washing machines normally used for football strip for people to clean their clothing.
He said his project helped people living on the streets begin to integrate back into society – colleagues offer health advice and psychological counselling - but increasingly were offering aid to victims of the downturn.
“People come for lunch here and when they have finished we give them food for dinner,” he said, “…normally there are more men than women but there are also children who need support.”
He said people had lost their jobs though the recession. “Some are homeless because they have come to look for a better life in Spain but they have arrived to find the crisis.
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
OK Fergus,
Always being one to over-egg the pudding, I suggest you have a look at this before seeking employment in Spain....
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
Ex local government employees pension funds are amongst the best managed pension funds.
And as a result many local government employees who have endured stringent wage regulation throughout their working life have a reasonable retirement pension.
There are as in every field the few who earn exhorbitant salaries and therefore large pensions.
However the vast majority of employees are on low grades.
I am an ex local govt employee on a pension to which I contributed throughout my employment.
The pension funds operate on the same principle of any other and invest wisely resulting in good benefits for the members.
You could always become a local government employee if you feel they are better off than you, you will then see the reality.
Welcome to EOS
I take your point - especially the low paid foot soldiers - but can ANYONE explain this? (taken purely as an example from the Grauniad jobs page):......
Regeneration Enterprise and Skills
Strategic Development
Information and Monitoring Manager
PO6, £40,716 - £43,368
Greenwich is undergoing great change and the Council has already achieved a great deal of regeneration. This Borough is key to the development of the Thames Gateway and the success of the 2012 Olympics. Regeneration is being spearheaded by the development of land, buildings and new transport links, bringing new business and job opportunities alongside new homes and communities.
We are now looking to recruit to this post, following restructuring of the department. The post will report to the Strategic Development Manager and you will work as part of a team which is responsible for strategic regeneration: carbon management and reporting, energy procurement, research and statistics specifically in relation to population change, as well as support bids for external funding, all of which aim to maximise opportunities and benefits for local communities.
This is a key position for the department, responsible for researching, analysing and disseminating statistical and other information. Your team’s analysis will support the development of policy and initiatives relating to economic, social and environmental well-being in the borough.
You will be a highly numerate and experienced manager, with excellent analytical skills which you will use to advise the Council on relevant policy implications; have experience of working corporately and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels. You will have experience of leading projects of both staff and consultants including the Council’s preparations for Census 2011. This role will deputise for the Strategic Development Manager as required.
If you interested in the above post please go to our website at and apply on-line.
Closing date: Friday 26 February 2010.
Greenwich Council reserves the right to close any vacancy earlier than the advertised closing date should there be a high volume of applications received. other words....what will this lucky person actually DO?????
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
Is living in Spain really that bad now???
How we meander away from a given thread
It makes Normans weather reports seem more meaningful by the minute
Unbelievable as that seems!!
Hello to all,
Just joined up sp please go easy on me!!!!!!!
We are frequent visitors to Spain so I guess we have the best of both worlds. As for the topic itself, I suppose the old saying "Good and bad where ever you go" still stands.
Hello Gedo and welcome to the forum ("-")
Im also a newbie to EOS in terms of postings but have been a member for a while. Our place in Spain is quite near to you (Rojales).
I agree with David about the thread going off track somewhat ........
Hopefully this isn´t off-track...
Jumilla is doing a Tapa y Vino offer for 2€ for the next four weeks - launched in time for Valentine´s Day with the slogan "Vino y Queso, mejor que un beso", very romantic! We popped into a local bar this evening (as you do!) to sample their tapas, however when we placed our order the barman pointed out that the offer was only between 12 and 2 in their bar, and there was a sticker on the poster confirming this. However, he then shrugged his shoulders and said it was OK even though it was after 6.30 (or words to that effect, as he spoke in rapid Spanish) and brought our wine and tapas. That´s what I like about living in Spain, as I think you would be pushed to get that sort of reaction in the UK, however he clearly took the view that it ísn´t really busy between 6 and 8 so why not let us have the special deal?
PS They had a free scratch card too as part of the promotion, however we didn´t win anything there, so he gave me a miniature bottle of sherry as a consolation prize!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Dear All,
just how bad is it in Spain?
no jobs, homeless ex-pats, soup kitchens, no customers - so giveaways
the experts say.............
"Official figures out of Europe show that the Eurozone barely had a pulse — growing only .1%; a mere one-fourth as fast as predicted in the last three months of 2009.
The German and Portuguese economies failed to grow at all ... Spain’s economy contracted .1% and Greece’s economy shriveled by.8%.
That brings total economic growth in the European Union to a MINUS 2.3% for the year!"
is it like the job advert, so complex or meaningless that no one understands, you could be redundant anytime with a fat pay out and a well invested pension (with support from the council tax).
what a mad world.
PS the weather here is so meaningful with lots of bent cars passing on trailers
_______________________ N. Sands
Is living anywhere really that bad now?
Answer: No!
Why? Because you are alive!
Just think about all those poor souls in Haiti that have lost their lives, their loved ones, their homes... their very way of life... gone! Then look at all the trouble in Afghanistan, Iraq, China... the list is endless.
The entire World is in recession and therefore things are not so 'red rosy' for everyone.
Everybody living in every country is worse off now than before the World Wide Recession.
So stop complaining about how bad it is in the UK and comparing it to Spain, and indeed vice versa.
We did our research, worked out finances whilst always using the 'worst case scenario' as our guidelines and the Mrs and I are better off in Spain than we ever were in the UK and indeed ever could have been... Fact!
And as for our Dog... he's in the best place now as he doesn't have to listen to me go on about the rubbish that some people post on EOS about life in Spain, when they in fact cannot comment on life in Spain, as they have never lived here!
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 13/02/2010.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Dear All,
how to win an argument - present undeniable "truths" and give no right of reply and little actual detail.
to judge Techno's situation we need all the facts.
however he should allow that China, Brazil and India plus others are not suffering in the same way.
the UK is in trouble......
"Now the government has to find a staggering £676 billion this year just to meet its public spending commitments and repay its debt.
Trouble is income from taxes and other sources will only be £498 billion… leaving us with a crushing £178 billion shortfall in just one year."
of course we have the £ to devalue as the world realises the truth
so life in Spain will be great, as always, if you can survive on a 60c £ or less.
Techno may not be worried but many should be
Good luck
_______________________ N. Sands
Well said TechNoApe, I couldn't agree more, it could be a lot worse. Norman, I bet you are a bundle of joy to be around........... enjoy life while you can, there will be plenty of time to moan.
: Torrevieja Mayor Pedro Hernandez Mateo shows the Microsoft representatives around the world leading Torrevieja Hospital
Microsoft wants Torrevieja
OFFICIALS AT Torrevieja Town Hall are keeping their fingers and toes crossed that computer giants Microsoft choose the municipality when they decide where to place their new Centre of Investigations into Healthcare Systems. The Town Hall has offered Bill Gates’ multi billion dollar company a plot of land next to the hospital on which to build their new centre: a decision is to be made in the next couple of weeks.
And according to Town Hall sources, even the Valencian President Francisco Camps pulled out all the stops at a recent meeting in the US to persuade Mr Gates to locate to Torrevieja; competing against Alicante, Elche, Benidorm and Valencia for the privilege of having the prestigious company in their city.
Torrevieja’s hospital is one of many reasons why the city is in the running for the company’s new centre as it is a world leader in the type of technology that Microsoft wants to develop further. ‘Florence’ is the name of the hospital’s management and diagnostic system and it is certainly the best in Spain, if not in Europe.
Microsoft is developing the system and hopes to expand it, so they need to set up a headquarters here in Spain. And what better place to do that than next to the hospital where ‘Florence’ was born?
Pedro Hernandez Mateo, the Mayor of Torrevieja, who has been in discussions with Valencia to persuade them to allow the project to come to the city, commented: “Florence was born here and we want to see her grow up!” Last week, Alfredo Jimenez, Microsoft’s Health Systems Director; Montserrat Pardo, the Chief of Institute Relations for Microsoft and Andre Piso, responsible for Public Administrations for Microsoft Europe, met with the Mayor and some of the City’s Councillors and visited the hospital to see ‘Florence’ in action.
The Town Hall Spokesman told RTN: “The Mayor showed them around the city and the hospital and they seemed very keen. We are between two major airports, less than one kilometre from the main coastal motorway, not to mention the port; so the city has a great chance.”
The centre will not bring hundreds of jobs to the area as it will be extremely specialised and will only require between 15 and 20 technological scientists to be employed there. However, the investment that such a big company will bring to the City as well as the prestige, could encourage other big companies to come to the City. Who knows, the Vega Baja could become the next Silicone Valley…!
still here after all these years!
lets pray to god they don't choose that area.
Yes you do live in Spain full time, but you must accept that people live duel lives (even a holiday) and deserve an opinion
Norman is also due his opinion so we shouldn't diss him for that. But it is true to say he does wonder!!
As for Max up there with the fairies!!
Third week of six, OMG it does rain here!!
The entire World is in recession and therefore things are not so 'red rosy' for everyone.
Most of the world is out of recession now. Spain is the only G20 country still in recession. It looks like an EU/IMF bailout for Spain is more or less inevitable now. I think that will cause more pain in the short term but in the long term, it will be good for Spain as it is forced to cut public sector spending. It's obvious that Spanish government has no plan to tackle their deficit and are just burying their head in the sand. At least an EU/IMF bailout will force them to take action.
Also, what happens when the Spanish banks start coming clean about their massive property losses?
It's going to be an interesting couple of years...
Read my blog: Spain Money Saving Tips and Offers 
Use TransferWise to send money abroad. A lot cheaper than the bank and other online currency exchanges!.
lets pray to god they don't choose that area."
?? why ever not??
I don't think the UK is out of recession by any stretch.....figures may give a tiny bit of confidence but it is certainly not reflecting in the economy, i think the UK will suffer for many years now as they are at the bottom of a very large deficit hole.....and they keep digging.
still here after all these years!
No, Georgia - I don't understand that either.
I may be "up with the fairies" (although I have been married for 22 years) but I know what I see, and I know things aren't getting any better here in Spain. I also think that Britain is living in a bubble which is about to burst, and I don't think spending huge amounts on employees who are non-productive and don't contribute to exports is the answer. That is not "stimulating the economy" - it is just wasting money and increasing an already terrifying debt mountain.
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
Hi All,
The original question was
Is living in Spain really that bad now???
I have been in Spain now for 9 years and I can tell you it has not been a bed of roses. We all come here for different reasons and I can assure you, I have thought many times about whether it would be better to be back in the UK.
Until my eyes were opened when I started a web page Simply Networking which translate into English (provided we can get are hands on it) the information of What’s On and Where to Go in the Region Murcia, I would have contested that England was better.
However having now discovered just how much is going on here generally for free and even get fed and watered at the same time, I would now say I prefer Spain.
I think the main problem that most of us face here is the fear of the unknown and that starts with the Language, so we stay isolated and miss what Spain is about. It’s taken me 8 years and my new vocation, for me to see what Spain has to offer but I hope it can be less for you. So don’t be shy take a look and see if it helps you too.
Its certainly changed our lives, as we´ve realised that if you want to make a go of things here you have to try and understand the Spanish way and accept it for what it is, and yes, we write about the things that make us mad as well, but we now look actively for all the things that make us happy and we´ve realised theres everything here for you if you just look for it.
With over 5000 pages on our web site I think it will keep you busy with the things you can do right now here in Murcia.
I hope you do not mind my Soap Box Approach but maybe I will some of you at the next event. We went to 2 carnival parades yesterday in Cartagena and Aguilas, had a brilliant day, and even got free paella and beer for lunch, and all we try to do is share that knowledge with other people. Making that decision has changed our lives here.
Yes, Cooper130, and it is very good indeed. I recommend everyone in the Murcia region looks at it.
If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have got to see the brilliant Ten Years After for 10€ (scraped up from my turn-ups). 2 hours of brilliant music for 5€/hour!
The terror most of us long timers have is that of having to return to the UK, because we love it here in Spain, it's just the spondoolicks! Felous, know what I'm talking about! Anyone who has stuck it out here is a grafter by nature (if they don't have an alternative income). All we want is to be able to survive - it might require working 7 days a week - but that's OK.
Keep up the good work, Cooper130
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
Oh dear looks as though the tax authorities are hiking taxes as feared, see this article:
Almost 700% tax hikes in the Costa Blanca region to shore up municipal budgets by exaggerating property sizes.
Quite worrying as the article goes on to explain "the only way to fight is through costly legal action that might not succeed".
Here we go again....