The Comments |
Thank you for all the supportive PMs I received regarding my " edited offensive post " in reply to TechNoApe's post ,
I simply could not hold my tongue any longer. I have been holding it since TechNoApe first started posting and it was beginning to make me gag . His constant patronising ,condescending know it all attitude could no longer , in my opinion go on unchallenged .
For someone who has only been in been in Spain for five minutes his arrogance is quite astounding . I am so pleased to hear via PM that so many agree and I am not alone . I do hope TechNoApe was able to read my post before it was removed that way he may have a think about things and adjust his attitude before he posts any more insulting ignorant contributions .
Until you have actually spent years in the Spanish legal system fighting for justice ,win lose or draw, you just don't know what it is like . It is gruelling, soul destroying and at times practically all consuming ,
I spent 6 years in it and won in the end .I am not about to be preached to and patronised by one of the "smug luckies ". I did years of research too Techno !!!!!!
Thanks all for your support 
This message was last edited by julie anne on 29/03/2010.
This message was last edited by julie anne on 29/03/2010. This message was last edited by julie anne on 29/03/2010.
But to play deviil's advocat
Luck that you don't choose a developer that goes into administration, luck that you don't hit massive time delays on completion dates, luck that the specification lives up to the marketing detail, luck that the promised facilities aren't significantly curtailed, luck that the whole complex gets completed and occupied and you're not left with a mass of empty apartment blocks with a developer who refuses to pay his share of maintenance contribution, luck that you gain mains services (not developer's supply) prior to completion date, luck that you have a developer that is honourable in their obligation to address faults, .......... and so it goes on and on.
No Ads, its not just about luck, read babols post on the other thred, there is a massive amount you can do when buying a property here to avoid falling foul of bad luck, there was a fair amount of jumping on the band wagon a few years ago that did amount to speculation and greed.
Is this not why investors have have gambled with 'risk and reward' for so many years, Jo public thought they could join in, many got there fingers burnt, dodgy builders,agents and lawyers just saw them coming.
However, the law of the land should be there to protect everybody, to the same degree regardless of status.
The post below is typical of ignorant people and not worth responding to.
Quote julie anne: "insulting ignorant contributions"
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.
However, your opinion, in my opinion is ignorant off the facts, as I have been dealing with property purchases since 2006... that's four years!!! And did quite a lot of research before then, I must add.
And I also have had to deal with, and am currently doing so with regards to some community problems, the Spanish legal system, and yes! it is frustrating... but you just have to keep on going and get the job done. We had a few problems during our purchases, but I used the Spanish legal system to sort them out.
I didn't have the chance to read your 'edited' offensive post... but it must have been quite offensive to justify Justin editing it, and in my opinion, there is no place on this or any other forums for people such as you, and others, to openly criticise and insult others for posting their opinions.
This thread started off asking for people's opinions on life in Spain, and degraded quite rapidly into a shouting match, where by anyone who had a good comment on life in Spain was shot, hung, drawn and quartered by those who have had a nightmare trying to buy off-plan property in Spain.
Lastly, if indeed you did receive a few PM's from people 'supporting' your stance:
a) I could probably name all those who did... as they also post in a similar manner to you.
b) It is truly sad that it has come to this, that people like you have to post in an offensive manner and then have people 'scurry around you in the dark' and give you 'support' for your opinion.
That's one of the reasons I left the UK.... people like you!
At least people around here, even if they have problems, don't blame anyone else and just get on with sorting things out!
And that is what is so good about living in Spain.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Dear Goodstitch and the few others,
Oh dear, oh dear, did we get it wrong!!!!!
Apart from our natural moronic ignorance, with whatever brain cells that left us with before the flight, we left those few on the plane and handed our money to respected established EU lawyers.
I must have missed this requirement at the property exhibition and you didn't tell me.
people as stupid as us should not be allowed to keep our life's savings when there are so many deserving crooks about and as for sympathy - forget it.
that of course begs the question as to how so many others managed to succeed without this necessary training????????
still perhaps they only managed little places in the sun.
Oh well, perhaps in the next life.
The above post is typical of a bitter and intellectually challenged old moaner who is incapable of reading and understanding what is read. For your information: property is still being purchased in Spain.....maybe the one you lost out on has gone at a knock-down price to a lucky buyer? I guess I'd find it hard not to be bitter and twisted if that happened to me.
But here I am, in my large villa in Sunny Spain. No way a 'small place, Norman old chap. 9Cue posts accusing me of gloating, snobbery, treading on the crushed bones of serfs etc.etc.) But..who knows what future snares lie in my path?
And also for your information: there has been no 'Third World', jungle or otherwise, since 1989 and the demise of the Second World.
People like you...'stupid and ignorant'...your words not mine...have lost their life savings. Others haven't. There are many reasons as to why.
Basically, you are becoming a joke and it's hard to feel sympathy for you as you begrudge the happiness of others.. Some people have put forward reasoned points explaining the malpractice they encountered. You can't even explain with full clarity exactly what happened in your case.
Like others here, I'm very content with my life in Spain so far. Gorgeous weather coming up, great food and wine, good friends....and a lovely house to enjoy it all in. Why not save your bile for a little thread all of your own - suggested title: 'Why I will Spend the Rest of My Days Complaining about How I was Ripped Off in Spain?' The Rough Justice thread is becoming informative (apart from your interventions) and I have learnt interesting facts about people's bad experiences.
The question posed on this thread is a simple one and has nothing to do with embittered people venting their sense of injustice on those of us who are doing nicely here, thankyou.'s heating up and I won't be wasting time on these or other threads when the pool and sun-lounger beckon. Carry on carping....
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Well Norman
it looks like the Owl of Minerva has spread her wings and dumped all over you.
What can I say........
Praguepix, TechnoApe, Team GB....... Why must you always have the last word? If you are happy then fine, but you really don't need to kick a man when he is down. You are all doing exactly what you are accusing the others of, slinging pointless insults at those who have already suffered!
Why, fultond? Because he's a rude, silly old man who asks for it. His understandable disappointment at not having his little piso in the sun has turned into jealousy of all who haven't been so unlucky. He has made a hobby of hijacking this and many other threads to spread his ungrammatical, misspelt bile. He deliberately misreads posts he disagrees with and then makes false allegations which, when challenged, he fails to substantiate. In spite of the fact that we have all made it very clear that we ubderstand that corruption, fraud etc. has taken place and that we sympathise with victims thereof, he persists in his bleating claims that we think everyone who has lost out on property deals is stupid and deserving of their misfortune. He forgets that the huge majority of people who bought in Spain did so successfully. People are still buying and more will now that prices have tumbled. Someone might even have bought old Norm's piso at a knock-down price.
In short, he has allowed natural feelings of anger and bitterness to turn into envy and spite. It will make him ill.
Norman ....your geography isn't up to much. The Czech Republic is in Central, not Eastern Europe. Prague is west of Vienna. There is no 'Third World' since the 'Second World' disappeared with the dissolution of the Soviet bloc in the late 80s early 90s.
Now....something personal to get your bile flowing: I didn't need to sharpen my business skills in Prague. Our business skills had already paid off to the point where we decided we had accumulated enough to do what we wanted in life well before most people retire.. We led an idle, enjoyable life in Prague, just as we are doing in Spain - and not in a 'small' home, as you suggested either. Au contraire: we live in a large villa, double plot, pool on terrace, nice quiet area. House worth over a million euros a couple of years ago, down about 40% of that now. Now there's a topic for a thread....
Now you can add boastfulness and smugness to your list of my sins. Do I care???? I'm off to enjoy a cooling drink on my terrace, having just returned from a walk on the beach. Sun shining, everyone why waste time responding to old Norm's moans and whinges any more? Summer is upon us..
This message was last edited by praguepix on 30/03/2010.
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Found in last week's Euroweekly, Classifieds:
Wow!! Guaranteed mortgage, why rent? A few Villas for sale in Marbella and Fuengirola. Large mortgages included, move in today for 20000, pay the rest later, any deal welcome 617333777 or
The people who paid good money to have this ad inserted did so in the knowledge that they would get many swift responses. They don't even have a 'proper' commercial e-mail address. Yet suckers who have never heard the axiom 'If it seems too good to be true it probably is' will rush to get their bargain.
Later they will no doubt appear on an ex-pat site near your computer moaning about how they have acted in good faith yet been cheated by lying Spanish/British scumbags ad infinitum. Those who jump on these bandwagons out of spite, mischief or boredom or have also lost out in the property market for some reason or other will offer them a shoulder to cry on and will heap abuse and opprobrium on those of us who keep our brains in the usual place i.e. some three or four feet above the place where people who fall for that kind of snake-oil pitch keep theirs.
You couldn't make it up.......
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Dear All,
good lord, do we have a new world leader in Techno?????? what about P, my goodness if we could combine those two in some way the world's problems would soon evaporate.
are they really as good as they say?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
no, they are just taking advantage of Goodstitch's absence.
well we had "Spring" but shedding the pullover was short-lived, we are suffering again with cold, wind and rain.
meanwhile family are in Tenerife enjoying a weeks break from farming with hopefully the best of weather.
come on Justin, give us a peek, it must have been good and well deserved, in any case he cannot be dented, it is only those knife wielding five year-olds that can do that.
unfortunately the forum seems to have concluded it is pretty bad now, unless you are a superman property speculator or a rich retiree .
Have a great time.
ps don't let the "sillies" upset you they can't help it
This message was last edited by normansands on 30/03/2010.
_______________________ N. Sands
TechNoApe I had 42 different people pm me in support of my posts . Please do name them !!!!!!
Lets cut to the chase Ape. How long have you lived in Spain ??? and does this really gives you "carte blanche" to comment on everything Spanish ! I think not !!!!!
I have been speaking Spanish since I was 2 , I have a Spanish mother , I have lived in Spain for about 3/4 of my life but would never post anything as ignorant or arrogant as you have . Why do you insist on posting such misguided views on all things Spanish when you get most of it quite ,quite wrong !
Praguepix there is no reply to you !!!!! I am just glad I do not need to know you ,do business with you or have any contact with you in the real world .. Pheeeew !!!!!!!!!! . I can however recommend a very good psychiatrist 
Team GB as previously stated your post does not even warrant a reply although it certainly shows a severe lack of education !! Team BG , I have only one thing to say regards your post ,,,,,,,,,, Complete and total ,,,,, TOSH
Perhaps all the " corruption / injustice deniers " and the " you only have yourself to blame " brigade need some time for reflection ??????? . If you do all have interests in the property industry, as many believe ! and if feelingsof guilt are begining to cause you anxiety . It is time for some serious reflection ?
Perhaps we could begin with " Attack is the best form of defence "
Have a good night all julie anne
This message was last edited by julie anne on 30/03/2010.
Quote norman (again) unfortunately the forum seems to have concluded it is pretty bad now, unless you are a superman property speculator or a rich retiree .
Sorry, I said I wasn't going to reply to this thread as it serves no purpose whatsover. However, I can't let this go. No they haven't. You have.
Now go and make up some other things because I again refuse to reply to this thread.
Hey Babel . I am more than a little confused by your last post . It makes no sense at all .If as you state it serves no purpose whatsoever to reply to a post , then why bother.
In truth your post was neither a reasonable reply to any of the previous posts nor was it a coherent response to anything on the thread .What on earth were you trying to say ?
If you must post (even when you say there is no point ) at least make yourself clear .Right now no one has a clue as to what you were trying to say ?? Constructive No ! Irritating Yes ! Helpful absolutely Not !
I am also attempting to give a damn / Damn not given !!!!!!!!
This message was last edited by julie anne on 31/03/2010.
What the heck have I and others done to you? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether it is right or wrong. But there is no need to be disproportionately aggressive towards other posters.
I note from a forum search on your Member Name (Everyone - don't hit the Enter/Return button because it doesn't work - click on the search forum button) that you appear to have posted little since Jan 2009 until you posted in the 'rough justice yet again' thread that you had won your case, and then at that point you came over to this thread and became abusive towards myself and other posters!
In my opinion it is you who have the problem. Have I commented adversely on that thread?
I note that you haven't actually posted a reply that actually comments on the thread title: Is life in Spain really that bad now?
Well? Is it?
P.S. In fact it appears that you have posted/contributed little over the last couple of years!!! This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 31/03/2010.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
I have to support Bobaol here. The forum has absolutely not "concluded it is pretty bad now, unless you are a superman property speculator or a rich retiree".
There is no overall concensus, with Positive posters probably being greater in number and negative posters being more vocal.
Interestingly the Negative posters by and large quote corruption etc as their main issue, which leads me to the conclusion that unless you have suffered in this way ( which is the the majority of us) is still better than we would have in the UK.
***puts on tin hat and awaits ritual slagging off from what NS would describe as the "non-sillies"***
Firstly, Julie Anne, put down the bottle and step away from the keyboard. Now, take a deep breath aaaannddd, relax. There, now isn’t that better?
I was responding to Norman who seems to think everybody on this board agrees it is bad in Spain and I was pointing out they hadn’t. I was not talking to you, not referring to you nor commenting on your posts. However, to come back with an Ad Hominen attack against me simply means the sympathy I originally felt for you, plus the elation I felt when you posted your problem had been resolved, is rapidly disappearing. This thread is turning out to be unwarranted attacks between members and is getting very depressing, annoying and totally pointless.
If your vision is so blurred that you cannot even read my name properly (it is BOBAOL) then perhaps you should only reply during the light of day. Of course, the amusing reading of Babel may have been a clever play on words (or not, as the case may be) in which case, hah bloody hah!
Now, can we please get back to sensible topics. I have said it over and over, I do feel sorry for those who have been caught out through no fault of their own even though they have done everything right. I got caught the first time as well if some of you bother actually reading replies instead of thinking up clever ways to cause rifts among the majority of people who try and help those who got caught out. Tons and tons of advice and sympathy has been given by various posters who get attacked as “deniers”, “ostriches” or worse. I will iterate, it is not my fault so stop trying to put the blame on me (and others).
And, finally, just because the internet gives people the opportunity to be abusive, write nasty comments and post utter tripe does not mean that you have feel obligated to do so.
Dear All,
my information such as it is, is from Justin and others posts' on the economic and job situation as expressed on the forum.
why oh why cannot the "sillies" stop condemning me, quite wrongly and exit their denial state??????????????
of course Spain is wonderful if you have the means and situation, why does this obvious truth have to be beaten like some sort of perpetual drum??????????????
it is of course not as wonderful as it used to be for the Brits dependent on the exchange rate decline.
they are not returning in their droves willingly you silly people.
_______________________ N. Sands
Why is it that when you go on other sites these people are on ,it is exactly the same as on here where they turn all the threads into Spanish corruption ?
Todos somos Lorca.
When "goodstichgate'' happened i wrote to Justin and among other things suggested that the two "problem'' threads be removed. They were obviously not and the abuse and personal attacks get worse!
What i think is quite sad, and this is my opinion only, is that people post about rudness and insults and abuse and then react in the same way. i think julie anne's recent postings, including the one removed, have been the wost ever on here and this from a "laydee'' . Her greenhouse can't have much glass left intact.
And before it starts i only live in Spain 18/19 weeks a year. I have only done so for the last two years. No luckily i haven't been a victim of any corrupt/dishonest actions (that i know about). I only speak some Spanish. I have no Spanish relations that i know about. I haven't had to cope with the exchange rate on a fixed income.
But after all that i still have the right to post, and will do so, and am more than happy to to read the opinions of others.
What i don't need is supposed adults telling me what i should and shouldn't think!!